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About Donatien

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  • Birthday 01/03/1993

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    South France

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  1. Donatien

    Charli XCX

    Please help me! I want to listen to CTMP (and the other songs you talk about). I can't find them I feel so bad
  2. Ok. It must depend on where you live I suppose? It is strange anyways.
  3. Hello. Does somebody knows why Gods and Monsters was removed from Spotify? We can't listen to it anymore.
  4. Donatien

    Charli XCX

    Who cares if she is not the biggest now... (geniuses are often misunderstood ; think of Galileo...) Hopefully, time will make its work and one day she will be remembered for what she truly is: the greatest musical pop genius of history whose invaluable legacy is far above the shitty one of Michael Jackson.
  5. Donatien

    Charli XCX

    I didn't know too. I edited my comment.
  6. I am now getting very upset that she seems to care most about sharing her political views than doing any promo for her new songs - who are her greatest flops ever.
  7. Of course you are all right. However, I can't help but beign sad that she just doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything. As a fan, I consider that she could at least please me - just a little - by puting out correct videos for her singles... I am not asking for any big promo plan, etc. Just a minimum, showing that she cares about us by releasing ''decent'' stuff. So, finally, the situation is frustrating. And even if she didn't have any hit singles for the last years, her latest videos (Love, Lust for Life), were doing great. So I am not wrong by saying that the current situation is terribly wrong (ridiculous views showing no interest for her new music videos...). I know, I am a bit repetitive, and I am sorry for that.
  8. Of course, it is exactly what I predicted: the biggest flop she ever faced. On YouTube, MAC or VB videos will very hardly make 8 millions views in a whole fucking month... By 2018 standards, it is an incredibly - atrociously - poor performance. She definitely needs to wake up.
  9. Okay. I wasn't there. I need a link please.
  10. I am not against amateuristic looking videos - cheapness can also look great. But was it really impossible to create a better music video than the actual one for the same amount of money? Video Games video doesn't cost anything, but is really interesting.
  11. Of course, but it has always been the same previously: Love and Lust For Life were also premiered on BBC Radio 1 (if I am correct) - and no more promo was in the air (like always with Lana...). However, these songs did pretty well in their first days on YouTube and shown a good longevity. Obviously, we are not in this case with this new song (and I'd like to be wrong...).
  12. Yeah. So sad... She couldn't be more ''inde'' than that lol. But it's strange that her managers and label allow her to release such an amateuristic looking video where same images are even shown twice. This choice definitely seems a kind of sabotage.
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