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  1. butterflies liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think she's lying... I think she didn't realize the impact that statement would have and how certain people would interpret it. Can you imagine the mother of a 15 yo girl who read the letter her daughter wrote before committing suicide? Something like "what's the point of living, if Lana can't be happy, how could I?" and posting this on social media. That would create a mess.
    I believe in freedom of speech, but people have to know the consequences and be able to live with it...
    If she really said that, the paper is not better for publishing it.
    If it was manipulated out of context, I would like to know what Lana mean exactly with "I wish I was dead already" and 
    "I do! I don't want to have to keep doing this. But I am."
    Do what? Make music?
    "Everything. That's just how I feel. If it wasn't that way, then I wouldn't say it. I would be scared if I knew [death] was coming, but …"
    She doesn't clearly mention being suicidal, but most people interpreted it that way.
  2. DarlingAmphetamines liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think she's lying... I think she didn't realize the impact that statement would have and how certain people would interpret it. Can you imagine the mother of a 15 yo girl who read the letter her daughter wrote before committing suicide? Something like "what's the point of living, if Lana can't be happy, how could I?" and posting this on social media. That would create a mess.
    I believe in freedom of speech, but people have to know the consequences and be able to live with it...
    If she really said that, the paper is not better for publishing it.
    If it was manipulated out of context, I would like to know what Lana mean exactly with "I wish I was dead already" and 
    "I do! I don't want to have to keep doing this. But I am."
    Do what? Make music?
    "Everything. That's just how I feel. If it wasn't that way, then I wouldn't say it. I would be scared if I knew [death] was coming, but …"
    She doesn't clearly mention being suicidal, but most people interpreted it that way.
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Confessions   
    No way she had that kind of life. Maybe some episodes of unorthodox situations, but I see her writing just like literature, when you read a novel, it's often semi-autobiographical.
  4. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    What I don't like is the shadow created by bad light and photograph angle. The fact that she has injections makes that part over her upper lip more prominent and photographers can find a way to make it look flattering. It can do the same thing even for a girl who waxed her "mustache". I like photography and that technical detail bothers me a bit, that's all
  5. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Depending on how the light hits her face on some picture, that stuff she gets injected in her lips makes her look like she has a mustache. Photographers should be more careful of that detail.


    Oh wait... I got one on my own picture as well...
    Mustache girls.
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in The Other Woman   
    was anyone else surprised when Lana suddenly started singing 'ALOOOOOOOOOOOONE' at the end
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by Rebel in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    So by this logic you're saying if I hug a man and lay down on the floor I'm going to die too?
  8. Donatien liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana french fans   
    C'était une de mes préférées au début, mais mon enthousiasme a baissé avec le temps. Difficile de dire pourquoi...
    J'ai définitivement supprimé Guns & Roses de ma playlist. Plus capable. Un vrai somnifère.
    J'adore Black Beauty.
    Sad Girl et The Other Woman me rejoignent beaucoup...
    J'attend que Old Money me rentre dedans. Ça ne devrait plus tarder.
    Cruel World, Shades of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, j'aime bien!
    West Coast j'aime tellement le rythme, le drum, le mystère...
    Mon ami pleure sur Old Money. Son ex ne lui est clairement pas sorti de la tête comme il le prétend, ou il ne peut s'empêcher d'entretenir une sorte de mélancolie... c'est beau
  9. Donatien liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana french fans   
    Ce qui me sidère, c'est que plusieurs de ces critiqueux sont incapable de se faire leur propre opinion. Ils ont entendu dire qu'elle s'était plantée à St-SNL et ça leur suffit pour se faire une idée d'elle.

  10. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Cults are so fascinating, I'm not surprised she was inspired to write about it since she has an interest in codependency. To know how involved she was, probably not much, if not at all lol!
    There are different types of cults and some are very hardcore and some are more "respectable" organizations, like Raëlian movement, but honestly, I would avoid them all like the plague. Gurus master the art of manipulation, they are going to brainwash you to eventually totally control you (financially, sexually, psychologically...)
