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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. didn't Doja get to number one in parts due to her promising to show off her tits or something? Also, while 'Say So' is a bop, where are my good up in arms feminist sisters at? Don't they know that the song was produced by our good pal Dr Luke?
  2. pretty sure that was meant to be shady towards Lana
  3. sunk the dunker means to drown Lana basically, I'm guessing Doja took it personally
  4. stan Twitter would've somehow made the correlation and we would've had the exact same discussion
  5. Nicki will speak up for sure, that's her whole shtick. Maybe Ariana and Camila have good reading skills and will see that Lana didn't mean to shade them and maybe they'll mention something more positive. The rest of them will probably stay silent, because they probably don't care, especially Beyoncé.
  6. That's some wishful thinking. I kinda wish she'd meet up with Dan Auerbach right about now and devote all that aggressivity she's got within and put that into her art.
  7. If you believe in cancel culture, mayhaps. If you have fully functioning braincells, you'll be fine. Besides, Twitter stans only preach for themselves, it's an echo chamber of sorts.
  8. I feel like the only repercussions will be Twitter users hating on her even more than they already did, and calling her problematic and shit. For us fans and John Q Public, and I might be wrong, this doesn't seem like it's going to affect her really. Just wait until someone "fucks up" on and for these same Twitter folks and re-start the "cancel" machine again, and they'll forget Lana even existed.
  9. I feel like what you're trying to do is putting a value or a level of intensity to someone's personal challenges/harships and then turn around and be like "Lana sweetie, even though your post was not about that, your hardship is not as valid or as important as this other woman's". Yes, it was pointless for her to namedrop anyone, but Lana legit thought about quitting it all almost ten years ago because of the way she was treated, and her seeing women feeling bold to express their views of feminism and womanhood, and being praised for it, probably irks her, because not so long ago she was being criticized and hated on for doing exactly that with her own lyrics and image. Sad to hear about what both Beyoncé and Nicki went through seriously. I guess that with Beyoncé, like you said, she had the last laugh, Lemonade is considered to be a very important piece of artistry and she received very positive reviews and critical acclaim for its importance as a music and visual piece, but also as a monument for black culture as well. Because at the end of the day what truly matters is the people that put you up, not try to put you down.
  10. Y'all would've been totally fine had she not mentioned any of these women, but somehow her giving exemples as to how she was treated like shit by the industry as a whole, you twist this into a racist issue and are like "oh poor white girl" or "this sounds about white", she expressed her feelings as a woman period, nothing to do with anyone's skin colour.
  11. Well, Lorde basically mentioned Lana in a couple of interviews back in 2013 when she first released Pure Heroin. She said that she listened to Born To Die a bunch and disagreed with a lot of the lyrical content on the album, which in counterpart inspired her to write her own material. She said something along the lines of Lana not being a good exemple/being unhealthy for girls/women.
  12. I mean I did understood what Lana meant in her statement, some of it could've been worded better, but like...some people really have to reach and make this a race issue with Lana merely mentioning other successful female artist, some of them happening to be POC, and automatically assuming by them being successful she completely disregarded or overlooked their personal challenges and perhaps not so fortunate circumstances. As if she didn't have personal challenges or experienced bullshit in the music industry herself, which is exactly what her whole post was about.
  13. Also, is it just me or some of her statement is a direct jab at Lorde and all the shit she said about Lana early on in her career
  14. Funny how you actually encapsulated everything Lana meant with her post and you didn't even mention anyone's skin colour or even ethnicity... Oh wait, that's exactly what Lana meant too.
  15. I honestly wouldn't say anything if I were her. Her statement was what it was, the more she writes, the more she feeds the beast, in simpler terms she feeds these stan Twitter folks that apparently have no life as they just keep waiting for a celebrity to say or express something slightly tone deaf to start a #SuchArtistIsCanceledParty. Which is exactly what is happening right now. Next thing we know is that Ms. Azealia Banks will wake up from her long winter's nap to drag Lana, again. Then these same stan Twitter no-lifers will rejoice "yAy AnOtHeR pRoBlEmAtIc WhItE wOmAn HaS bEeN dEfEaTeD!!!1!" then they'll go back to hating Azealia, because even they don't like her.
  16. Legit the only thing I don't like about her post is that she mentioned other people in it and I only don't like that she did so because I knew she would catch heat on stan Twitter. She's 100% right on this one.
  17. So it was ok for critics to pan Lana as anti-feministic for describing not so glamorous/perfect relationships? I feel like you've missed the point here, like a lot of people you were so up in arms about Lana daring to mention women of colour in her post, that you've missed the point. She wants every fucking women to express what they want and stop being labeled a certain way by critics and haters. She didn't disregard the hardships that some of them have experienced, or where they are coming from, she just didn't mention it. Like I said it could've been worded better, but here we are.
  18. As if Beyoncé didn't come from a middle/higher class family when her two parents were successful entrepreneurs and she became one of the most prolific and successful entertainers in the history of music... Like
  19. I feel like some of y'all just don't know me and never tried to get to know me just because I went against the grain and slandered NFR. I've been a fan of her since 2012. I've seen so much bullshit when it comes to Lana, from critics and also some of her haters mentioned in my post. I am a hardcore fan of her first three records and I don't think that will ever change, it's just that I've been less of a fan of her past two records and I've been fed up with her antics since like 2016-17. I can play nice.
  20. Stan Twitter in a nutshell.
  21. I whole heartedly agree with Lana's post. I honestly just wish she had taken out the names off it. Lana has legit been at the receiving end of so much hatred in the past ten years, I feel like what she said is the accumulation of ten years of bullshit from critics and twitter/tumblr SJWs, I too like her am fucking fed up with people throwing the word "glamorize" whenever someone tries to be smart and explain her lyrics. It could've been worded better. Lana is obviously a fan of all the women she mentioned in her post, but I can see her frustration of seeing other women express certain views of womanhood in their music and being praised for it and her doing exactly that, but being panned as anti-feministic and problematic. What I get from this is that Lana wants all women, of all pans of life and horizons, to feel free to express themselves however the fuck they want and I'm here for that.
  22. Snippets Del Rey is back at it again with the delayed projects. Sometimes I genuinely wish Lana would either like live in secrecy and only manifest when she actually has something properly done and finished to present and stop playing cat and mouse games with her fans.
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