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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. Hm, hard to choose just one... But I usually find myself gravitating more towards A&W than to any other song...
  2. ✨ bpd princess tingz uwu ✨
  3. We, as a fanbase, truly are braver than the marines
  4. I thought the track was really beautiful... and while I do wish the instrumentation was more similar to the original, I still think it was beautifully done
  5. Now she needs to release Stand By Your Man, Wicked Game, The End of the World and The Good Life
  6. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, c-totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  7. Can't believe how gorgeous she is, her voice in this song... I'm mesmerized, but when aren't I when it comes to her
  8. Praying for Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia dates next
  9. Well, definitely an improvement from Margaret EDIT: Oh, she's basically sampled and doing backing vocals
  10. plastiscguy

    Taylor Swift

    Her voice in New Romantics...
  11. You'd be surprised by how gullible some people are. But even if they aren't influenced by one person's opinion, a lot of famous people with big platforms are preaching the whole pro-Israel thing. And if so many people share the same point of view... people can be deceived
  12. I'd understand if we were talking about the average person, but we're talking about someone with a huge platform 🙃 Whether we like it or not, Lana is not a small artist, she has a huge amount of followers and her actions carry weight... There's nothing wrong with holding someone accountable. The world will remain the same if we keep allowing people get away with their "honest mistake". Not choosing a side is choosing a side.
  13. Me showing up with a Lana president and Nikki Lane vice president ballot next month
  14. I really enjoyed it, the melody is very pretty! Definitely my favorite Lana collab this year
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