    I saw a movie about it twelve years ago and I immediately bought the book of an ex member of the sect who told her story. It was a great read, but very disturbing. I didn't care much about the gore, but I wanted to know WHY these members would not leave the sect. Here's some info I found on wiki that explain how powerful these gurus are. Don't read if you are sensitive:
    Thériault was a charismatic leader[citation needed] and none of the other members questioned his judgment or blamed him for any physical, mental or emotional damage.[3] The Ant Hill Kids raised money for living by selling baked goods[7] and members who didn’t bring in enough money were severely punished. Thériault spied on his members, making sure everybody was completely devoted and punishing those who strayed, claiming that God told him what they did.
    His punishments were extreme. If a person wanted to leave the commune, Thériault would punish them with either belts, hits from a hammer, suspending them from the ceiling, plucking each of their body hairs individually, or even by defecating on them.[8]
    Despite his devastating punishments, the members of the Ant Hill Kids never questioned his authority. His punishments included making members break their own legs with sledgehammers, sitting on lit stoves, shooting each other in the shoulders, and eating dead mice and feces. A follower would sometimes be asked to cut off another follower's toes with wire cutters to prove loyalty. The children were not spared, and not only were they sexually abused, but they were also at times held over fires or would be nailed to trees while other children threw stones at them. Thériault was also responsible for the death of his own infant, as he left the child outside during a blizzard.
    Going back to the original mission of the commune, Thériault strongly believed in purifying his subordinates. He would rid them of their sins through purification sessions where the members would be completely nude as he whipped and beat them. Claiming to be a holy being, Thériault demonstrated his healing powers through surgeries performed on sick members. He would sometimes inject 94% ethanol solution into followers' stomachs, or perform circumcisions on the children and adults of the group.[4]
    When follower Solange Boilard complained of an upset stomach, Thériault laid her naked on a table, punched her in the stomach, jammed a plastic tube up her rectum to perform a crude enema with molasses and olive oil, then cut open her abdomen, and ripped off part of her intestines with his bare hands. Thériault made another member, Gabrielle Lavallée, stitch her up using needle and thread, and had the other women shove a tube down her throat and blow.[9] Boilard died the next day. Claiming to have power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill, and then made other male members—along with himself—ejaculate into the cavity.[4]
    Gabrielle Lavallée underwent harsh treatment herself during the years leading up to 1989. She had suffered through welding torches on her genitals, a hypodermic needle breaking off in her back and even eight of her teeth being forcibly removed.[8] Upon her return, after having escaped from the commune, Thériault removed one of her fingers with wire cutters, pinned her hand to a wooden table with a hunting knife and then amputated her entire arm. The abuse that caused Gabrielle Lavallée to leave, however, is when Thériault cut off parts of her breast and smashed her head in with the blunt side of an ax. She fled and contacted authorities. The cult shut down in 1989, when Thériault was arrested and given a life sentence.[4]
    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault
    WTF, I read that text again and it's so violent it's hard to believe it really happened... Even after he was sentenced, some of his very faithful wives came to visit him at jail and they had more children as they were allowed to use the trailers (federal jails here allow convicts to use them temporarily to meet their significant other with more privacy). That's crazy. How blind can one be.
    Thériault was found dead near his cell, February 26, 2011, at Dorchester Penitentiary, in New Brunswick. He was 63 years old. His death is believed to be the result of an altercation with his cell mate, Matthew Gerrard MacDonald, 60, of Port au Port, N.L, who killed Thériault and has been charged with the killing.[12][13][14] MacDonald pled guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison (having already been serving a life sentence for a previous murder charge). MacDonald stabbed Thériault in the neck with a homemade knife. Afterwards, he walked to the guards' station, handed them the knife and proclaimed, "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up."
  11. Donatien liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana french fans   
    Qu'ils aient foutu l'extrait d'une parodie de Lana en mentionnant qu'elle cultivait son coté ambigu me rend ultraviolente.
    "Elle veut se tirer une balle parce qu'elle a été la cible d'attaques sur ses lèvres pulpeuses"
    Du journalisme culturel de qualité.
  12. Donatien liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana french fans   
    Trentre trois réponses dont la moitié est constituée d'obstination et de crêpage de chignon au sujet du terme "hispanique". Je peux toujours m'immiscer dans ce thread-ci et chigner qu'il devrait acceuillir les francophones et non simplement (sans offense) les français. Ça brasserais peut-être aussi de la marde, comme on dit par chEU nous!
