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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. This is kinda confusing for me. So, we're in a forum where we all form our opinions on her music and artistic behaviour from the info we get (be it insiders, leaks, herself or whatever) but it is wrong if I form an opinion once we have the info -which, by the way, I dont get to decide how gets to us- just because that opinion is quite critical regarding Lana's ways to make this last album? If your complain is about the leaks, the insiders and all of the unofficial sources that inform the discussion here, I'd recommend you to go and work for them to dissapear, or anything else. Go argue with people who's asking for leaks or for insider's info (which I dont happen to do, none of that). As long as I have zero to do with security fails on industry music, I will proceed to keep respectfully participating on the dialogue here, as any other member from the forum does, building a point of view towards the info we get as long as we get it, as any other member from the forum does. And about "raving the album to heavens" or not, be sure I'll be as critical as I want towards it once it comes out, no matter how "biased" you think my perspective may be.
  2. This makes like zero sense for a new record. Like, its not an unreleased collection (which she could come with as well if she wanted), it's just absurd to put not 1 or 2, but 6 (regardless which ones they are) on an album thats supossed to be a brand new one. I mean, there's tons of beautiful fanmade bootlegs on Youtube to listen to if anybody wants to enjoy unreleased songs in the context of an "album". Of course, there's also the option to officially release them as a specific collection. And the fact that we've already heard three of the new songs, not to talk about the chaos surrounding the multiple fake release dates, the album name changes, the terrible former artworks... I love Lana and her music deeply, but she just couldnt have managed this project worse.
  3. sjatib

    Instagram Updates

    If "tweaking" is being used as in "editing", I guess its because theres a big difference on how she looks on her last sightings and how she does in the pictures she's uploading lately. It could be because of makeup and stuff, obviously, but I also noticed the gap is big on that matter. Edit: Nvm, just saw the Tony Hawks/Lil Nas X thing.
  4. It's part of the "#Makeitmakeabsolutelyzerosensechallenge" vibe she's on
  5. Why do the children look like early Marina...
  6. I just remembered at some point before COTCC release, she said she was exploring the themes of native american population for "reparations" purposes on her "next album" (I think she said it when announcing VBOTG). So, the "Trail of tears" thing could be feasible!
  7. Out of topic, maybe, but it truly doesnt get more erotic than her... Damn
  8. This is great. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Same here. Her music makes me cringe so heavily I just cant ignore it. Folklore is maybe one of the dullest things I've listened to and will never get the hype behind it (except from the sales-oriented industry dynamics that explain a lot). Enjoyed a few songs from Evermore though.
  10. In favor of NFR*, its more painful than you thought
  11. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Exactly the opposite about the ballads here. Felt irrelevant since first listen. The rest of the album doesn't feel memorable either...
  12. There were threads that were dry Sitting on the desktop They asked me "why you check them" I said "I truly don't remember"
  13. Just thought that "Arcada" means "retching" in spanish... Cant wait to see the wordplays after what "COCC" made to this forum
  14. Just thinking... What if she's deliberately repeating the torture that NFR was in terms of pre-release to hype both critics and audience and get critical acclaim again? (Nvm, just thinking aloud)
  15. sjatib

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I like it also but mainly cause the nearest reference to compare it to is L+F, so the bar is hugely low... Not that ADIAML is bad, it just feels inconsistent. Like a (small) bunch of songs, some quite nice, some quite weak, thrown together with an aesthetical proposal that isnt bad but doesnt seem to go anywhere either. I also think that she'll keep recovering on next album, though.
  16. Don't know if this guy's cover has been discussed here yet, but definetly worthy of a listen.
  17. Loved COTCC too. Maybe it needed some more work or thought put on some specific places, but it was beautiful and quite better crafted than it's predecessor. Just out of curiosity, which song did you dislike from it?
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