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  1. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana talks Cola on Triple J with Tom & Alex (short audio interview)   
    Um obviously there's an implied "IN MY OPINION" in every post by a given person, that would be the definition of posting and sharing opinions on an online forum. That's like if I tried to say, "Calm the fuck down, just because you like it doesn't make it hot." Ridiculous, see?
  2. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    Can someone that's good at music make a version of Yayo with the backing track from the PE but the vocals from AKA, and vice versa? Please, I'll give you a baby kitten. :3
    Also, it would be really cool if maybe there was a version with the backing track of PE & the vocals of AKA, but after the bridge, it shifts into the backing track of the AKA version. This probably isn't worth a thread but I didn't want to make it a status and it be forgotten in 30 minutes.. Anyway, so I'm not a complete failure, if you'd like to discuss the many versions of Yayo and which you prefer most, and why, etc. feel free to do so here! My favorite is the AKA version because it's perfect.
    this is so stupid i just can't with words why am i a mod
  3. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey interviewed by Just Jared   
  4. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Cola   
    If according to Cola, Pepsi = Pussy...
    So she was in the back doin' crack...
  5. Mileena liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Smiley Requests   
    You know after all this time, I still get so mesmerized by this gif o.O. This is a remembrance for the dear memory of mermaidmotel.co.cc
    While PBaby's code is very clear for the emotions being conveyed, I think it's importante to keep the letter strings minimum, don't you think so, babe? Hence, I propose:

    And who said that I'm not gonna post here myself Sitar? Oh, right u said that. Well, here I am.
    I extensively abused the following gifs in the past, idk if I will or ever need too, but it's absolutely not imperative to have them in the Emoticon, as I could easily resort to dem imgur.
    --like in "D'aww man, you're makin me blush here.."

    Since Maru hasn't response to my request to that emo James Deen gif, let's have a room for this iconic crey guy at Amoeba. The performance was so powerful that rendered this guy speechless and crey *snif*.. I feel you, man.

    :wiggle: or maybe :brow2: seeing Hellion already got the :brow: This is the gif that made Sitar figured me out x]
    Actually that last one I used quite often here recently, how can I not? It conveys me feels perfectly. Any excuse to whip out any pic of that long, glorious, swan-like throat that she knows so well how to flaunt. How come we haven't got the Lana's Neck Appreciation thread yet? ♫ She got a great ass neck and she knows how to show it.♬
    And Sitar, where's that pic of pondering (security?) mustachio man on the corner, that looks like Bashar Assad? Me feels I'm gonna need that emoticon very soon.
    And finally, not nearly as flawless or sassy as OffToTheRaces' (that version gonna be remembered dearly in our hearts). I present you

    Lol, see that's so ridic. I don't even know what shade the blush-on should be, Maru gonna kill me for my make-up skillz, if you advise I would revise. Srsly tho, I still don't know what/when/why/how/to whom this emoticon will be useful for. Give me example now. Or is it like one of those funny tumblr kids where they post regular conversation lines and end it all with an 'ew', and they will all automatically be funny? Like:
    I luv my mum, ew
    I ate an ice cream, ew
    I visited Coney Island, ew
    I listened to LDR today, ew
    It's you.., it's you..., it's always.., ew
    I look in the mirror for the first time, ew
    Or is it for leaks purpose, bribing members with sexual favors? x]
    Honey, I know you have demo 3 of Brite Lite, check PM, I'm ur Carmen tonite xoxo
    DISCLAIMER: I hereby, am not responsible if Lana gets too pissed off by the content above and see to it that :ben: takes action.
    Adios for now... *flees from the crime scene*

  6. Guy liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Smiley Requests   
    You know after all this time, I still get so mesmerized by this gif o.O. This is a remembrance for the dear memory of mermaidmotel.co.cc
    While PBaby's code is very clear for the emotions being conveyed, I think it's importante to keep the letter strings minimum, don't you think so, babe? Hence, I propose:

    And who said that I'm not gonna post here myself Sitar? Oh, right u said that. Well, here I am.
    I extensively abused the following gifs in the past, idk if I will or ever need too, but it's absolutely not imperative to have them in the Emoticon, as I could easily resort to dem imgur.
    --like in "D'aww man, you're makin me blush here.."

    Since Maru hasn't response to my request to that emo James Deen gif, let's have a room for this iconic crey guy at Amoeba. The performance was so powerful that rendered this guy speechless and crey *snif*.. I feel you, man.