  13. Donatien liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    Where's the Kyrgyzstan thread?
  14. kik liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to Dagbladet: "It makes me so mad." (15.06.2014)   
    Heeey, I thought these Norwegian interviews were pretty good, so I'll translate another one from Dagbladet. 
    On the performance in Bergen
    It was amazing. Totally amazing. 
    It's 2 AM at night and Lana Del Rey (27), is relaxed and elated at the same time. 
    Dagbladet talks to her an hour short after her performance in Bergen that held place night till sunday. She has already concluded that tonights concert was one of her most memorable performances ever.
    Lana: "I got this feeling that no matter if I sang jazz or one of my new singles, people would be there with me, and have a good understanding of who I am."
    The album
    Both VG and Dagbladet gave Lana a score of 5. Lana describes the album as a mix of the psychedelic 70's, West Coast fusion and underground jazz. 
    "I am not as formal anymore, I feel more spontaneous now. It is more about snapshots of what has influenced me, both the good and the bad."
    - "You sing about money, booze, power and sleeping your way to the top...?"
    Lana: "Everything I sing about on the record is a combination of things that have happened, and things that people think have happened. Money Power Glory, as an example, is about how people interpreted me and misunderstood me. It is sarcastic response to that. West Coast and Cruel World is connected to the excitement I feel when I'm at the west coast, where I live now after I moved from New York. Everything is about how others see me, and how it has affected me."
    - "In other words, you're taking a stand against the prejudice?" 
    Lana: "Yes, that is my answer. I felt very sarcastic when I wrote some of those songs," she says and laughs. (OMG I can almost hear her cute and loud laugh as I'm writing this  )
    Unfortunate circumstances
    For she can laugh, despite how mass media has painted her picture with sad and heavy paint strokes.
    The 27 year old, whose real name is Elizabeth Grant, has previously told a tale about how she got sent away at the age of 14 because she had drinking problems. Also about the cult she was part of, and got used by. And her many rock and roll boyfriends. 
    Not to mention that she sounds unmistakably sad in many of her songs. But is she?
    Lana: "It depends. I really don't know why everything has to sound so bittersweet. I have felt peaceful and calm while writing nowadays, reflecting on experiences I have had. I was sarcastic, upset about personal stuff in my life and how it has been. But in a more reflecting way than sad this time."
    - "Do you depend on a certain amount of sadness to make your music?"
    Lana: "No, I don't find it to be like that. I think I have been unfortunate with circumstances, and it has affected my writing. I am in a peaceful state of mind now, but I haven't exactly been very happy in a while either." 
    It makes me so mad
    It may seem like Lana Del Rey adds her fair share of fuel to the fire. Not long ago she said that she often felt sick, without knowing why. And then we have the quote that has gone global since it was published by the Guardian: "I wish I was dead already."
    - "What did you mean by that?"
    Lana: "This is another way of sensationalizing whatever I'm saying. It makes me so mad (or it pisses me off, Idk what the best option was). I talked to the writer for three hours, and he saw my show. When you're in a room with someone, it's not just about what you're saying, but it's also about your personality and how you are as a person. It's about reading between the lines. I don't understand why he felt the need to take it so literally," she says. 
    "To top it off he asked me very leading questions. He talked about Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, asked me a lot about death and pumped me for answers and how I felt about dying young, because I was sad and had been through a lot (I can imagine her saying this with a very snarky undertone  )".
    "He wanted to know if I had thought about dying, and yes, sometimes I have. But not always. Only on those days when it all becomes too much. Then I have days where it affects me less. The way he wrote it made it all seem so much more shocking than it really was."
    Happy behind the wheel
    So Lana Del Rey is not sad all the time, in case someone was under that impression. She feels her best when cruising around in California, where she currently lives. 
    Lana: "I spend a lot of time by the sea, on the beach, with good friends. I love recording my music. And I love going to concerts, watch rock stars perform, like Courtney Love, The Who and Gun's and Roses."
    - "Do you feel like media gets too caught up in this one side of you, the sad one?"
    Lana: "A bit. It's also about being obsessed with one persons concept. It is why I have chosen some of the songs I have chosen on the tracklist on Ultraviolence. But I understand it too, the way it is. It makes a pretty good story, but it doesn't have to become fictionalized either."
