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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. concept albums are so tricky especially having to do a music video for 13 songs it always drags out for a long time and each music video progressively lacks creativity, gets cheaper and the audience loses interest. same thing that happened with cry baby happened with electra heart by marina, they both started out really strong then after about 5 videos a year or two goes by the labels don't want to fund it anymore and the fans want something new. 


    the plot of k-12 is so useless like we get it you're going to school, the teachers suck, the popular girls are mean to you :noparty:... i wish she would've went more beyonce style where she just narrates over certain parts that lead into each song or even something like tropico that doesn't necessarily need acting or character dialogue but the story still makes sense


    i fear for the future of melanie's career and abilities as an artist when her label no longer wants to give her $6 million every time she wants to make a full length movie and decides to drop an album with no singles especially when the movie can barely crack $300k at the box office...



    There are some very interesting points!

    If I remember correctly, she kept touring Cry Baby nonstop so she could be able to "fund" this album and movie. (I mean, not directly from her pocket, but she had to give them enough money to "trust" them). Cry Baby managed to get some crazy records going on (Something like "tied with "lady gaga" - debut record with more certifications" and stuff like that).


    This time around she's not able to tour THAT much, with many dates canceled due pandemic and also the album didn't have the "longevity" from Cry Baby. She already said she wants album 3 to be another movie, isn't it? 


    For the concept-records, I kinda agree but it's interesting to note that Cry Baby still had stuff like Tag\Cookies double video 1 year after the album release and ironically Melanie just grew (number-wise) during the Cry Baby era, with each video basically outdoing the one before. Even Mad Hatter that had like, almost 1 full year gap, sits at 77m views right now (which is actually huge when you think that she actually didn't really promote the record beyond the endless tour + music videos and it barely had real singles going on). It's different from like Electra Heart that they really just... got lost after Power & Control flopped and didn't bother (I think not even Marina bothered at all tbh rip) to keep it going, which is a shame since Marina kept growing through the cracks even if her numbers weren't impressive "chart-wise".




    Anyway, just remembered Mrs. Potato Head was supposed to have some other scenes including a Morgue set-up and she cut it to keep the story cute. Leak her too.

    Wondering why they still haven't re-issued Cry Baby as a CD+DVD package, including the deluxe\extra songs and all music videos + some behind the scenes. Especially now that they randomly got Play Date getting streams. 

  2. The fact she also sat on this record for 4 years and then it was, well, "that", doesn't help. I'll give her the kudos that the movie actually looks EXPENSIVE and it is "well made" (even with some amateur flaws, but it was also "her debut" directing something like that so it's totally alright) but the story\script itself is just trash and it felt like "Look at all this money I've got from the label!! I'm gonna BURN IT."


    The story is bad. I'm still unsure of how\why she decided to go full Matilda-XMen. It would have been better if she dropped the record and then took her time to make the movie, making it also last "longer" as an Era. Cry Baby was fun (at least until like... Pacify Her and then Mad Hatter taking one year was just bad) because of the overflown of content, that also helped building her name out there. Her art direction is, however, really fantastic.



    Randomly got Strawberry Shortcake stucked in my head this last week. The good songs here are really alright. Strawberry Shortcake, Highschool Sweet Hearts, Lunchbox Friends, Detention (?). I can't remember the rest at all apart from knowing I loathe Show & Tell. 

    It missed some variety I guess. It feels like they really grabbed some stems from Cry Baby and decided "yep we'll build all the songs we can using these". Feels very "one note"

  3. I was kinda confused when I checked my e-mail and there was some type of "Play-Date-Competition" or whatever. They're really pushing it, hun? To imagine was the one song from Cry Baby she really ignored back then... lol.

  4. I mean... in the end, Sky is some type of Label-Experiment that actually went wrong and then "right". We can't forget that homegirl started singing electropop songs with Bloodshy & Avant, pitching demos to bigger artists (or whatever rumor) and once NOTHING took off, they just sent her to management hell and scrapped her debut record (which happened to be produced by... some big POP names).



