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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. That I can get behind. I honestly hold on to the belief that we were robbed of 'Best America Record' as an album concept and somewhere along the way Lana decided to be half-assedly politically and socially aware, which was kinda the album's downfall on top of being drowned in cheap trap beats. I can only hope for COCC to have a concept at the time being and Lana not constantly changing her mind about it and going back to the cutting board. Espcially considering her recent, well, antics.
  2. Lust for Life exists unfortunately Might not be full of commentary songs, but I think that it was Lana's take at that and it was... what it was.
  3. I wish I still had access to those fake "official" Interscope tracklists for Ultraviolence and Honeymoon tbh
  4. I can't believe that people have been using that fake Interscope letter format for 7 years straight, the clownery of it all
  5. the subtext to this picture is oddly fitting.
  6. Trap beats and corny contemplative lyrics?
  7. West Coast


    I honestly like the simplicity of the lyrics on here tbh.
  8. Yeah just go on YouTube and watch her performances of 'Cola' from 2014, you'll find what you are looking for.
  9. She used to open her shows in 2014 singing "Let the light in, let the light shine, it's a cruel world" as a sort of intro right before 'Cola'. I don't think that was an official song, just random lines she used to sing before every show.
  10. Everyone looks cursed in these LQ/blurry images. But this is criminal.
  11. I honestly wish I would think about this album the way I do with her first three albums... but the only time this album comes to mind is when other fans mention it. I don't act like it doesn't exist, but like it's almost entirely absent from my playlists. Same goes with Lust for Life.
  12. Are we all going to ignore that Toby Mcguire is in the second picture? What's up Lanz why is Peter Parker in your backyard?
  13. To this day I still don't understand how they were selling the 'Born To Die: The Paradise Edition' vinyl with just the sleeve for the two albums and only 'Paradise' came with it? But like it was just as expensive as 'Born To Die'. Then 'Born To Die' with the three bonus track was hard as hell to find??? I finally got what I wanted, but that was a headache. The package was nice because of the gold incrusted letters, but it was a rip off.
  14. I agree, besides the Paradise and UV covers... I don't particularly care much for her album covers. I honestly care more about the pictures that's inside the booklets and the visuals than the covers themselves. I don't think that album covers are her strong suit they're not revolutionary pieces of art like some of her contemporaries' are.
  15. Very unpopular opinion, but here's my ranking of Lana's official album covers. 1. Paradise 2. Ultraviolence 3. Honeymoon 4. Born To Die 5. Lust for Life 6. NFR! I honestly don't care how edited Lana's face is on the Paradise cover, the whole vibe of that picture just gets me. It has such a hot, summery atmosphere, it's beautiful. It can't be worse than the 'Born To Die' cover knowing the picture doesn't actually exists. As for NFR... it's just like too much going on and nothing makes sense to me.
  16. To be quite honest, I don't have particularly high expectations for COCC's visuals (and for any future Lana records if I'm being honest too), but I just hope that we get somewhat better album covers than what we had on 'LFL' and 'NFR'. On the first, the pose was weird and awkward, her creepy smile and stiff pose were throwing me off. She legit looked like a cardboard version of herself plastered in front of that car. On the latter, while I thought the pose and painted blue skies were cute, the colour tones/palette of the whole thing as well as that font were downright ugly. Some of the elements were fine on their own, but the final result was quite mismatched and looked like some entry level high school art class project.
  17. Tbh I've seen lotsa stuff she's done with other artists or for other projects/businesses and like... some of it is actually good. But the vast majority of what she's done with Lanz is just so plain, DIY and amateur through and through. Like she's nowhere near the level of artistry and perfection of someone like Neil Krug.
  18. I never understood why Lana has ditched both Brian Wilson and Giorgio Moroder's mid-collab back in 2013/14. Like these dudes are legends and Miss Del Rey just left the both of them on read.
  19. I just want to say that all of your comments mean so much to me, I find a lot of validity in them. You have all pinpointed how I feel about Lana's image, lyricism and melodies post-Honeymoon.
  20. wasn't NFR already a watered down version of both 'Honeymoon' and 'Ultraviolence'? jk don't come for me... or do whatchu want
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