    Sensitive and imaginative
    - "What is it like to be you?"
    Lana: "It is beautiful and confusing," answers Del Rey, after thinking it through in silence. The she elaborates: "I am an imaginative person, I like being caught by surprise in life. But I am sensitive too. I find it hard when things gets out of my control."
    "But I still manage to enjoy moments of true beauty, like being here tonight, while it's still bright outside and the skye is blue. I like to capture that in songs, and my biggest passion is still writing. It makes a good manifestation of all the unease, and all that confusion gives life to beautiful things. I am blessed to have that to hold on to."
    - "You seem grateful?"
    Lana: "I am. When it all comes down to it, it's all about the music. That's the one thing in my life I can't do wrong."
     I'm worried about Lana, she's not happy nowadays? What happened to "I'm happy"? Is she hitting another blue period?   
  15. Luc liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    All the love from her fans will never fill the emptiness she feels inside or increase the love she doesn't have for herself. That's not real love, it's not shared, she's not connected deeply with people and it's understandable. The applause is just a thrill. It's not reality. And she can't face reality. She can't find a place where she belongs, she can't find people to rely to and she have a hard time keeping meaningful relationships. She still feels alone when there are so many people who would like to love her and care for her. I might be wrong, but that's how I see things. It's sad.
  16. kik liked a post in a topic by Jared in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    If Lindsay is reviewing it, Lana will be lucky to get anything over 4. But we all know that Pitchfork is going to give her a bad score no matter what, so why even bother about it?
    It's just interesting how male rappers can make racist, homophobic, sexist or any other remark and get free pass for it. They can rap/sing about the most absurd and ridiculous things and barely ever catch flack for it. 
    Lana's music can be good as theirs, but she won't get away with it like they do. 
    And this oh she's inauthentic, she has stage persona bullshit is still the most ridiculous criticism here. Who is really authentic and genuine? Who doesn't have a stage persona? I understand why some may find Lana's act to be a bit over the top, but come on. When Video Games first came out in 2011, press acted like she was the first musician ever who developed new stage persona and new name. 
  17. kik liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Maybe I'm projecting, but I see Lana as being very brave, taking a stand for sensitivity, with her Ultraviolence era.
    I honestly can't tell whether it's just me getting older and hopefully wiser, or whether it really is a whole culture war going on since 2008 over toughness versus sensitivity. I see it everywhere, in the media, in churches, in conversations with family and friends: those who weathered the economic storm and who see it as a sign of their personal merit are very committed to assigning various sorts of blame to the marginalized, to the outliers, to anyone who fails to benefit from the system which rewards those who have successfully conformed. In such a system it can become vitally important for some people to hoard compassion as yet another commodity for the "deserving."
    No, cheating isn't cool. But it also isn't cool to pit women against each other, the "good girls" versus the "bad girls," on a societal level. It isn't cool to pit moralities against each other. We should be able to see all virtues as good, not competing. We should be able to embrace the Other.
    People speak of not letting the good become the enemy of the best. But I fear our society is far more guilty of letting the "best" become the enemy of the good. And there is something good, something likable, something valuable in everyone. I believe it is because every person is created in the image of the Divine -- but you don't need to be religious to see it. There is good in everyone, if you only have eyes to see.
    I think Lana Del Rey has eyes to see. And I think, whether calculated or not, she's trying to help the rest of us open ours.
  18. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Cults are so fascinating, I'm not surprised she was inspired to write about it since she has an interest in codependency. To know how involved she was, probably not much, if not at all lol!
    There are different types of cults and some are very hardcore and some are more "respectable" organizations, like Raëlian movement, but honestly, I would avoid them all like the plague. Gurus master the art of manipulation, they are going to brainwash you to eventually totally control you (financially, sexually, psychologically...)
    I saw a movie about it twelve years ago and I immediately bought the book of an ex member of the sect who told her story. It was a great read, but very disturbing. I didn't care much about the gore, but I wanted to know WHY these members would not leave the sect. Here's some info I found on wiki that explain how powerful these gurus are. Don't read if you are sensitive:
    Thériault was a charismatic leader[citation needed] and none of the other members questioned his judgment or blamed him for any physical, mental or emotional damage.[3] The Ant Hill Kids raised money for living by selling baked goods[7] and members who didn’t bring in enough money were severely punished. Thériault spied on his members, making sure everybody was completely devoted and punishing those who strayed, claiming that God told him what they did.
