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Everything posted by Manson

  1. @delreyfreak But you know that basically every person I've met that smokes weed doesn't think it's the same as "drugs"? Most people think it's healthier than cigarettes (which Lana is smoking). I'm gonna let my personal opinion out of this completely but just saying. Pretty sure Lana smokes a blunt here and there. And that's not even a bad thing so...
  2. Do you guys think Jared Leto was annoyed by Lana's drunk/high/confused ass
  3. Chill out @Salvatore Don't get high and mighty now and act like we're all superficial, white trash Drag Race fans. I will only speak for myself but most of the stuff you bring up is something I can't relate to, but hey, it's the internet and you don't know me as a person - so I don't judge. I don't care for the money the queens put in their drag, because honestly, Drag Race queens are not the kind of drag I care about in real life. Here in Berlin it's about politics, a message and plain fun. We barely have polished acts. But we're talking about Drag Race here - the american show that supports the polished american way of drag. And Vixen is nothing of that for me. So? Yes, exactly as you said - a mess neck down. And mostly that for all runway looks. But that's because she's on Drag Race. Would be a different thing if I would see her perform in a bar over here. So I'm basically not saying anything different than you and you basically agreed in your post. On your other point - you're too much in your head about the racism discussion she brought up because you're assuming my position. I have full appreciation for what she did with Aquaria (while most of my friends don't agree with me at all) because I can understand where she's coming from. Yet I don't get how you are trying to put down my opinion or view on the fact that I have an issue with the "how"? Let me say this clearly - I don't appreciate or "live" for this unecessary bashing between anyone! When they are sitting in front of the mirror and make some shady little remarks - ok. If they have the reading challenge - ok. But I won't accept that I have to focus on the purpose of the outrage (her daily struggle being a black person I guess is what you're trying to imply?) if I have a personal issue with the hate and disrespect she had in her voice, when the girls did nothing to make her feel like that in that moment (and in my opinion before). It's something that for me, did not belong there and was uncalled for. Felt the same about Phi Phi and literally anyone else that has been on the show (even Eureka's stupid moments)....
  4. Her face I need reaction gifs of this evening
  5. She wins And this should have been Lana's look, she would've KILLED it
  6. Bitch Rihanna looked damn good,especially the makeup, yes SZA copied her but still looked amazing and Solange looks fucking epic Exactly, something is so off with this look
  7. Can I be honest...she wasn't on my timeline so I looked up the Met Gala hashtag and I was .... weirded out Honestly not a flattering look on her. Especially the wig and the cut and shape of the dress. Some other girls are slaying this theme though! And my favourite ....
  8. Amen. Just my thoughts. People like her are poison until they fix their issues.
  9. What ultralife said. She isn't even an interesting queen visually in any way. And the attitude literally kills anything. Good that she has people like you though...I guess
  10. Exactly, as dark and hateful on the inside as Phi Phi. I pray for them. Crazy thing is that she doesn't realise that everything she is accusing other people of, is a mirror of her own behaviour. SHE is the unprofessional one, yet she is accusing other people of that. And you don't need to be a Eureka fan to see that.
  11. Wow, so good to hear Salvatore in this thread Lana said she would think about adding it to the setlist and we never got the gem of HM.
  12. But it would be nice to hear the trinity including all of her music, like I said in the first post, that makes it trickier Amazing taste as well
  13. Your taste is officially flawless
  14. Can you guys please tell me that I'm not the only one having a big issue with Vixen's behaviour? She is making me furious. Such a bitter, hateful person. She can't take shit but wants to dish all the time
  15. I don't know if a thread like this exists, I for sure couldn't find it on the last three pages. This is kind of a difficult question, but if you'd have to chose your top three Lana songs out of all her songs that we know, which one's would they be? What's your Lana trinity? Please not that you don't have to rank them. Just name three. Mine for the moment (obviously changing a lot): High By The Beach, Shades of Cool, Off To The Races
  16. SHOCKED AND SHOOK It's probably one of my top 5 or maybe even top 3 Lana songs. Crazy how different tastes are.
  17. Every time I hold the Vinyl in my hands I get a magical feeling again. Idk what it exactly is, but this album is something special. I guess now we can be kinda happy that she never really promoted it or gave it huge attention because it's still so special because of that. Untouched in a way.
  18. I honestly can't remember. But I remember that the first time I remembered being impacted by one of her unreleased songs was, when I found Damn You on YT and it made me cry. Anyone that has gone through what she's singing about should be able to relate 100% to the pain in the song.
  19. This is still so amazing! She could do something like this anytime! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtgiVU3Rf1Q
  20. Lana just confirmed to me in a private DM that the album is cancelled. She hates us. Told me to tell you guys to "shove it up your gay holes, ungrateful fucks"
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