    :wiggle: or maybe :brow2: seeing Hellion already got the :brow: This is the gif that made Sitar figured me out x]
    Actually that last one I used quite often here recently, how can I not? It conveys me feels perfectly. Any excuse to whip out any pic of that long, glorious, swan-like throat that she knows so well how to flaunt. How come we haven't got the Lana's Neck Appreciation thread yet? ♫ She got a great ass neck and she knows how to show it.♬
    And Sitar, where's that pic of pondering (security?) mustachio man on the corner, that looks like Bashar Assad? Me feels I'm gonna need that emoticon very soon.
    And finally, not nearly as flawless or sassy as OffToTheRaces' (that version gonna be remembered dearly in our hearts). I present you

    Lol, see that's so ridic. I don't even know what shade the blush-on should be, Maru gonna kill me for my make-up skillz, if you advise I would revise. Srsly tho, I still don't know what/when/why/how/to whom this emoticon will be useful for. Give me example now. Or is it like one of those funny tumblr kids where they post regular conversation lines and end it all with an 'ew', and they will all automatically be funny? Like:
    I luv my mum, ew
    I ate an ice cream, ew
    I visited Coney Island, ew
    I listened to LDR today, ew
    It's you.., it's you..., it's always.., ew
    I look in the mirror for the first time, ew
    Or is it for leaks purpose, bribing members with sexual favors? x]
    Honey, I know you have demo 3 of Brite Lite, check PM, I'm ur Carmen tonite xoxo
    DISCLAIMER: I hereby, am not responsible if Lana gets too pissed off by the content above and see to it that :ben: takes action.
    Adios for now... *flees from the crime scene*

  7. NEAL liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in PE Yayo with LDRakaLG Yayo [daaark niiIIIght] spliced   
    I can't turn my back on the aka Yayo.
  8. NEAL liked a post in a topic by liam in Fearne Cotton chats to Lana on Radio 1 (Listen on 11/10/12)   
    Fearne Cotton had a little chat with Lana on the phone this morning and Fearne will be playing the conversation to her listeners on Thursday's show (11th October).
    They'll be talking about Lana's new single, Ride, and other stuff that she has been up to.
    Make sure you tune into BBC Radio 1 on Thursday. I don't know what time the chat will be played, but it'll be somewhere between 10am and 12:45pm.
    You can listen here.
    I'm not sure whether this is worthy enough to have it's own thread but I wanted to inform people and I didn't know where else to put it haha.
  9. NEAL liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Lana Del Rey interviewed by Just Jared   
    The 26-year-old chanteuse sat down with JustJared.com for an exclusive interview before performing an acoustic session of her new song “Ride.”
    Here’s what Lana shared with JJ:
    JJ: How auto-biographical are your songs?

    LDR: They are, I’d say 90%. Usually what happens is all of the verses are always autobiographical up until the chorus. I usually leave some room for my imagination to step in. If I’m singing about the way that things used to be, by the time I get to the chorus I might start singing about the way I wished that they had been. JJ: Do you have favorite lyrics from any of the songs that you’ve ever put out?

    LDR: I like the juxtaposition of the verse and the chorus in Born to Die. I like the idea of the verse, ‘Feet don’t fail me now, take me to the finish line.’ That kind of feels like the struggle of every day life and how hard things can be, but by the time I get to the chorus I sing, ‘Come and take a walk on the wild side, let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain.’ I feel like it’s those two worlds of dark and light coming together. The struggle of every day, but also feeling fleeting moments of happiness and true love, and kissing in the rain. JJ: Does the album have a next single already?

    LDR: Cola. I have a couple of art projects going with people and I really hope that I can weave Bel Air and Gods and Monsters into a short film. JJ: What kind of art projects?

    LDR: Me and Anthony Mandler we’re still working together, still talking. We had one project in mind but I’m not sure if we’re actually going to do that. We might just go off on our own and mix his eye for film with my music, and kind of create a twenty minute short film. JJ: Based on the new songs off of Paradise?

    LDR: Actually based on more of an idea we came up with together, but hopefully just weaving the music into it and making it make sense. JJ: What are your Top 5 movies?

    LDR: Good question! I love Godfather I & II. I like American Beauty. I like Don’t Look Back, a documentary about Bob Dylan by D. A. Pennebaker. I like Sin City. JJ: What is your biggest inspiration whether it be a thing, person, or place?

    LDR: That’s a good one. My own imagination, and my own vision for the way my future could look is inspiring to me. The landscape of California, the energy of New York. The potential I see in possible new innovative technological advances we’re making day by day. JJ: What vision do you see for yourself?

    LDR: I’m close to the vision I always had, which is just being lucky enough to have time to turn my life into a work of art. To sculpt my life into the way I want it to look from the people I know to the music I make to the art I want to keep trying to do, and time with my family. I feel in line with the vision I have. JJ: Since you have accomplished so much in the music industry, is there another industry in entertainment you would like to dive into?