    His punishments were extreme. If a person wanted to leave the commune, Thériault would punish them with either belts, hits from a hammer, suspending them from the ceiling, plucking each of their body hairs individually, or even by defecating on them.[8]
    Despite his devastating punishments, the members of the Ant Hill Kids never questioned his authority. His punishments included making members break their own legs with sledgehammers, sitting on lit stoves, shooting each other in the shoulders, and eating dead mice and feces. A follower would sometimes be asked to cut off another follower's toes with wire cutters to prove loyalty. The children were not spared, and not only were they sexually abused, but they were also at times held over fires or would be nailed to trees while other children threw stones at them. Thériault was also responsible for the death of his own infant, as he left the child outside during a blizzard.
    Going back to the original mission of the commune, Thériault strongly believed in purifying his subordinates. He would rid them of their sins through purification sessions where the members would be completely nude as he whipped and beat them. Claiming to be a holy being, Thériault demonstrated his healing powers through surgeries performed on sick members. He would sometimes inject 94% ethanol solution into followers' stomachs, or perform circumcisions on the children and adults of the group.[4]
    When follower Solange Boilard complained of an upset stomach, Thériault laid her naked on a table, punched her in the stomach, jammed a plastic tube up her rectum to perform a crude enema with molasses and olive oil, then cut open her abdomen, and ripped off part of her intestines with his bare hands. Thériault made another member, Gabrielle Lavallée, stitch her up using needle and thread, and had the other women shove a tube down her throat and blow.[9] Boilard died the next day. Claiming to have power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill, and then made other male members—along with himself—ejaculate into the cavity.[4]
    Gabrielle Lavallée underwent harsh treatment herself during the years leading up to 1989. She had suffered through welding torches on her genitals, a hypodermic needle breaking off in her back and even eight of her teeth being forcibly removed.[8] Upon her return, after having escaped from the commune, Thériault removed one of her fingers with wire cutters, pinned her hand to a wooden table with a hunting knife and then amputated her entire arm. The abuse that caused Gabrielle Lavallée to leave, however, is when Thériault cut off parts of her breast and smashed her head in with the blunt side of an ax. She fled and contacted authorities. The cult shut down in 1989, when Thériault was arrested and given a life sentence.[4]
    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault
    WTF, I read that text again and it's so violent it's hard to believe it really happened... Even after he was sentenced, some of his very faithful wives came to visit him at jail and they had more children as they were allowed to use the trailers (federal jails here allow convicts to use them temporarily to meet their significant other with more privacy). That's crazy. How blind can one be.
    Thériault was found dead near his cell, February 26, 2011, at Dorchester Penitentiary, in New Brunswick. He was 63 years old. His death is believed to be the result of an altercation with his cell mate, Matthew Gerrard MacDonald, 60, of Port au Port, N.L, who killed Thériault and has been charged with the killing.[12][13][14] MacDonald pled guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison (having already been serving a life sentence for a previous murder charge). MacDonald stabbed Thériault in the neck with a homemade knife. Afterwards, he walked to the guards' station, handed them the knife and proclaimed, "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up."
  19. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Cults are so fascinating, I'm not surprised she was inspired to write about it since she has an interest in codependency. To know how involved she was, probably not much, if not at all lol!
    There are different types of cults and some are very hardcore and some are more "respectable" organizations, like Raëlian movement, but honestly, I would avoid them all like the plague. Gurus master the art of manipulation, they are going to brainwash you to eventually totally control you (financially, sexually, psychologically...)
    I saw a movie about it twelve years ago and I immediately bought the book of an ex member of the sect who told her story. It was a great read, but very disturbing. I didn't care much about the gore, but I wanted to know WHY these members would not leave the sect. Here's some info I found on wiki that explain how powerful these gurus are. Don't read if you are sensitive:
    Thériault was a charismatic leader[citation needed] and none of the other members questioned his judgment or blamed him for any physical, mental or emotional damage.[3] The Ant Hill Kids raised money for living by selling baked goods[7] and members who didn’t bring in enough money were severely punished. Thériault spied on his members, making sure everybody was completely devoted and punishing those who strayed, claiming that God told him what they did.
