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About LavenderSunshine

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  • Location
    Neptune Avenue
  • Interests
    Spend most of my time listening to and idolizing and loving Lana. I also sing and write songs of my own. And thats pretty much all I do with my life.

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  1. And by fit I meant *fix* . But I am in love with everything I've heard in parts. Cannot wait to hear it in its entirety
  2. I thought I heard ~Get your crystal meth fit on~
  3. I got the pink Angora jumper...haven't wore it yet but everyone I've seen talk about it says its itchy
  4. 51. Whether you fail or fly, well shit, at least you tried
  5. This was the first track that stood out to me when Lana released the clips on YouTube. I don't know if it will be my favorite of the album but the lyrics draw me in the most. Just so vague and creepy and beautiful and is it November 12th yet
  6. "homeless person" thats a bit harsh. I think they look really cute together! Barrie is hot imo And it does seem like he makes her happy, and she did mention him twice the other day in that interview so I am all for them being together. Hope things continue to work out for them.
  7. I thought she was planning to tour most of the US starting in January? The website says Tour Dates coming soon. Cannot wait :---) I just really need to see her live and meet her cause it will probably be a longggg time before she does shows again especially with all this soundtrack stuff she is branching off into. And as we know, live shows are not her favorite thing to do.
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