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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. oh god she's pregnant, she's doing a demi moore. it's the only explanation -breathes into a paper bag-
  2. cover caption: 'lana del rey: i married the lord and i'm retiring.'
  3. she deserves it at this point. this is so not about norman freaking cockerwell pupa anymore
  4. yesss this pic is a good example! i guess it gives them that cherubic, almost cartoonish 'feminine' kind of look. she's definitely not happy with her natural face shape. i also think her weight seems to fluctuate slightly, so that could affect things maybe idk
  5. at one point i was pretty sure she'd had a browlift as well (around the met gala time, it all looked very fresh and recently done at that point) but fillers can do a similar thing
  6. i'll level with you, i really wish she'd quit those cheek fillers. they make her face so unnecessarily wide, i still think she's so pretty and it's her preference but i'd say they're actually ageing her. she's unrecognisable sometimes depending on lighting cos all her face contours have been 'smoothed'
  7. really good points here i think. obv i know she was a teen addict but i'm guessing the circumstances that resulted in that were quite different from some of the reasons substance abuse affects others (i'm getting this in before someone says "she was an alcoholic!!!!!" no one's saying she hasn't had hardship, karen lol)
  8. there's the potential naivety, but there's also the fact that......... this shit just doesn't affect her. it never did. she's never had to care, she's comfortably rich, she's white. she was a 'poverty tourist' at one point (i realise i'll probably get dragged for this but being kicked out of a comfortable family situation cos you're a bit wild and want to be a singer is NOT like being kicked out for being gay or trans or ending up on the streets with no other option) naivety possibly, but that naivety also indicates a level of privilege. she's also "not concerned about losing fans" which is cool when it comes to being her own boss creatively, but eeesh how far does this go? idk edit: also did she not 'help out' at an addiction charity for a long time? that's great but also doesn't indicate she's totally blind to this stuff
  9. i was one of the few people who actually felt the guillotine comment towards moby was her being in awe of him tbh. i just did not read it as her being critical, more in a girlish "oh my god, you're THE MAN moby. you're so badass and rich they'd have killed you!" i mean she suggested 'music could bring people together' when she was criticised for planning to play israel and if i recall it's the third time she intended and then backed down from doing it her comment on trump was "she felt more unsafe walking the streets since he was elected" (or words to that effect) which... doesn't really cover how irredeemably bad he is does it lol i.. would like to think she's just uninformed but given how many people she'll meet, her fucking job. idk i just don't buy she's not aware of the criticism of those churches from the LGBT community. i would imagine her defence would be something weak like "well we all have different beliefs. i believe in expression but i'm all about love, i think we can all learn from each other" or some vague noncommittal hippie shit that absolves her of responsibility
  10. this is true, it's become a source of fascination and 'entertainment' hasn't it. shudder to think what hillsong's etc other views are though. abortion, marital rape.. eeeesh
  11. don't really get why she isn't being dragged for this in the press in the same way she would if she'd become a scientologist
  12. she's acting almost retired and ready to bake apple pies in some ways but also having slumber parties in pyjamas with christian girlfriends like a 12 year old and on all accounts is in quite a turbulent relationship, i realise people are multidimensional beings but wow
  13. find it a bit unlikely she'd attend two organised cult-like churches, have friends who attend them and then suddenly do a 360 and attend mass somewhere totally unaffiliated. i mean it seems she's entered their social circle given she's with these people in her day to day life as well as when she worships. bit hard to suddenly break away....
  14. somehow can't imagine this kind of update happening on other fan forums
  15. she needs an intervention before we see her dancing around to a trip hop version of the lord's prayer dressed as a nun
  16. this is officially a cult, they even have their own slack uniform
  17. i mean.. she does look happy, though it's weird seeing her channeling a mum on a summer school run in terms of clothing choice oh god, she's gone fully square.. i can't.. i can't.. this all really is over
  18. why what's happening? AHA AHAHAHAA AHAA AHAAA -slaps table-
  19. yup. i adore stevie nicks in particular but beautiful people was such a useless song jesus christ. absolute waste
  20. someone showed me a sphynx cat the other day and said "look it's moby" and i'm still traumatised by the truth tbh
  21. swan song. didn't remotely interest me, i often skipped it then at christmas i rediscovered it and i love it when that happens
  22. my entire early to mid twenties was getting drunk and stoned and crying over boys to her music tbh
  23. ultraviolence was a delicious southern comfort with cola and a couple of cherries floating on top "eat me! eat me! i am not just a garnish!"
  24. this is the best thread on the entire forum for the creative drama and endless emotional rollercoasters that are entirely fictional, we're making our own tv show here guys
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