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rosemead ramada

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Everything posted by rosemead ramada

  1. I just received my Tough single from Urban Outfitters and I can confirm it is the same Made in Mexico pressing that was on the US store I suspected it would be but at least now we know for certain
  2. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    Tim McGraw/Timeless! And a new dress
  3. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

  4. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    New Reputation bodysuit!!!! Took long enough
  5. Argentine media has confirmed the photos circulating online of his hotel room are real: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/seguridad/muerte-de-liam-payne-asi-encontraron-la-habitacion-del-hotel-desde-donde-cayo-el-excantante-de-one-nid16102024/ (google translate): "Through official sources acting in the case, LA NACION managed to verify the veracity of a series of images that went viral on social networks about the alleged state of Liam's room" Also confirms the hotel called police prior to his death regarding his behavior
  6. The ISBN for it is 978-9991-98-643-8 but unfortunately it doesn't seem at all possible to buy it unless someone in Mongolia sends it to you. I contacted several bookstores in Mongolia that have it for sale online and none of them will ship internationally
  7. completely unsubstantiated online chatter about what happened so obviously take this with a grain of salt but supposedly
  8. they do, but it's cropped photos of just his tattoos (they absolutely shouldn't have posted it though)
  9. I have both so I can describe the difference: The cream one has its own jacket with a unique barcode number printed directly on its back cover, and its specific catalogue number on the spine. The clear one, however, was packaged in the same jacket as the regular black one. So the barcode on the back and catalogue number on the spine are actually for the black. When the clear vinyl was sealed, they put sticker barcodes on top of the shrinkwrap directly over what would now be the wrong barcode. The shrinkwrap is also printed with "Made in Canada" So a sealed clear vinyl should: 1) have a sticker placed on the shrinkwrap for the barcode (602507429812). If the correct number is on the jacket itself, then the vinyl is cream 2) have Made in Canada printed on the shrinkwrap 3) have the same catalogue number as the black variant on the spine 4) match the back cover of the black vinyl (notice the cream jacket has three lines of the text at the bottom, but the clear one has two lines) ^The barcode underneath is really for the black version
  10. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    oh I know. I'm just so impatient I need everything the second it's available ICDIWABH is my least favorite song of the entire 31 tracks. Actually, it's the only song that I don't even really care for. Whatever song I'd rank as #30 I could still at least say I liked, just 29 better... but then a large gap between #30 and ICDIWABH. I don't get how everyone loves it so much they made it a single
  11. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    Why aren't they doing pre-orders for it though!?! that's strange So you mean I need to literally leave my house and go to Target on Black Friday at who knows what god awful hour in the morning for this!? I NEED IT. I NEED IT NOW
  12. truth (actually I really love the Nick Warren Vocal Remix of Summertime Sadness)
  13. I listened to the first 40 seconds of the remix and said that was enough Am I missing anything?
  14. I think it's probably just the same as the one on her US store. Why it's a pre-order that doesn't ship for a few weeks, I have no idea, but I can't imagine they'd make a new pressing just to have it be just another shade of red. It also doesn't say anything about it being an UO exclusive, just that it's "limited edition" which is meaningless. if it were something completely new, I feel like they'd stress that to generate sales.
  15. I stopped watching like 25 minutes ago, I couldn't take it anymore
  16. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    Since 9/13 didn't end up happening I've kinda forgotten all about Rep TV... anyone else? It'll come when it comes I'd still prefer for Debut TV to come first, though. And Dec 13 is still absolutely perfect for it, and then Rep TV next year. Go out with a bang.
  17. The way Vance keeps glancing at the screen when Walz is talking is so repulsive
  18. This person seems like they're intentionally trolling to derail this thread
  19. I've reported you for your disgusting comment. really letting your mask off, huh? not surprising yeah uh... we do? maybe you didn't notice but this is specifically the Israel/Palestine thread
  20. It's not ironic to Zionists, who have repeatedly made it very clear they do not consider Palestinians to be equal to Israelis whatsoever. They don't even try and hide it. They openly admit their supremacist worldview and not only have no shame about it, but have it celebrated by most of the West. Human rights are conditional now, and if you don't meet their conditions, no human rights for you! Truly appalling. Someone should do a social experiment and take things everyday Israelis say about Palestinians, but claim its a white person saying it about a black person. Then ask the Israel apologists to rate how racist they think it is. The double standards and hypocrisy is truly ugly
  21. FINALLY my signed vinyl shipped
  22. Oh god I was just accidentally exposed to a clip from conservative instagram where they were talking about women wanting "real men" and they used Lana marrying Jeremy Dufrene as proof of this Lana what have you done
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