    LDR: The only thing I can really myself slipping into easily is… The guy who composed the Paradise edition doesn’t really work in pop music, he’s a composer for films in California and he’s one of my oldest friends. I could see us just naturally scoring music for films, and that would be a really comfortable transition. It’s nice to stay in Los Angeles, it’s nice to be at home, but go out late at night and work on pieces that move you for movies you love. That would be great. JJ: Would you ever do any holiday stuff?

    LDR: Would I ever do any holiday stuff? It would probably end up being really sad, so I don’t know. I might not be the best holiday candidate! JJ: What can we expect from Lana del Rey in 2013?

    LDR: Probably just more of the same. I really love the Paradise edition, to me it feels even more natural than the original Born to Die. I really want to just get into it. I’m going to tour with my boyfriend [barrie James O’Neill], he’s coming with me! We’re touring together for 70 days in Europe. I’m excited for that. JJ: Is he [barrie] working on it too, or is he just accompanying you?

    LDR: He’s singing. His band, Kassidy, is going to sing. So we’re going to Vienna, Italy, and hopefully all of our friends will come, too. We’re going to have a caravan. JJ: What’s the most favorite photograph that your sister [Chuck Grant] has taken?

    LDR: When we used to live together in New York I used to buy these electric fish tanks from the dollar store, and I used to make her take pictures of me in front of the fish tanks. My nails were really long at the time and I would press up against the fish tanks and it just looked crazy. Our style started to develop together creatively to kind of reflect our love for Americana kitsch. Whenever she’d leave for work she’d come back and there would be streamers in the house and banners from the party store that she hated, but it started this style that I started to set the short videos to. JJ: What’s the most romantic place for you in the world?

    LDR: I don’t know, I’m very romantic… so I can find it in so many places. I love taking long walks. I love California, I love New York, and I also like Paris. JJ: What’s the most romantic thing that you’ve done for someone?

    LDR: When I met my boyfriend… we always say that the entire time we were writing for each other, but we didn’t know it until we met each other. So, you feel like even though you didn’t know the person then all the songs are for them now. That’s romantic. JJ: What’s the most romantic song for you?

    LDR: I do love this one lullaby that Barrie wrote, I think it’s beautiful. I’ve been really blessed to have a lot of romance in my life. It’s like my last luxury.
    JJ: What’s the best fan gift you’ve received? LDR: When I used to stay at the Chateau Marmont, there was this younger kid that came and made me this big book of his own version of my album covers, and he mixed it with tabloids from the 50’s and 60’s. So I’ll have like these potential album covers he thought I should make were mixed with film noir, pop-art newspaper clippings that I thought were so good.
    JJ: Where do you store all of your fan gifts?

    LDR: I have a box under my bed! JJ: Do you have a most embarrassing moment from tour?

    LDR: From tour? There’s so many embarrassing moments! It’s like, all embarrassing because it’s live. We share lots of personal moments together. All of my dresses are really short, and I stand really close to the audience… I don’t know. JJ: What has been the most surreal experience for you since breaking?

    LDR: I think feeling so comfortable in places like China, it feeling so natural to be in Shanghai or be in Singapore and feel like I have friends there. I’d say feeling like you have friends wherever you go is surreal when you come from a more isolated town. It really opens up the world for you. JJ: Do you have a most memorable performance?

    LDR: Believe it or not it was recently. I started working with Jaguar, and I went to Paris where they were unveiling their new F-Type. I had to walk down this 200 ft carpet just as this thunderstorm stopped in this long white dress, and my friend had to escort me down with an umbrella all the way down to the microphone. I got down there and I sang the song that I had written for their new car, and I said I was proud of Ian who was the designer who had submitted a sketch of the car when he was seven and finally brought it to life all these years later. So I got finished singing and these two sports cars started weaving around the stage and vrooming and it was really electric. The audience was just dazzled by the cars and the lights and the sound, it was very surreal. JJ: Can you comment on the rumors that you’re going to be the new face of Versace?

    LDR: I have to be honest, I don’t know where that came from! Versace is a brand that we love, but… we’re not working together though. JJ: Living or dead, is there someone that you haven’t met yet that you would love to?

    LDR: There’s so many people I’d like to talk to. There’s so many people I’d like to just sit with. I’d like to sit with Elvis and that crew back in Graceland. JJ: How are you spending Thanksgiving?

    LDR: Charlie, my brother, and I, we’re going to be somewhere in London. We’ll just be finished talking about the record, so we’ll be in London. Then for Christmas hopefully we’ll be back here and have everyone. Source: JustJared
  10. NEAL liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Did I seriously just start a whole conversation with this?
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Smiley Requests   
    You know after all this time, I still get so mesmerized by this gif o.O. This is a remembrance for the dear memory of mermaidmotel.co.cc
    While PBaby's code is very clear for the emotions being conveyed, I think it's importante to keep the letter strings minimum, don't you think so, babe? Hence, I propose:

    And who said that I'm not gonna post here myself Sitar? Oh, right u said that. Well, here I am.
    I extensively abused the following gifs in the past, idk if I will or ever need too, but it's absolutely not imperative to have them in the Emoticon, as I could easily resort to dem imgur.
    --like in "D'aww man, you're makin me blush here.."

