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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. and also, while they might not be as popular they certainly hold their own, Neil Krug and Nicole Nodland. But for real I think the 'Honeymoon' cover is cute, but the perspective is a little strange, like Lana looks weirdly small on there. The 'Lust for Life' cover... Lana's pose and smile look hella weird and 'NFR!' just looks too mismatched, the idea behind the cover is interesting, but the execution is choppy.
  2. I think she just can't really capture her own sound in her own words sometimes. Just going by examples: when she said we'd hear the 'Born To Die' strings on 'Ultraviolence', but that ended up just being on the title track. Or that 'Honeymoon' would be this jazzy album with a touch of "soft grunge", but it ended up being this very cinematic record mixed with trap beats (with some jazz-y influences, but still not the golden era of jazz album she initially described). Or when she said we'd hear a lot of 60s pop/Shangri Las influences on 'Lust for Life' but besides some light instrumentation and the doo wop doo wop on the title track and on 'Get Free' the record was nothing like that. Now with 'NFR!', sis said the album would be reminiscent of Red Hot Chili Peppers... that was just straight up wrong.
  3. There are already two things I'm sure about this record: 1. There won't be a clear "aesthetic". 2. Whatever Lana says about how the album is going to be like sonically, it's going to sound nothing like what she described.
  4. He really did say exactly that. What an idiot. Bernie Sanders is the leader the US of A really deserved.
  5. That's fair I think, she definitely put herself in a sticky situation with her past couple Instagram posts.
  6. 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' while sounding more like coffee table book title, is actually a great album title. Much less cringe than 'Norman Fucking Rockwell!'.
  7. I personally disagree with the first part of your statement, especially about the other artists also putting out new music. But I definitely share similar thoughts in regards to Jack being involved with the new record. But I'm positive, maybe the beige vibe of 'NFR!' was just a little hiccup. I'm hopeful they got something greater to show us on the new record. *fingers crossed*
  8. I sort of agree with that, I still very much think that on an artistic level she's an interesting artist and I still look forward to what she has to present to us. But her mystery/mystical aura definitely contributed to her overall charm and appeal early on. I can honestly say that despite me feeling some type of ways about Jack's subpar production/mastering skills on 'NFR!', I'm actually really excited to see what she has in store on 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club', that title alone excites me.
  9. I think that up until that point he was still involved with her. Edit: The whole thing with her sister blew up in 2014, and they broke up in 2017.
  10. In hindsight, it was foreshadowing Lana being a bit reckless. If he can't handle it, then maybe Lana should work with someone that's able to understand and redirect that angst to get her creative juice flowing and push her to creative highs. This is where Dan Auerbach could make a glorious comeback. Also, welcome back!
  11. I actually feel the opposite, I feel like we'll have more grand and 60s type of instrumentation. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into this but she's been posting a couple things that harkens back to that time period lately.
  12. With all that's happened recently and the album coming on September 5th? I honestly think that expecting a single within the next two weeks is not that far fetched.
  13. Going by statistics, Lana will for sure have a title track and it will be the second track of the album. It very much feels like she just gave the song that title for the sake of it. I understand that there was this whole concept about the song being about this bullshit and cocky artist/person, but that wasn't even a recurring theme on the album. I would very much like to hear what "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" sounds like.
  14. I feel like based on what she said 'Royals' was like a counter reaction to the lavish and, for a lack of a better word, "vapid" imagery and message Lana conveyed in 'National Anthem'. But she also criticized Lana's overall lyricism, which Lana very much alluded to in her letter to the "culture".
  15. Kim Gordon, Maura Johnston, Lorde and recently Ann Powers to name a few. All female artists/writers that have in some ways criticized Lana over the years.
  16. I wish for the exact opposite. I want Lana with a huge bouffant wearing one of those fancy caftan you wear at fancy dinner parties exuding 60s realness and feeling every bit of the glamorous woman she knows she is! Also Neil Krug has to capture the whole thing! No more beige/DIY/amateur visuals, thank u!
  17. Thanks, Paradixo. I just feel like at the end of the day it all comes down to personal preferences and I'm just not a fan of the "'NFR!'sound", just not my cup of tea I guess. Might be too extreme to call the album "cheap", but that's kind of how I felt listening to the album multiple times even on FLAC. I hope they switch things a little for the next record. Like she goes back to something similar to her earlier albums, sonically.
  18. But for real, I'm by no means a sound engineer. I think I'm just an audiophile. But, to me there's something kinda flat or muffled, and quite frankly, iffy about the overall sound quality of this album, like the record quality or mastering process gave this album this kind of flat/dry type of sound? I don't mean to beat a dead horse as I've made my point on several occasions in the pre and post release threads and even in the White Hot Forever/LDR7 thread, but I'm just not a fan of this type of sound. It's just kind of muffled and for a lack of a better word "cheap". I also think that for the most part the album cruelly lacks bass or beat to complement or create depth in sound, I don't know. It's very "off the shelf" there's not the same attention to detail sonically speaking. By all means, it's an alright album, but there's something just so beige, basic and/or simple about it, especially the production. Sorry, not sorry. I feel like with her past records, especially the first three, there was a sense of intensity and grandeur in the sound? 'Born To Die' and 'Paradise' had that crisp/clear type of sound on each tracks, some say it's overproduced, and I could agree to that to a certain extent, but it just sounded like a really slick and clean pop record. 'Ultraviolence' was very atmospheric, I am a fan of the raw type of sound, I feel like the instrumentation on the album is intricate, intense and superb. I love that, and this is according to both Dan and Lana, the songs were recorded with a live band. Someone said in the LDR7 thread recently that it's once-in-a-lifetime record and I very much agree with that. 'Honeymoon' has got to be her most lush album as far as production goes. There's something just really beautiful and balanced, yet again intricate, about the way the album sounds, it's like the perfect mix of a classical/movie score type of sound and modern trap beats? It's just very beautiful, lush, elegant and cinematic. I won't really get into how I feel about 'Lust for Life' as I think that the album is just kind of all over the place artistically speaking, but for the most part even the songs I don't like I think as far as audio goes, they sound good. But I was not a fan of how the trap beats were just overused here, kinda cheapened the whole experience. There are highs and lows on the album, but the songs I really like on there, they sound great. So yeah, and this is very personal, I'm just not a fan of the so called 'NFR' sound.
  19. Whilst I think it was completely stupid and unnecessary to namedrop anyone in her letter to the "culture", I kinda wish that she had namedropped Lorde and Halsey instead. This would've turned into a completely different situation.
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