    Then, with budget cut and so on, she started experimenting and... well. She grew up. And singing about "being 17 and sneaking into parties with fake IDs" and "Sex Rules" (bop tho) just didn't make sense at all. Then she started to move on with some other sounds and meet new stuff and people. 




    Her whole rant back from Halsey "stealing-her-style" and Nasty Cherry and every other of her feuds (apart from the Everything is Embarassing\Blood Orange one) she was just so out of reality and... kinda wrong?? 


    What blows my mind is to see how many ~connections~ she actually does have in the industry (in general, from music to film and fashion) and doesn't seem to take advance of it professionally. Get David Lynch to direct one of your music videos, get your music on fashion shows... it's just crazy.


    Also, Happy (Late) Birthday, Sky.

  5. and everyone thinks Lana is the queen of undelivered "promises"



    tbh they're both head-to-head in this nnn

    At least Gaga never promised music videos nn.

  6. I think by every era ever since Born This Way we've been... "promised" (and I say this cautiously because well sometimes it's not really her fault) new content after album release and... it never happened. The closer was probably like "Merry Xmas here listen to this early demo I never touched beyond the first take "Stuck on f*cking You".


    Americano (Mariacchi Version) - 2011

    Princess Die - 2012\13

    ARTPOP ACT II (Onion Girl, Temple, etc.) - 2014

    "B-Side Collection" - 2016ish

    Joanne World Tour\Dive Bar Las Vegas - 2017


    and these really came from her mouth, some from official sources (the Joanne World Tour "New songs" was a quote from Billboard interview, and Americano was from one of the Born This Way press-release interviews) and some others from random backstage meetings.


    Then we have stuff from producers like "Frankensteined", "Tea", and now "Babylon (Haus Mix)" etc etc etc.

  7. Life Is Strange is actually a nice record, isn't it?

    And I call it Record because my compliment goes way more toward the production than the lyrics itself. But they're no worst than any other thing on the album and the pre chorus is good. "Ever since my dreams have changed \ I'm crashing down like paper planes". It's the one that reminds me of The Family Jewels the most.


    And while on TFJ subject...





    Oh wow.

  8. She had some crazy bops back then. One Woman Army? Fantastic. Classic. Naughty Naughty? Great. World conquering. The rock-screamo-punk stuff was nice too (King of The World, Fuck Like a Star).


    Too bad she really outed herself as... not a nice person. I followed her for a long time but had enough.

    Her music with RedOne was interesting because, like Gaga, she actually had a spin over his usual tricks and everything worked fine. He really did her dirty though. 


    Some type of "Sky-Ferreira-Promising-Music" Limbo.

  9. If I remember correctly from the interviews, she said that it's how she started writing this album, but the only song that was truly inspired by it was Fresh Laundry


    I believe Madame X is a metaphor about it as well.


    I think cape god is a really great record. I didn't play it a lot but I appreciate it a lot. Like i've said thousand times before, it does feel like the follow up from CLX II (while super sunset does feel like the spiritual sucessor for CLX I)

  10. idk i heard rumors years ago about how it leaked, but also heard rumors that Gaga gave it to a small number of people or gave it to Emma and it leaked



    I think that's true, not sure if really Gaga gave it away, but it was going around with a few batch of fans and then someone fucked up when it got a little out of control. We have different mixes (that are really... almost imperceptible) that leaked all together. And then the stems (I also believe DJWS mentioned something about it being the real final version but can't remember 100% about it)

  11. Song is pretty great. As I mentioned before, the 90s House vibe are awesome and I wish she'd lean further and further. It's new (on the scene & inside her career), it's fresh and it's going great chartwise it seems.


    The video is very simple but well done which is something that was.... lacking. Things that were actually well done in the end. It's a nice Pop video, not really groundbreaking. The first part especially, before Ariana kicks in, Gaga is actually killing it with the Choreo. When they start just jumping around and hugging it's a bit... disjointed. But they do have chemistry and it looks cute, even if a little dumb.

  12. Ugh almost double posting but I need to make a moment to remember the fact she did not only 1 but 2 THEMED performances, one of them being her fucking weeding. People were dressed up. She was wearing a white dress. Her Fiancé doesn't show up. 





