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Rorman Nockwell

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Everything posted by Rorman Nockwell

  1. Have you guys considered what the music after NFR will be like? We're so preoccupied with it that we haven't really talked about what comes after. I mean, if she's writing songs rn ... I can only imagine ... it'll be all contour kit and soy latte references. I cannot see how meaningful songwriting can eventuate, but I hope that's just me being narrow-minded. Also, she never works with females. I know she did the collab with Stevie but that's about it, isn't it? I know it's a male-dominated industry and I'm not saying one gender is better than the other at producing/mixing music, but I'd like her to work with a female on the next album just to see how it sounded. But she'd probably pick skirtsandsuits and then I'd kms
  2. I love artists who actually release music.
  3. "13 Beaches" Can't go to the beach Without the paparazzi Wish they would fuck off
  4. This thread is boring; let's do Lana songs as haikus. Maybe we can take 7 months to make our own poetry book and sell it to her for $1. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10669-lanas-songs-as-haikus/ Yeah I think it's like her nickname, so I get it. I find it more interesting that people she knows often omit a name altogether when referring to her. I have never heard those saddie friends call her "Lana" or anything else in any of their posts/videos. So I just wonder if it's something she asked of them.
  5. Bored af by the NFR thread. Let's do Lana's songs as haikus. (first line: 5 syllables, second line: 7 syllables, third line: 5 syllables). They're also supposed to be about the weather 'n' shit, but fuck that - just try to capture the essence/theme of the song. "Heroin" Exceptionally warm These kids are crazy as fuck You shouldn't take drugs "Summertime Sadness" Unhappy in the heat Driving far too fast. You're gone So I give no fucks (If nobody joins in, you know I'm gonna do her entire discography ...) (Feel free to re-do a song someone else does if you have a different take on it ... keeps it interesting. Mine tend to be piss-taking, but yours might not be ...)
  6. Well, it's clear that her fans aren't the only ones "WTF?"ing at her recent behaviour. Courtney thinks she needs sorting out and reading between the lines, so does her dad. And her managers aren't going to come right out and say anything negative about her, but their comments demonstrate frustration/confusion, too. Also some guy from Sony Music (blue tick, 34k followers) liked several poems I tweeted about Norman's non-release. I found that amusing. I know she's not with Sony but it made me wonder if he has heard through the grapevine about it or something.
  7. Of course, but it's interesting that at some point in the past he obviously felt differently. I wonder when and how the change of heart came about. And I do think that that post isn't just about Sri Lanka but also his daughter. He's smart enough to know people would connect the dots.
  8. Actually I ranted about this on the "minor questions" thread, because I found it interesting that they seem to refrain from referring to her by any name at all. I wonder if it's something she's asked of them (eg: "don't call me by a name in videos/posts"). In the egg-making video, the person shooting clearly says, "Sarah?" and "Jennie?" but to Lana says, "and how about you?". Her dad never uses any name for her either, except when referencing her work. I think maybe she asked not to be called "Lizzie" in public or something. It's quite odd. I was hoping for an Easter post with NFR info from Lana/Lizzie/Elizabeth today, but ... Someone should tell her that Jesus doesn't rise from the dead today unless we get info.
  9. Like, 'k Rob, but didn't you send your kids to Catholic schools?
  10. The date is 16/7/69. Type that + "Picasso" into Google, and https://www.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/3542009/a-pablo-picasso-sketch-at-sothebys-upcoming-auction We should just pretend it's the 16th of July and type it everywhere in the hope that she'll have to deny it if it isn't true to avoid disappointing everyone AGAIN. I told you I like making stuff up.
  11. I'm expecting that Joy Ride/VB won't be the only comparison we will be making when NFR is finally released ... I think it was a Picasso lithograph but I could be wrong.
  12. I mean I know we love her but is her poetry really that great? Really? Everyone on IG's all "omg this is so powerful" 'n' shit, and I'm a petty, cold-hearted bitch but am I the only one who thinks it just isn't that amazing? If it wasn't Lana's, it'd be on some WordPress blog somewhere with 17 views in the last 3 years. I'll wait for the book, but I'm not really feeling it.
  13. She capitalised the A in the pink "all" but not in the blue and green ones. Time to overanalyse in 3 ... 2 ... ETA: yeah, I got nuthin'.
  14. It really does; I just listened. Everyone always acts like Jack is such a genius but I'd personally never trust anyone who dated Lena Dunham.
  15. Lol @ Kevin replacing his "I never really liked Lana's music but Venice Bitch was good" tweet with one that just says "thank you Lana Del Rey". Cute.
  16. In better news, looks like sis is doing some work. Last time she posted poetry, you could see the binding slats and today's scans have the edge curled back as if it's now bound. Hopefully that means she will announce it. Tomorrow. Also, I dragged her about that font/beige background and told her to use handwriting/colours to change it up in an IG comment on last week's poetry. Sis read my mind. Or my comment.
  17. She reads here. She so fucking does. I'm sure very occasionally, but yeah. There's no way you never look at a website that is entirely about you with 11,000 of your fans on it. LISTEN TO COURTNEY, LANA.
  18. I also find it high key embarrassing how Alison Wonderland (Aus DJ) is fawning over each and every one of Lana's posts like a twelvie.
  19. I hope she calls Courtney all, "?" and Courtney sorts sis out.
  20. My only takeaway is that even she is bored af with that beige textured background, hence the use of coloured pencils. But it will take more than coloured pencils, sis.
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