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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. You just can't drag Not So Bad in LA as one of the worsts when you have... Paper Love, Casanova, Sunflower and all these... sitting right there.

    I also believe Video >> Song. The song is kinda barebones but Video really elevates the whole thing.


    But I think we can all agree that Cape God has been her best era visually. Especially for music videos since we got... 2 great ones.

  2. She probably leaked it herself


    I don't know, thought about this but at same time I believe she's make a big deal out of it somehow........... just like her super-extra release of "Voices Carry" with that long ass note. We'd be sure if it was her I guess nnnn

  3. The recent leaks apparently came from a Twitter account called lanafuckingroc1, and they apparently plan to leak more stuff in 2020. They shared apparent lyrics from ''Die Life'' (song)


    Die life, die life, dying wife

    My feelings coming back like knives

    Die life, die life, not your wife

    What's the point on even trying? 

    Fighting for my rights

    All my life I've been lying


    Not Eclipse posting these lyrics and acting like he leaked them  :facepalm: 



    These make me think of Living Dead (probably the chorus repeating). And also Sex Yeah "Fighting for my rights \ All My life I've been lying".


    But I do like these.

    LEAK IT :creep:

  4. um this is old...


    Just realized, since it was a re-upload I thought it could be something new\interesting in a mix or so 

    STREAM ANYWAY cuz she deserves it.

  5. Her mom is just iconic on Facebook and keeps posting old unreleaseds from YouTube and like "GET READY!!" I just love her.



    I find it lowkey wild how... nothing leaks. Like it's for real just amazing that, as a miracle, Guardian made it's way into the internet. Especially when stuff like ONE WAY TO HEAVEN has been circulating since god knows when and... all we ever got... snippets. + It's possible that these songs from 2010 are just going around too (or people just fucking forgot they existed and they're left in some folder, tagged as SF_BLOODSHY_AVANT_DEMO2 that no one will ever click again).


    Wild. Just wild.

  6. Yea he is one of the server owners I think. Literally that server is just him teasing maybe 20 people with info about unreleased songs he has.


    Can someone actually make a compilation if he mentions anything about Allie or gaga :creep:

  7. The Other Side is actually... better than the other 2 songs we got nnnn I hate this. They all sound so naive and... lighthearted. Super cute.


    Cape God keeps growing on me I guess too. The last 4 songs... This could be a film + album experience.

  8. She really decided to fuck up any goodwill around her, hun? screams


    I have no fucking clue of what's going on at all now. It's really stranger than a stranger. And I can see things taking a toll right now. The complains about the show being "not that good", seeing videos of her straight-lip-synching (the video for NFR that someone posted pages ago.... she deserves an Oscar for pretending to sing these high notes in the end while just moving around the stage and suddenly singing the last few lines while the backtrack clearly kept the high notes going NNNNN). It's a fucking mess.


    I'm a defensor between the difference of Backtrack and LipSynching\Playbacking the whole thing. She wasn't Playbacking during LA To The Moon because she was clearly singing over the track or, if not, didn't pretend to while doing choreography and so. It's alright.

    Right now what I've seen are videos of her lips moving while the song just goes on. Of course there are moments of singing (the verses... or at least the first verse of the video I mentioned).



    I don't know. Of course she got some acclaim and stuff but tbh her critics aren't only part of USA. If people in Europe really get mad at her, it's just a snap to make her scores go down. (Especially British media nnn).



    If she didn't want to tour, fine, she could have just said NO and created something different like her Festival Tour 2016 for Honeymoon. She seens to enjoy being on the road tho.

    It's just not a great look. Wishing her the best and a speedy recovery for whatever she's been through, but she really doesn't help herself.

  9. why can't this be like the charli base  :rip:



    War flashbacks to 2017

    I believe "Descontruct Your Heart" and some others were part of the leaking from 2019?? Can't remember for sure but I GUESS so.




    The album is really beautiful. I've said before I believe but it's really the follow up for CLX II in a more mature way. It's not my favorite body of work but it is a strong album and I praise her for creating such a world. 


    The pre released singles (bar Love Me Wrong and Devil I Know), Super Duper, Life Of The Party & Learning in Public are all shades of great. The rest is a bit... "filler" but not in a bad way as they have a reason to be on the album


    A tinny bit let down by Susie Save Your Love and Sarah Come Home but nn

  10. About Love is... fine actually.


    When it started I thought she was really having HER DAY and using that same melody that's part of Too Afraid\To Be Human and I was like "NO WAY THIS BITH IS REALLY DOING THIS FOR A THIRD TIME???" but then it progresses and it's fine. The Heavy vocoder chorus is really interesting (even thought it's a trick that already tried to save another song from L+F which I can't really remember at all but yeah)


    Then the drop comes in and... well. It's a drop.


    I think the most annoying part is that I'm actually repairing on the generic parts of her songs. She really needs to move on from this and I have no clue of how actually but maybe she really needs new producers and people around her???? I don't know.


    It's the drop. The annoying snare roll over the build up that you can download at any "freebeats.com"... these are ugly details that are ruining her songs (for me). The annoying snare throws me back at the ugly trap-lite drums for Superstar. How the song does have a beatiful melody, an interesting view kinda and... it's all buried for that messy production. No surprise the songs from Love+Fear do have some different shine on them with that Acoustic EP.