    Imagine if she did something like this in full for Super Sunset? I'm not saying just putting on a wig and vintage dresses, but a whole storyline-d concert including every persona  from that era and some of the songs from Clx I & II.

  13. O Chad is... that Bitch. Or that Hunk Top. 

    The Demo Reel is interesting, funny how it skips some material that could be useful (I guess she didn't have acess to these songs at all??). Tongue Tied, I Will Love You More. Wonder if it's because they were promoted on their own and could be "Known songs" in her catalogue and the demo reel decided to focus on less-known cuts. (Also the amount of covers well I guess diversity is everything)

  14. This is actually the perfect response to this mess.

    Yup, agree 100% !

    All of this



    I swear to god I don't even feel comfortable trying to explain this because it's totally "NOT MY PLACE" yet I feel angry that someone so loved and that could be a voice would decide to just stumble and sound bitter over nothing. My post is full of stumblings itself because I just can't process how she really decided to write that down, upload, read and think "I did THAT".

  15. Love her but this mess is the worst thing she could just bring to herself. 

    She sounds bitter and over nothing. It's very "I wish I was dead" circa 2014 when for the last 6 years she's been receiving nothing but acclaim from critics and even general public.



    It was Bad worded, with a thin veiled racism. Why didn't she didn't address her frustrarion about the males that always get away with the same stuff she mentioned? Why did she pick the black girls that also got the same criticism for being sexual in her songs? 



    It really just makes no sense. If she's also really that bothered about people getting #1, maybe she should stand her lazy ass and get out of Instagram and actually promote her music (and let it fucking speaks for itself instead of putting clown make up on for this mess).


    I don't really care about her intention, this is just trash that she should have kept to herself instead of trying to paint herself as a victim. She overhauled every critic ever since her Ultraviolence days and should be happy about it. If she wants to go back to singing about being raw-ed about some 70YO outlaw, go for it girl, just don't expect that people will care about you at all. But I guess that's also not a problem for someone who wanted just to live "out of her poetry singing for the ones who understand and care about me"



    The whole thing is just so bad because she keeps stumbling. She talks about #1, about critics, about feminism and yet just... got nothing.

  16. Also there's been hints that she actually signed to a ~label or something that will be taking care of her music releases. And she's yet to release a lead single or anything for the upcoming project so... there's pretty much nothing to talk about apart messy tweets and random snippets\live chats. 


    Personally I believe she's doing fine, you can see on her page that she gets a lot of support\hundred of retweets\replies to anything she does and so on. She'll be fine.

  17. So. its the 10th. and. well I just wanted to know, when do shipments usually start for cd's and stuff? shipped a week before? release day? I usually buy my music in stores so. 'course there're factors w shipping bc of we all know, but yeah, what's usually the anticipation experience of it w shipping etc.? 


    I believe it depends from artist to artist but it's something around 2 weeks before release date for what I believe.



    Somehow I read this won't be shipping before August thought nn. I haven't ordered anything myself but.

  18. Yall was the rumour that some of these tracks are Born This Way outtakes true? Because it's beginning to sound like that  :facepalm:



    It isn't. All the songs were done by Gaga+BloodPop from what it seems, and no name from 2009-2013 has been mentioned in credits so far.


    I wish I knew which born this way song had this 90s House groove because for real, it's totally new for Gaga (and type of sound I've always wanted her to venture somehow)


    You can say Stupid Love might sound like something that could have been squeeze in Born This Way or ARTPOP with the 80's shiny synths and synthbass, but half her career has been inspired by the same type of stuff so it's just not really anything new that she's back at it.

  19. despite what 24/7 told me, i actually doubt this exists just because it'd be such easy leak bait considering how well liked this song is (at least for the most part?) if someone had it we'd probs have a snippet or two

    plus most of the info 24/7 was telling people was fake anyways but i digress


    I believe most of this stuff that is "well liked" is probably the easier to hoard around with hungry people and probably the most valuable one too (just like unheard\unkown titles).


    I swear it was something linked to the producer actually mentioning a full version existing nn it's just shadows of the past in my head now.


    Well also the leak season happened really 3 years ago. Wow.

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