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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Doesn't lana mean 'wool' in Spanish? I doubt there are many Spanish/Hispanic women that are called Lana in their native country if true lol. Besides, pretty sure she took the name Lana because of the famous old Hollywood actress Lana Turner and the 'Del Rey', while a spanish sounding name, was borrowed from the car Ford 'Del Rey', which had been commercialized by the American company in Brazil during the 80s.
  2. If I recall correctly Lana was asked about cultural appropriation when she did this video interview with Complex magazine back in 2017, can't recall what she said though. But I'm sure she'd be willing to admit where she was wrong, if she was given the opportunity. Also, I feel like her giving proceeds to Native foundations in the US is a form of reparation after she wore the headdress for the Ride music video, I could be wrong though.
  3. Agree, but I meant like 'Brooklyn Baby' and 'Money Power Glory' are both tracks that directly attacked these critics. In the first one, the line "they judged me like a picture book, like the colours like they forgot to read" is pretty self explanatory. In the latter, it's clear that the song is ironic as a whole, like she got back ironically at those critics that claimed that's all she wanted when she came on the scene with her new name and whatnot.
  4. I don't think it was a tad bit lol, most of the record was a big fuck you to her most fervent critics.
  5. I'm not sure why she referenced him here, makes sense with the extrapolation of the "Ground control to Major Tom" lyrics. But Terrence actually references Terry Burns, David Bowie's brother who died somewhat young. I've always thought of the song as a sort of hommage to both David and his brother.
  6. Some fans on this very forum are still on her dick for that, for real yeah it's problematic, but at some point you realize that these are just lyrics and you grow out of that. I've said it on another thread, I'm pretty sure even Lana finds some of that earlier lyricism/persona to be cringe. Like she now vehemently denies needing a person in her music, and also refuses to sing 'Ultraviolence' as well as 'Cola' and even cringes on stage singing certain lyrics in 'Gods & Monsters'. I reckon there's been tremendous growth on her part these past couple of years.
  7. NFR remains subpar, Lana remains tone deaf, flawed and ignorant on certain issues, but some of the things y'all say about her (emphasis on some), these bold claim/accusations... a stretch.
  8. Can you believe I didn't buy that when I had the chance back in 2014. My broke ass remembers.
  9. This bop has been on repeat lately
  10. Agree that she's run her mouth and made herself look like a damn fool, and socially unaware these past couple weeks (she's a poor verbal communicator after all). Also, she needs to lay off the type writer and her insta for a bit, no one wants a "Question for the Culture" part two.
  11. If you guys hate her so called shallow, ignorant or alleged inherent racist ways that much, why are you still claiming that fan title? Granted she runs her mouth a bunch and says and does questionable and tone deaf stuff a lot (especially lately), but like berating a grown ass woman on a discussion board literally dedicated to her under the guise of "trying to educate her" on important issues all the while living in your own bubble of contradictions yourself, is quite frankly laughable. On se regarde avant de juger, s'il vous plait. Merci.
  12. I'd never let that many people come over at my place, much less if I were a celebrity with fame hungry "friends"
  13. I'm sooo ready for Lana to hit us all with that chaotic/vengeful energy on 'Brooklyn Baby part. deux (the remix)' on COCC. To hell with these hiveminded and drama savvy journalists/music critics anyway.
  14. Also about 'Born To Die', the only thing that didn't age well about 'Born To Die' are some of its lyrics. The production is alright. Emile Haynie and the others did great on here. The goosebumps I still get when I put 'Radio' on prove that to me.
  15. Might be an unpopular opinion, but if, and I really mean if, Lana actually has an actual concept for this album. In my opinion, 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is a brilliant album title. But going by statistics, besides the title track this album is probably going to be pretty random and inconsistent in terms of concept.
  16. I feel like Lana puts a great deal of thoughts into her album covers, but they never stroke me as being conceptual, or like related to the concept of the album. More often than not, it's just a pretty picture imho. Edit: There might've been a concept with 'NFR' though, but the actual cover ended up being too crowded and mismatched.
  17. I never really understood that critique tbh? Like granted it's a slick pop record and maybe there are certain moments the production is a tad overpowering. But like all this criticism about the album came after Lana released her other albums (especially 'Ultraviolence' which was just drastically different sonically speaking). It's all in hindsight. 'Born To Die' is iconic. Period.
  18. I'd say it was actually worth seeing her perform until 2015, she kinda hit her peak during the Endless Summer tour. After that it's been hit or miss with her shows, but mostly miss starting 2018 imho.
  19. For real the past two tours, but especially the ironically eponymously named tour have been a hot mess. I haven't seen her live in a hot minute, but I honestly don't know if I'd be willing to pay and then fight for a spot in the barricade for her to put zero efforts into her shows.
  20. All of these are true, but the last one irritates me the most. It's obvious sometimes she's not in the mood and she's just not super energetic on stage (granted she's not usually the most energetic performer) and it comes across as lazy. It's just awkward to watch her perform, especially at a festival when not everyone is a fan of hers to begin with. Like Lanz you can do better.
  21. From my end the album was not mainstream at all, just basic in its construction/execution. It was alright, just not as uniquely "Lana Del Rey" like her first three records. On the other hand, 'Lust for Life' was, for the most part, pretty mainstream sonically.
  22. Honestly always been wondering that too.
  23. Given that both Charlie and Chuck don't seem to acknowledge her either (and that Chuck def seems to be cool with Lanz calling Candace her mom), I'd say that Patty has probably done some questionable/shitty things to all the Grant kids at this particular point.
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