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About wittycatchphrase

  • Rank
    sans fucks
  • Birthday 09/04/1985

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  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    She/ Her
  • Location
    here in my head
  • Interests
    Pangaea/ continental drift, snowball earth, Cambrian explosion, cock
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  1. I went for a drive last night for my first listen and it was a beautiful experience. Lana and driving just go together for me. I know my first impressions always get revised but "Dark But Just A Game" hit different but rain on my face during White Dress
  2. Thanks so much, I was like "WTF is this?" lol. Appreciate your help!
  3. Anyone know if "GnarlyWood" is associated with this Violet merch line? I got a shipment confirmation for something from GnarlyWood idk wtf it is, and all I see is that they're a shit company in Carlsbad, CA that sells musical merch, I can't think of anything else it might be, just curious
  4. I feel your pain, I paid so much for that thing but I regret nothing, it did hit me hard tho
  5. People who are like "she's scared if she says something it'll get misconstrued, she should stay silent so she'll look better" like maybe there are more important things right now than keeping your image/ brand just sayin
  6. The merch will probably be a mess but knowing me I'll throw my money at it all anyways
  7. So I'm one of the people who took issue with her original post (but not to the extent of withdrawing support or canceling her or her music)...that video this morning had me in my feelings. She looked so so so down and drained.
  8. she should pray on this at that homophobic church
  9. I was wrong, this is actually so much worse than the "I wish I was dead already" saga, girl is gonna have some serious regrets down the line.
  10. Whatever it is, (I was assuming the musical album, based on her wording about the poetry books and their content, then going on to say the album will have "tinges"of what she was talking about) I'm excited, my birthday is the day before /csb
  11. Now that I've had time to digest this a bit more, I'mma say my piece. Short version/ Summary: Girlfriend is in her feelings right now (and I'm sad for her) but she made a major mis-step that she could have used as an opportunity for growth but instead quadrupled down; I'm disappointed in her but will still support her musically because nothing can take her music and its meaning away from me; Twitter cancel culture is going overboard but there is validity behind the points POC (including myself in there) have made; I don't consider Lana racist but she does not recognize the privilege she has experienced compared to the women she included in her post; Lana thwarted her own intended meaning of her post by the aggressive tones throughout, especially in the beginning; both this and her response overshadowed the rest of what she had to say about the perception of her glamorizing abuse, which she made valid points about. Longer version: I'm genuinely sad that Lana was clearly hurt by something that led her to make the post in the first place. I do believe her *intention* was not to openly dismiss the women she named, but once you put your words out there, you have to realize they're not quite solely yours anymore, and can be open to interpretation. Which I'd imagine was the point of sharing it in the first place, as it was labeled as a "question for the culture." A lot of people who end up being involved in race-related interactions don't have the intention of going there, and I don't believe Lana did. But intent only goes so far. It seems like a lot of people here don't want to hear it, but the POC who shared their concerns made valid points about the racial bias and Lana's inability to see how, despite her own legitimate difficulties in the industry, she has benefited from her privilege in ways the other artists she named have not. While some may say it's not up to her to "correct" what she meant to say, the way she responded in those four follow-ups, after spending the day deleting comments (whether it was her or her team is irrelevant) was more tone-deaf than the original post. A lot of the more blind stans will say this is unimportant (which is concerning), but I do believe she lost some fans of color, and that is sad. Because it didn't have to be that way. Lana could have more maturely addressed her mis-step rather than leaping into quicksand with those four follow-up comments and her #fuckoff post. And doing so doesn't automatically mean she would have "catered to the public" or "backed down." She had an opportunity for growth, and she didn't take it, opting instead to react from a place of anger and low vibration. It's not "ICONIC" or a "kween" moment, as now this is what people (GP though I know no one here cares about that) will focus on, rather than her legitimate concerns about the general perception of her glamorizing abuse. She played herself, and it baffles me that stans don't see that. I'm legitimately concerned that stans are all "haters don't have reading comprehension! lolz" when Lana herself clearly has the inability to comprehend how her word choices contributed to this mess. It's not a good look, and while it's not career-ending, it's at least a derailment/ distraction of sorts. And I don't want that for her. Lastly, I still love her and support her music because she/ the music means so much to me.
  12. I'm sorry, during this difficult time I am not accepting harmful and negative opinions of NFR, thank you for your cooperation
  13. yeah but she didn't say what year so
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