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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. Black Beauty (Concept Demo) also leaked, but we've lost the file... mind sharing a link?
  2. Well, no new song this Christmas, but og BMD is enough for me
  3. BMD in good quality, oh you're going to heaven
  4. I'd rather not know... Remember when Crazy For You was the only HM outtake? Oh, the simpler times...
  5. Lindsay has my vote for Best Taste, solely for their BB hatred
  6. My God, that certainly took a lot of time and random submissions, but I did it! Some of my submissions shouldn't be a surprise, those ppl are literally the only I interact with and think are cool
  7. I might vote randomly in some categories cause most of the ppl I know are gone/banned
  8. @ivory almond best audio artist...
  9. plastiscguy

    Song vs. Song

    Taco Truck x VB vs Florida Kilos
  10. Hm, hard to choose just one... But I usually find myself gravitating more towards A&W than to any other song...
  11. ✨ bpd princess tingz uwu ✨
  12. We, as a fanbase, truly are braver than the marines
  13. I thought the track was really beautiful... and while I do wish the instrumentation was more similar to the original, I still think it was beautifully done
  14. Now she needs to release Stand By Your Man, Wicked Game, The End of the World and The Good Life
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