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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I don't have a Linkedin account and I doubt she cares.
  2. What, I said it's a "good" album, but just that good. It ain't the album of the millenium. 'NFR!' is still 'NFR!' after aaall. There are still a lot of elements on this record I simply do not enjoy (nor do I think I'll ever enjoy them), but I guess I grew a very tiny soft spot for this album in the past couple weeks.
  3. I feel like I might've judged 'NFR!' a little too harshly in the past. Lately I've been experiencing a lot of anxiety so I've connected a little more to the record. I'm not as inclined to skip the songs when they come on shuffle. Though, I still stand by most of what I said. I feel like I would've liked the record a whole lot more had the production/mastering been up to par with Lana's first three efforts and also had the record been 2-3 tracks shorter. But overall, it's good album. The title track and 'The greatest' are probably my most listened songs last year.
  4. 'Sad Girl' is criminally underrated, the bridge:"I'm on fire baby, I'm on fire", ties with the guitar solo in 'Pretty When You Cry' as the emotional apex of the record in my honest opinion.
  5. It's just whatever to me I guess. I actually like the song before the outro kicks in (and also the "if you weren't mine I'd be jealous of your love"). Like I said I think it's cute song. But, while I'm into prog-rock and psychedelic rock, the song lacks structure it's almost too random and also there's something just plain and beige about it, but then again I feel this exact way about the whole damn NFR era.
  6. I don't know why you guys are arguing as to which song is most overrated on NFR, when in actuality the album as a whole is overrated. But if I were to truly give an opinion I'd say that both songs are equally overrated. Some fans think 'California' is the most amazing song because they think it's about Barrie (which it might as well be for all I care). It's an alright song, I guess it's the most emotional on the album as far as vocal delivery goes, but on an album full of unnecessary musical outros that replaced bridges, the song weirdly lacks both. Choices. As for 'Venice Bitch' her fans with entry level taste in music somehow convinced themselves the song is revolutionary because it's like 10 minutes long, when also in reality the long/hazy musical outro basically beefs up what is weak song to begin with. I would've honestly think the song is amazing had said musical outro had actually been interesting to listen to, but it lacks structure and the guitar/bass riffs are too basic for me to care for like a whole 6 minutes. It's cute, but it's a skip.
  7. There you go. I looked through her Linkedin profile as well and she works in entertainment as a consultant/producer. She's also a "certified life coach" or whatever that means. My best guess would be that Lanz met her at the church.
  8. Honestly the instrumentation and the intro are amazing, but somehow the song feels kinda "meh". Also, I think that 'Cherry' is a song that has a lot of potential live, it's cool track with the little choreography she does, but I rarely listen to it, and if I do it's the clean version, the unnecessary cussing, while knowing the gaysTM live for it, is just corny to me. Overall I feel the same way about 'Cherry' as I do with most 'LFL' songs... too much cheap trap beats.
  9. I don't like 'Burning Desire', I'm someone that lives for the Lana's low vocals, but there's something about this song I've just never enjoyed.
  10. You're new here and I already love you. I bid you welcome to the "NFR! is not even that good" club, sweetie.
  11. Ride is legit one of her best songs as far as production goes and also the vocal performance/recording is straight fire. It's also vastly superior to the cheaply recorded flat/lifeless vocals on NFR as far as I'm concerned.
  12. yeah more or less, wishful thinking I know.
  13. THIS and also adoption services.
  14. I wish Lana would spend as much time and energy into producing, mastering, finishing her art and promoting it as she spends time making sure we understand she hates her fucking mom.
  15. Fully agree with this. It wasn't something she'd done overnight, she started leaning on the, sorry for a lack of a better word, but basic side or perhaps beige, somewhere in between 'Honeymoon' and 'Lust for Life'. Now that's just her so called aesthetic. Good for her I guess.
  16. So be it. Lana started to come across as basic and uninformed sometimes in the past two-three years. Especially since she stripped away the so called "Del Rey" persona off her music to get into this wannabe vagabond poet from the Valley narrative she's been pushing lately. I also can't with her promoting all this Hollywood alternative science/crystal-rubbing/Gwyneth Paltrow-goop-y BS lifestyle along with her church-cultgoers/instabaddies/Trustfunds girlies she calls friends and apparently she feels like a mother to them now. It comes across as disingenuous and uninformed. So that's my valid opinion. Also you guys need to stop playing victims, I'm clearly a fan of her music and have been for close to eight years, she puts all of that stuff out there for us to see, and this happens to be a discussion board literally dedicated to her, stop acting like a bunch of saintes nitouches.
  17. I mean you did ended up sounding rude, so maybe you should've said "I sound rude, because". jk. Anyway, I guess I just don't really think that Lana is vapid per se, but I feel like she makes herself look more sophisticated and precocious than what she actually is, not saying she's dumb, because I don't think she is. But sometimes I feel like she puts her foot in her mouth. Also, I do feel like she used to project a certain image of herself, but once she stripped that way and wanted to appear more "genuine" (quote on quote) she came off a bit basic and bland.
  18. That's so true, but it just seems weird for her to go on tangents and write about all the women she loves in her life and basically forgo the one person this whole day is dedicated to, it just seems petty, but I guess I can understand that all of this comes from a place of plain. Also, her tweet is probably what irked me the most, it was like "oh I'm in a cult and it's been eyeopening as far as family dynamics go, thank you God", which is iffy af to me. I really don't know what their actual dynamic is, or what happened between the two of them, but there is clearly resentment on Lana's part. Granted I do have somewhat of a good relationship with my own mother, but I do know that not everyone does, and that toxic moms are definitely a thing, so I'm not disregarding or invalidating her narrative here. So I can understand that today of all day is probably triggering for her, but still. I just feel like she just did the most today to make sure we read between the lines and made it clear that she and her mother do not have a relationship. It was just like: Lana, doth shalt protest too much.
  19. I agree to a certain extent, she was definitely more interesting when she kept some sort of secrecy around who she really was, call it the persona thing, I don't know. But truth be told, once Lana started to be more out there and really expose who she really is, she def came off as basic. If there's anything that I've learned from the past two albums/eras, is that the so called "real" Lana is indeed beige, basic and to a certain extent actually quite ignorant.
  20. I mean maybe this is a generation where people want to make everything public knowledge, but I don't see how her fans benefit from knowing she's got an estranged relationship with her mom? Knowing she's found love and compassion with other women that are close to her? I'm all for that. Insinuating that she doesn't care for her mother on Mother's Day, not once but three times? That's just petty and immature. I honestly wonder how her father feels about this knowing her follows her closely on social media.
  21. Nah, it's just too much effort and social media posts to insinuate you don't like you own mother, I mean she has every right not to have a good relationship with her, it's her private business. But she also puts it out there that the relationship is not good for her millions of fans to see.
  22. She's really going above and beyond to demonstrate how much she doesn't feel for her mother, let alone see her as a motherly figure. I'm obviously not in her shoes and I don't know what has obviously caused a rift between the both of them, but I feel like it's too much effort being put into showing you don't like someone on a day that's dedicated to her. If you really don't care for her/don't want a relationship with her, this sure doesn't look like it. It looks like a cry for help honestly.
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