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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. Thinking about how whoever produced "TNWWY" really decided to emulate Pharrell and his "stutter beat" at the begin and... why?

    But yeah, basic bop that actually bopz.



    Happy Birthday Marina! Still looking forward your next steps x

  2. On 6/28/2020 at 9:15 AM, bored said:

    Obviously with corona it can't physically happen right now, but I've been wondering about what a potential tour for this album would be like... I really wish she'd focus more and put more effort into the performance side of things cos she could really do a great show!


    Dance Again Tour


    01. Dance Again

    02. Me & My Girls

    03. Ring

    04. Boyfriend


    05. Rare

    06. Me & The Rhythm

    07. Kinda Crazy

    08. Hands To Myself

    09. Bad Liar


    10. Lose You To Love Me

    11. Vulnerable

    12. Feel Me

    13. Look At Her Now

    14. A Sweeter Place


    15. Good For You

    16. Fetish

    17. Come & Get It

    18. Let Me Get Me

    19. Souvenir


    20. Same Old Love

    21. Back To You

    22. Wolves

    23. It Ain't Me



    This is actually great and I keep looking at it and the way it flows better than the record itself nn.



    It seems like a "Rare" Outtake leaked. "Out Of My Head"


  3. Considering the interlude isn't exactly what it was supposed to be, and if she's not counting on that, then technically it would be 2 outtakes already, no? (lol)

  4. I mean at this point it's just something integrated to her image. For good or for Bad. I didn't listen to it and just by the title plus cover yeah you assume it's just more of the same. It's a bit tiring. It's ~"her brand". And I don't think she's really willing to change it too.


  5. 2 hours ago, Tulips said:

    Pretty sure the Dancing in the Dark title was only revealed publicly when the demo leaked in 2019. Only Dancing in the Dark (Demo) leaked, we don't have the final. The demo also leaked with another Super Sunset demo version of Little Things.


    I honestly prefer DITD to most of Super Sunset, idk why it didn't make it to the final cut.


    You're totally right! Actually messed up in my head and forgot that we already had a "demo" nn.





    I think it's plausible that she already had Super Sunset "almost-done" by January 2018 because of the early-tour where she premiered the songs and... the messy roll-out concept of "Giving the songs time to shine". By January 2018 she was teasing Science.



    But also in February she was still talking about "finishing song"



  6. 3 hours ago, Evannn said:

    the only super sunset outtake is "dancing in the dark"


    imma try to make an updated masterpost for everyone 


    I thought the "Dancing in the dark" title was older? something we had known before CLX II was released? I guess my memory is glitchin then.

    Anyway. LEAK IT. Her best project and could be a killer full record.



  7. I remember few years back when ~WanderingSlave was dropping "HQ" files from previous leaks or so? Stuff like Sorry, Oh My God, Debut  (I think? No particular order tbh). I tried "Take it Back" but nothing happened.



  8. 4 minutes ago, Pasta said:

    Omg https://dbree.org/v/1dd723 Phantom studio snippet



    Omg I swear I was thinking about coming to this thread and ask if there's any legendary leak out there that we've been waiting\been teased and never leaked.

  9. Homebound demo is cute I guess. I wish the first part didn't sound so dissonant with the heavy reverb on the vocals and almost dry instrumental, but the second part with backing vocals and harmony is good. I used to be obsessed with this song lol.


    Waiting for Phantom now. Even if there's no iconic high note in there nn.

  10. Night Mime "muffled" chorus always felt a bit off (aka an edit) but just didn't bother that much (and people also tried to edit the chorus back in with the live etc etc etc So at this point I just can't remember the original leak). I never realized how much it reminds me of... Off To The Races? more in a real-Melanie vein.


    Bombs On Monday... that is a legendary song.

  11. Homebound???

    BEYONCÉ?! | Reactions meme, Mood pics, Current mood meme






    Ugh. An iconic song. Even if no version\snippet so far sounds so good as the live version with that gorgeous lush pad at the intro.


