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rosemead ramada

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Everything posted by rosemead ramada

  1. Urban Outfitters has a pre-order up for a 7" of Tough on "limited edition coral vinyl", shipping Oct 24 https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/quavo-x-lana-del-rey-tough-limited-7-inch-single?category=new-music-releases&color=060&type=REGULAR&size=ONE+SIZE&quantity=1 I wish they had a better mockup of what it's going to look like... is it orange? Is it some kind of ombré? (or is this even a new pressing at all and maybe they're just selling the vinyl from the official sites? though this doesn't ship for a month so it doesn't make much sense for a delay if it's the same as the official store version. who knows)
  2. They still haven't shipped my signed vinyl I'm just going to assume at this point it will eventually be cancelled
  3. Mahashmashana! There's like 7 different variants I love FJM so much. He's one of my favorites. I should post a pic of my vinyl collection!
  4. I loooooooove the title track so much. I can't stop listening to it It was hard to pick out which vinyl variant I wanted. there were so many to chose from this time
  5. I retook photos in natural daylight. It's still a bit hard for my phone to capture the true colors. The European pressing is definitely orange. The North American one, even in person, I would sometimes call red, sometimes orange-red, sometimes red-orange. It's the black and blue vs white and gold dress but in vinyl Made in Germany is always on the left, Made in Mexico on the right And as I mentioned, the jackets are different thicknesses (German on bottom, Mexican on top)
  6. I have both copies now. Here's a comparison: The German one is definitely orange. As soon as I took it out of the sleeve I immediately thought "orange", unlike the Mexican pressing that I immediately thought of as "red". It's not really that much of a color difference. They both also look a lot different depending on the light. I'll retake a comparison photo tomorrow in natural daylight to see if that captures the difference any better other differences: -the center label on the Mexican is bigger -the front and back covers are a lighter shade on the German one. the back images are cropped slightly differently -the German one has a spine (there is no text on it though) but the Mexican one has a completely flat jacket (also what are the chances I'm the only person in the world to have both these copies right now. how many people are crazy like me )
  7. I loooove Big Love and Lawsuit and Nonchalant and the whole thing Still waiting for my vinyl though
  8. It must be so weird to be a celebrity in the audience, i'd be so uncomfortably aware all night that at any moment I could be on camera and feel like I always had to look like I was super entertained and excited Katy singing all of her hits instead of the lead single from her new album that comes out in a few weeks
  9. Ewwwww do you mean I have to turn the vmas on now?!
  10. Maybe she's a little bit mad about what happened with the Age of Adaline, too. She was like, oh you just want my song to promote the movie? Been there, done that, no thanks
  11. When Lana pulls a '24' and puts this on Lasso whatever her next album is and it's very obvious to all of us which song it is.... Sofia better watch out
  12. I actually got two . One of the white ones bc those were signed, and then a purple one bc I liked the color better There's probably not many of each variant... I don't think she's a huge seller (though she should be!). There was a special 500-copy pressing of I Can't Let Go earlier this year that was at Urban Oufitters and it took months to sell out, so I don't think her fanbase is that big
  13. Omg you basically just notified me there's a new song. I wasn't expecting another new one before the album's out also my vinyl shipped
  14. COLLECTORS ALERT! I got my Tough vinyl today. It appears there are TWO pressings. My copy has "Made in Mexico" printed on the shrinkwrap and it's definitely red vinyl. So it seems there's an orange red version with Made in Germany stickers, and then a Made in Mexico pressing. My copy came from the US store. (if you look close enough you'll see the Made in Mexico on the shrinkwrap... it's near Quavo's arm and armpit) Edit: Lol I just ordered another copy from the UK store since those all seem to be the German pressings and yes I am that collector who collects variants of variants, sue me
  15. Wow Sabrina #1 with 362,000 and Travis Scott #2 with 361,000 I didn't expect it to be so close
  16. Omg I've been thinking it was gold skin for the past decade
  17. Oh god, having all those snippets for so long was misery, not a benefit. I tortured myself listening to the Cinnamon Girl snippet for like... a year That was literally one of the worst parts of the NFR rollout for me. It was nothing but a giant prolonged tease-fest. I would've rather known nothing. I hope Lana never does something like that again, though she already did a little bit with Henry
  18. oooh we should be getting shipping notifications for the vinyl later this week! time flew by
  19. She is in a different state or country every day But never anywhere near me of course
  20. wow Busy Woman is so good!!! a BOP if you need my love my clothes are off im coming over to your place and if you don't need my love well I didn't want your little bitchass anyway
  21. I often think about that girl scratching her vagina in the background of the Sometimes video and laugh that it made its way into the video
  22. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    Wow there was no announcement, I feel robbed
  23. rosemead ramada

    Taylor Swift

    If you rearrange the letters for Gatsby you get Gaby St... ...the same street Taylor lived on when her debut was released!! DEBUT TV IS NEXT
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