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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. oh god that snippet gave me some life, gonna strangle myself now
  2. there should be a 'messages for lana' thread. stream of consciousness, whatever comes into our minds. particularly if she's browsing
  3. lana if you're reading this, i just want to say you're being a total vagina
  4. judging by her instagram posts she's seen what we've said about her not liking her own music own up, which of you is she. i can think of a hilarious member i could say for the lols but i won't
  5. in a weird way, maybe the amount of lies she's told makes her a 'true artist' in the respect that her approach is method and her need is to live up to whatever fantasy she's creating. idk i've had some beers i FEEL FULL OF LOVE HOLD ME
  6. god i almost feel sorry for her with her days adventuring with the gals and her millions of dollars
  7. 2015 pages sitting on the screen, 2015 pages sitting on the screen and if one of those pages should accidentally delete, we got 2014 pages sitting on the screen
  8. i think we are seriously at the stage where it looks like it's scrapped guys. we can suggest all the months and seasons in the world but almost a year from the release of the first single is ridiculous and she's literally stopped even mentioning it, even in passing. she hasn't even said in recent interviews she's "finishing her record" or even "recording". i don't expect it to happen but i think the hint should be taken edit: at one point she mentioned NFR pretty regularly, the silence now is deafening
  9. i remember when this came out me and my friend had been so excited cos we were huge fans since BTD, we listened to it together, heard the opening lyrics to cruel world and cried (i know total cheeseballs). so many memories attached to this record tho, became my solace through so much shit and still is
  10. old but one of my biggest is "who the fuck is jim?" she says it's jim beam, but she also references her alleged relationship with jimmy gnecco countless times (the going to the gas station for snacks thing) in countless songs which they apparently did together. he fits the profile in so many songs on ultraviolence don't quote me on this but if i remember at one point she said the ultraviolence song was inspired by jim morrison and pamela courson's relationship, given a book i read about them it does seem quite fitting in some ways. plus she references jim morrison officially in god's & monsters who the fuck is jim who knows
  11. idk, i feel like even though she isn't what you'd call "worldwide iconic" she clearly has always glamorised this love of 'being loved' and 'being appreciated' cos you're 'famous'. chasing fame by definition is about vanity, as i've said before there's always been a spoiled, bratty element to her persona. it's just that for a long time it was endearing and vulnerable and she was humble because she knew she was a nobody. now she has some artistic license, some collabs and film soundtracks under her belt and i think she's potentially showing who she really is i'm not even suggesting i don't expect it from her, i just wish she wouldn't have spent time bullshitting earnest questions from fans on social media and had answered them honestly or not at all
  12. also that fucking smug "oh i don't know honey, the album just kind of happened and will sort of happen and who knows. whenever i feel like it. hey like my selfies and my tweets, i love your attention baby xoxo"
  13. norman rockwell's spooky ghost is so insulted at being named after an album that was tossed in the trash
  14. congratulations! 2000 farts in the wind love you all xoxo
  15. this is so her right now tho. vaguely smug, noncommittal answer as if she isn't in full control of all this ffs
  16. i thought the dip dye look was what she was rocking anyway at the moment ok i'll see myself out
  17. i agree with rorman, like this is a woman with tonnes of unreleased tracks because they clearly weren't 'good enough' (granted i realise the record labels could have been in part responsible for this) but given she's so tetchy about NFR and there's no logistic reason she hasn't released it she's clearly a perfectionist who has to feel a record is good enough. as she said in that interview she did "if the mixing takes 8 months, it takes 8 months" that's not someone who'd release something they weren't happy with, despite the fact i do drag her a lot and i admit to this lol
  18. sevdaliza - shahmaran truly love her, think this is a masterpiece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uMsLPlPfJo
  19. i think it's ok to criticise hope and still love it, i don't personally feel for one minute it's trash. also i have nothing whatsoever against her more stripped back sound, it's very lizzy and very 'songwriter' esque and i'm very into that. do i love that she might be trying to appeal to 'serious music fans'? absolutely not, i dislike that aspect but it is what it is. think i'm one of the few people who'd have been really bored if she'd been priscilla presley mk2 forever does everyone honestly think they'd be happy with her bringing out cinematic track after cinematic track? i mean again i love it, i'd like to think so.... but... i do think i'd start to get bored
  20. admittedly, though i love the song i felt sylvia plath was an achingly obvious choice when it comes to a song documenting artistic 'angst' or whatever. so i do feel this
  21. do we know when the last time she acknowledged the existence of NFR was? feel this is pretty important
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