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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I cannot get over how Dan changed that song, the radio edit was really nice and chill, but that version? Transcending.
  2. at this point I feel like Lana likes to play cat out mice game with her fans, with how bad the roll outs of her albums turn out. But also, how sucky her snippet game is. She legit spoils half the album, if not more, even before she releases it.
  3. It's honestly the best tour and it also had the best set list, before it come tired and repetitive.
  4. Lana has legit made a "I'm signing off" song on her last three albums, surely at this point the reality of the situation isn't lost on some fans. She ain't going anywhere.
  5. I know this is an old forgotten thread, but I found my old phone and I was able to retrieve the pictures on there. Long story short: here are a couple of shots I took that night (sorry if the quality is a bit iffy and also I've hidden my face and my friends' face because I'm too shy to post that on here ). Here are the altered pictures: The Endless Summer Tour was honestly amazing, her best tour in my honest opinion.
  6. I feel like that's quite an unpopular opinion, but I'm actually obsessed with that title. I hope the album has that lush 60s type of sound (maybe with a touch of psychedelic rock) à la 'Nancy & Lee' especially on 'Summer Wine' or 'Some Velvet Morning' or even like 'We Have All The Time In The World' by Lewis Armstrong (can you just imagine Lana even covering that one). Because that's totally what I'm getting from 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' and also judging by the couple of old movies pictures and videos she has posted on Instagram lately. Old school is what Lana does best in my opinion.
  7. I don't even have to see that Lana posted something new on insta, I just know it. It goes from one or two mutuals online to like fifteen.
  8. Her newest post is actually very cute and wholesome.
  9. I honestly think she should've kept it to herself, or like completely re-write it and not mention anyone or sound incredibly selfish and self-centered. But that was sadly not the case. Also, this rant was eight years too late in my personal opinion.
  10. CHANGE YOUR COSTUME MIMI, CHANGE IT AROUND! I have an infinite amount of love for Tammie Brown, such a lovely odd ball.
  11. They're wearing masks and the pictures have this black and white filter, these peaceful protestors are hardly recognizable. Besides, a ton of celebrities are showing protestors' faces in their posts, I don't see any of y'all or a bunch of Twitter stans singling them out or berating them over this one specific thing? There was a clear issue with showing looters yesterday, that was incensitive and potentially dangerous, but this is not in my view.
  12. I honestly agree with that, her music is often more well thought out than her written pieces. Probably why I don't care too much for her poetry, it's too random and needs better and more concise writing. Her lyrical writing is much, much better and less tone deaf in my opinion.
  13. I don't think she's going to pull her victim card à la TSwift, but all of the criticism she's been receiving lately will probably be adressed or alluded to on music in some ways. If it's something like 'Brooklyn Baby' then I'm personally fine with that. Anything too much will just be cringy and criticized even more.
  14. I legit just commented on some old 2015 thread, so it's kinda funny that you mentioned that. But two out of the three Lana concerts I attended took place in an area. The Bell Centre in Montreal, Canada. First in 2014 and then in 2015, she outsold both times.
  15. The best Lana show I have ever attented. Too bad I had my old phone back then so some of the pictures are lost and also I'm too much of a coward to post my selfie with Lanz on here.
  16. she's outsold arenas though.
  17. I know this is not the right thread, but here I go. Not for nothing, I thought that Tinashe’s approach to having Lana take down that video was a bit silly. I agree that Lana shouldn’t have posted that video in the first place, that was very clumsy and insensitive on her part. However, calling her out on Twitter over it was counterproductive. I very much think that Tinashe felt like this video was actually harmful, but by making it so public she definitely brought unwanted attention to the video and prompted people to look up for it, like the whole point was to avoid these people getting recognized, yet she indirectly promoted it. I honestly believe that it would’ve been much smarter for her to DM Lana in private and be like "Yo Lana, you should take down your video, because it’s actually harmful and you're putting these people’s lives at risk", I’m sure Lana would’ve taken it down anyway, and rightly so. To me this just goes to show that call out/gatekeeping culture can sometimes actually be counterproductive. I hope the good sis releases a single in the next month or so to divert all this negative attention she's been receiving lately into what she actually does best: make music.
  18. I thought his videos about Shallon Lester were pretty spot on, this however is a stretch. Regurgitating everything that has already been said about Lana in the past two weeks. Jumping on that bandwagon and attacking literally the easiest target in pop culture at the moment, yawn.
  19. When good intentions don't cut it, people turn your tone deaf/less than smart moves into you actually wanting to be malicious, making it seem like said moves are you genuinely being ill intentioned. This is getting fucking ridiculous. I understand and agree with most of the criticism in regards to her approach, but she listened to criticism and legit took down the video. This is getting extremely vicious and tiresome now. Lana sweetie, do yourself a service and just disconnect for a while.
  20. because in these day and age it's so much more fun to call out someone publically then asking/telling them privately what is wrong with them/their content. The last video was tone deaf, inappropriate and lacked self awareness, I'm glad she took it off.
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