    I mentioned that this is like Electra Heart done wrong. Electra Heart had some of the biggest names of Pop music giving her beats and she wrote these songs over. But these beats were stuff that were meant to be "THE NEXT HOT THING". It was all trying to keep it mainstream but not repeating what was up at the moment at all (because it would be... stupid). L+F sounds like they just try to repeat stuff from the radio top40 and watered it all down. It's what you'd expect for some european C-List girl on her debut album trying to score a hit.


    FROOT worked because she sat down with ONE guy and had the vision "A record to be played live, like a band". That was the starting point. 

    The Family Jewels was probably something to do with the fact she was writing all her music on her Cassio Keyboard and Garage Band beats that are, mainly, organic\acoustic sounding songs. When she got producers, she probably asked them to transpose stuff and kept all in the same vein of these demos.


    For the lyrics, there were so many clunky moments on FROOT already and many songs that, if were stripped to work with a tropical-trap-beat would probably sound horrendous too. I mean... Forget, Better than That, even Gold. It's like she opened a rhymme dictionary and called it a day. Love + Fear itself have some good moments and flashes of brilliance, including outtakes like The Art of Letting Go (listening to this one right now). The main issue for me is really she just tried to... make lighthearted pop music without really putting many deep meaning and thinking about. 


    Ok long nonsense rant is over. I just wish her the best and that for her next project she'll have a vision and not just... random songs to pick up and then creating a title.

  11. Had the oportunity of seeing the show last year. My brother is a fan and I didn't really care for anything apart "Darkest Hour" but... Wow.

    I can tell you somehow it really changed my life to see this woman. She's a force. I almost got blind by some stage lights that were directly placed in my eye-horizon-line and they were... strong. 


    It was intimate but you could feel the whole room was there for HER. She got a bit late on stage and I checked the setlist and aparently it was only 13 songs but the show felt much much much longer???


    She had a camera following her on stage. At first I thought she was filming it as a concert\documentary kind of thing but then realized they were using the image live on the walls (there were no screens inside the venue, really small place) and it was just soooooooooo charming. It's really a full experience. Someone lifted a phone flashing "WHERE'S THE ALBUM??", she picked it up and then laughed.


    I'm sure she announced something as a "new song" and did some stuff Acapella with people screaming for some titles.

  12. Kinda ignored Black Beauty for so long but I really see how beautiful it is now. I relate to the fucking subject of the song FUCK


    Small curiosity but is it the same vocal take on the final and the demo version?

    I'd say it really sound like but haven't payed full attention. I'd say they just fucked up some stuff for the final (add reverb and noise) but not sure she re-recorded??


    There could be some lyric changes too but, as I mentioned, didn't pay full attention. Started wondering because of the Love demo that sounds a lot like final take too.

  13. Devil I know is really... hm. "weak".

    The album is still shapping up to be really great isn't it? Really made me dive deeper into a more organic-oriented world that I really didn't expect allie x of all people to get me there. Always thought my bond with her would be about glittering synths and heavy bops nnn.



    This album is sounding like CLX II without the... trend chasing aspect.

  14. this isnt meant to be targeted or hateful or anything but why was slayyyter the pop girl whose career took the biggest hit from a racism scandal? i know her fanbase is social justice oriented in comparison to someone like camila but caroline has a ton of fan overlap and she has huge momentum right now despite saying the n word less than two years ago in her 30s. slayyyter said it far more than caroline did and the circumstances were very different, but why was there virtually no pushback against caroline? is it a class thing? ive seen a lot of responses along the lines of "go back to folding towels" etc like people hate service workers and i feel like the fact that shes a small independent popstar with few resources is part of it. anyway just wanted to open up a discussion bc i feel like its important to keep talking about stuff like this rather than sweep it under the rug. thoughts?




    It's a different sittuation for both as explained on the post before. For Slayyyter we aren't actually sure of how she'll.. "keep it going". I saw many people "forgiving" her and giving a second chance but she really went M.I.A. and probably won't be back til there's music to hold her together. Many people canceled their album orders and then pre-ordered again after her hand note etc.

  15. CTC was...fun. Because it didn't really stop her from anything. She kept touring with artRAVE yet had a lot of press and stuff. I don't think I've ever listened to the record in full or watched the performances at all but she served many looks and it was alright. 


    I do think I watched that TV Program that was selling the album and the woman presenting was like "buy 1, buy 2 but what you should do it buy 10" NNNNN now THAT was iconic. Where was this LEGEND when ARTPOP was released one year before???

  16. Pretty much 100%. But I always like her tours, with this one wasn't different, even tho I'm not the biggest fan of the dancers (although I do recognize they add that theatrical feel she was looking for). What didn't you like about it, if u don't mind me asking?  :)


    I think the tour was... cute... on it's on setup but I really can't imagine her going with that school theater stage into something like... Coachella stage (is the doing the main one? Not even sure but anyway).


    For the setlist, it could be ok but it's just pretty clear that L+F was the "smallest" era in the USA. I mean, not that FROOT or Electra Heart were somehow hits, but Electra Heart at least invented Tumblr and part of these gays\girls that live for Coachella too nnn.


    I just really wanted her to move on from this era, honestly. It would be great to bury eveyrhting and just wait for the next one.

  17. I wonder if she'll have the NERVE of doing Love+Fear Tour on Coachella stage........



    Also was about to say "maybe we'll be lucky and there will be a new album then" AND FUCKING REALIZED L+F IS NOT EVEN 1 YEAR OLD. fucking TRAGIC. Talk about aging like milk left under the summer sun in the middle of Saara or something. 


    No More Suckers was one of my first songs for 2019. Happy New Year, Mariners.

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