    His punishments were extreme. If a person wanted to leave the commune, Thériault would punish them with either belts, hits from a hammer, suspending them from the ceiling, plucking each of their body hairs individually, or even by defecating on them.[8]
    Despite his devastating punishments, the members of the Ant Hill Kids never questioned his authority. His punishments included making members break their own legs with sledgehammers, sitting on lit stoves, shooting each other in the shoulders, and eating dead mice and feces. A follower would sometimes be asked to cut off another follower's toes with wire cutters to prove loyalty. The children were not spared, and not only were they sexually abused, but they were also at times held over fires or would be nailed to trees while other children threw stones at them. Thériault was also responsible for the death of his own infant, as he left the child outside during a blizzard.
    Going back to the original mission of the commune, Thériault strongly believed in purifying his subordinates. He would rid them of their sins through purification sessions where the members would be completely nude as he whipped and beat them. Claiming to be a holy being, Thériault demonstrated his healing powers through surgeries performed on sick members. He would sometimes inject 94% ethanol solution into followers' stomachs, or perform circumcisions on the children and adults of the group.[4]
    When follower Solange Boilard complained of an upset stomach, Thériault laid her naked on a table, punched her in the stomach, jammed a plastic tube up her rectum to perform a crude enema with molasses and olive oil, then cut open her abdomen, and ripped off part of her intestines with his bare hands. Thériault made another member, Gabrielle Lavallée, stitch her up using needle and thread, and had the other women shove a tube down her throat and blow.[9] Boilard died the next day. Claiming to have power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill, and then made other male members—along with himself—ejaculate into the cavity.[4]
    Gabrielle Lavallée underwent harsh treatment herself during the years leading up to 1989. She had suffered through welding torches on her genitals, a hypodermic needle breaking off in her back and even eight of her teeth being forcibly removed.[8] Upon her return, after having escaped from the commune, Thériault removed one of her fingers with wire cutters, pinned her hand to a wooden table with a hunting knife and then amputated her entire arm. The abuse that caused Gabrielle Lavallée to leave, however, is when Thériault cut off parts of her breast and smashed her head in with the blunt side of an ax. She fled and contacted authorities. The cult shut down in 1989, when Thériault was arrested and given a life sentence.[4]
    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault
    WTF, I read that text again and it's so violent it's hard to believe it really happened... Even after he was sentenced, some of his very faithful wives came to visit him at jail and they had more children as they were allowed to use the trailers (federal jails here allow convicts to use them temporarily to meet their significant other with more privacy). That's crazy. How blind can one be.
    Thériault was found dead near his cell, February 26, 2011, at Dorchester Penitentiary, in New Brunswick. He was 63 years old. His death is believed to be the result of an altercation with his cell mate, Matthew Gerrard MacDonald, 60, of Port au Port, N.L, who killed Thériault and has been charged with the killing.[12][13][14] MacDonald pled guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison (having already been serving a life sentence for a previous murder charge). MacDonald stabbed Thériault in the neck with a homemade knife. Afterwards, he walked to the guards' station, handed them the knife and proclaimed, "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up."
  20. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    If she'd had a thicker skin, perhaps she wouldn't be able to write such powerful songs. Suffering is inspiring. Her vulnerability is beautiful.
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    If she'd had a thicker skin, perhaps she wouldn't be able to write such powerful songs. Suffering is inspiring. Her vulnerability is beautiful.
  22. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I don't think she wants her fan to leave her alone, It think she just mean that although she enjoys the love and attention from her fans, that kind of love is not enough to make her happy. When you reach the top and you realize that, it must be really scary.
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    I just hate how a lot of these reviewers personally vilify Lana. There's a difference between reviewing someone's music and explicitly attacking someone; I feel that a lot of Lana's critics overstep this boundary. I wonder what their views of her music would be if Lana released it anonymously.
  24. kik liked a post in a topic by GodsAndMonsters in Lana Del Rey - Chanel N°5 TV Spot [FanMade]   
    Why do people join here just to post unnecessary and negative shit? Guess we'll never know the answer to both questions.
    Anyways, I really liked it! Great job
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