    Since Maru hasn't response to my request to that emo James Deen gif, let's have a room for this iconic crey guy at Amoeba. The performance was so powerful that rendered this guy speechless and crey *snif*.. I feel you, man.

    :wiggle: or maybe :brow2: seeing Hellion already got the :brow: This is the gif that made Sitar figured me out x]
    Actually that last one I used quite often here recently, how can I not? It conveys me feels perfectly. Any excuse to whip out any pic of that long, glorious, swan-like throat that she knows so well how to flaunt. How come we haven't got the Lana's Neck Appreciation thread yet? ♫ She got a great ass neck and she knows how to show it.♬
    And Sitar, where's that pic of pondering (security?) mustachio man on the corner, that looks like Bashar Assad? Me feels I'm gonna need that emoticon very soon.
    And finally, not nearly as flawless or sassy as OffToTheRaces' (that version gonna be remembered dearly in our hearts). I present you

    Lol, see that's so ridic. I don't even know what shade the blush-on should be, Maru gonna kill me for my make-up skillz, if you advise I would revise. Srsly tho, I still don't know what/when/why/how/to whom this emoticon will be useful for. Give me example now. Or is it like one of those funny tumblr kids where they post regular conversation lines and end it all with an 'ew', and they will all automatically be funny? Like:
    I luv my mum, ew
    I ate an ice cream, ew
    I visited Coney Island, ew
    I listened to LDR today, ew
    It's you.., it's you..., it's always.., ew
    I look in the mirror for the first time, ew
    Or is it for leaks purpose, bribing members with sexual favors? x]
    Honey, I know you have demo 3 of Brite Lite, check PM, I'm ur Carmen tonite xoxo
    DISCLAIMER: I hereby, am not responsible if Lana gets too pissed off by the content above and see to it that :ben: takes action.
    Adios for now... *flees from the crime scene*

  12. NEAL liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Smiley Requests   

  13. NEAL liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Smiley Requests   

  14. Jord liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    While the front cover is alright (I'll chalk it up as yet another Lana Quirks in Decision Making), the back cover is indeed delightful. I wonder who decided to use that Jan Brueghel Sr.'s Temptation in The Garden of Eden painting.
    But then, I really thought that it could use Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delight. It's all kinds of twisted, disturbing, beauty, light & dark, and dork and phantasmagorical depiction of Heaven and Hell, of monsters and sinful pleasures (with enough nudity for the fan of male and female form); but Savage Garden already got that one and even got the noir, dualism, b/w photography down pat x]
    These Dutch painters.. let's forget the 50s-60s for a while, who wants to transport me to 14th-15th century Europe?
    Anyways, any info or HQs on the floral and sunrise/sunset pic?
  15. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Dimitry Kubrick in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't really have time to make all the scan but i can make a video for the moment of the entire box -set. And probably someone will make all teh scans for you
  16. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Dimitry Kubrick in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Here is my box -set <3 ( with french sticker )

  17. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Dimitry Kubrick in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    In my megastore
    I bought the box-set : it's so fucking beautiful : i can't even explain it <3

  18. NEAL liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in HUNTER HOOLIGAN   
    Hey guys! Just a small update! I've just done an awesome interview with an awesome writer. I'll link you guys when it's published!
    PS. Neal, I have not forgotten our interview either!
  19. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    Here Lana thinks:

    No srsly, if anything, that is a genuine look of adoration right thur.
  20. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    Here Lana thinks:

    No srsly, if anything, that is a genuine look of adoration right thur.
  21. burninparadise liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    Here Lana thinks:

    No srsly, if anything, that is a genuine look of adoration right thur.
  22. Sitar liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    Here Lana thinks:

    No srsly, if anything, that is a genuine look of adoration right thur.
  23. Nevada liked a post in a topic by NEAL in RIDE MONOLOGUE   



  24. NEAL liked a post in a topic by JhnMabius in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    I think she def likes Taylor. She looked happy on the pics and prob she went to taylor not otherwise like with katy. And she seemed releived that Taylor winned..
  25. NEAL liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana Del Rey at the 2012 EMA's   
    Maybe she sees little parts (tiny weenie) of her teenager self in T Swift since they both write about lost love and heartbreaks. One in a innocent, cute way, the other in a sexy, provocative way.
    They were talking about one of Lana's like: videos. They both worked with Woodkid and from what I understood, Swift is going to make her next video with the same person that had made Lana's video (I don't know which one she was talking about though).
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