  12. 14 minutes ago, sexyslutboy said:

    Based on her unreleased stuff its obvious she's had a lot of interest in a more typical pop and high energy sound. Even leading up to the viral hit video games she was making high energy stuff like National anthem (demo is way more high energy than the BTD version) and Diet mountain dew.

    so i wonder what drove her to make her debut album almost entirely slow and melancholic, and continue to do it for the rest of her career



    I'd say she could have been bored of trying the high tempo stuff. There are interviews from BTD mentioning about singing in "low register" too because "that wasn't common" and how it worked for her. But she also experimented with more Pop stuff after Ultra. Lust For Life, Honeymoon demos, they're nowhere close to stuff like "Fake Diamond" but they have some pulse. Music is also a mirror from how you've been feeling and it's no new that she wasn't feeling fine during 2011-2014.



    Also stuff like Summertime Sadness (Remix) probably annoyed nn.

  13. She said she only pulled Downhill Lullaby because she wanted to make a music video for it (and, again, probably some label fuckery that sounds like "Label will give me budget for lead single video only so let's make the most while at it tehehee") and because she was confident her "pop singles" wore ready and would be fine later. She teased "Don't Forget" straight after and then "Descending" was performed live, both way more commercial and clear.


    Then whatever happened and we got no singles, no music video, no alternative version. That's all.

  14. She's a perfectionist and everything with Capitol feels like... Limbo. I know most of the jokes are "There's no album lol" but I think it's more likely that she does have a thousand demos sitting around and just can't finish\don't feel they're good enough or something alike. Just like the "Alternative Version" of Donwhill Lullaby felt like she was just unhappy with the final released mix and so on. And, from this perspective, I can see the Label going insane with a huge amount of money going on knowing that the profit of the album itself will be minimum. It's an endless cycle.


    Of course it's just speculation, but it's the picture painted in my mind for some time now. I think she's talented as hell, no doubt, and it must be hard to try to keep your vision and art safe, managing everything and presenting it exactly as you intended, especially with god knows how many executives behind it.

  15. The way I was locked out of my account and finally something leak. Whew.


    For the guardian talk on the last pages, yeah, it was originally promoted as "the first release from Masochism", then she started rambling about the video with Grant and suddenly everything went silence. Later she mentioned it wasn't going to be part of the album but it's own main thing because it was special.



    I can't recall all the timeline\years, but there's also the fact she wanted to release... a "Visual EP" or something back in 2018\2019 (? or 17\18?? God it's hard to keep it up with her nn) and I believe Guardian was involved with this project. Also, probably this footage is the one she used to make the (unreleased) Voices Carry video.


    edit: It was 2017\2018



    Did she say anything about I Pray for Rain leak?





  16. yes but New York is an old song, it’s not from TFM



    Lanaboards loaded forever I didn't expect to see the post was actually "sent" nn


    I believe that, before TFM was really a thing, Interscope already wanted to release The Fame and tack like 3 new songs at the end. I remember her saying something like "but instead, I decided to create a whole new album that will be yours. It's The Fame Monster".


    I guess New York was one of the songs they wanted to reboot and probably put it out as a single, hence the rumors, but who knows (It sounds like late Fusari\Gaga productions like Paparazzi at least)



    For the 1000Doves talk, I believe it was actually said that it was reworked from ARTPOP, and some people thought it was one song that she played to Mark Ronson (together with Angel Down) and someone recorded in super LQ and whispering over it, but it doesn't sound like the recording that was captured then.

  17.  New Yok are not legitimate either.


    Ironically there is a The Fame outtake called "New York". Also, rumors dubbed a "Speechless Demo" as "New York", but after the "real" song leaked in 2017\18 then I don't think this was real.


    New York if anyone curious (yes it's bad)




    I believe it's been said before that "Angel Down" was an... ARTPOP reject (and not one of these 8 "RedOnes" productions from 2015). It's interesting to look at her discography this way. Really wanted to set a "recording timeline" like the one created for Lana here.

  18. I think it's some type of her own "Taxi". She knows that fans have it and she probably likes the song too (I don't personally like it THAT much, even if the lyrics are gold) but there's no reason to tack it at any project now. Plus, after the whole UNSOLVED, I don't think it's a nice idea to remake something that fans enjoy that much lol.

  19. I really really really wish she expanded the visual world for Super Sunset



    It was just begging for it. Knowing she actually made something for Science is quite... annoying.

    Not So Bad in LA is top5 (probably 3) videos and but it felt like the most random choice.


    Science, Girl of The Year... RIP them.

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