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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. 9 hours ago, Still Sane said:

    I know I'm once again complaining...

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    ...BUT why couldn't Bloodpop get better artists to be on the remix album :toofunny: Like Rina, Charli, Shygirl, Bree, Arca, AG Cook, LSDXOXO and Grimes make sense and definetly deserve to be on this remix album, but the rest... :pls: Like yeah I listen to the rest of them a bit, but they're not Gaga's level of good if that make sense



    Because fans were begging for some of these people and it's nice that they actually opened up for so many people to jump in. It's going to be very unique. I'm not sure about "Gaga level of good" when she's the woman who used to work with RedOne and Fusari. If it wasn't great, they weren't releasing it.



    7 hours ago, monsterdino said:

    I was kinda expecting sega bodega on sour candy, idk how I feel now that mura is remixing it...


    what is planningtorock remixing tho? they posted both "memes" about them remixing stupid love and 1000 doves


    I can see them doing both tbh. It feels like the gates were open and they really just threw everyone to tweet about it. They can be trolling too tho.


    I wonder if we're getting only one remix for each song and then Babylon haus lab \ Babylon feat Bre.

    DOSS had some other remixes comissioned. There was one for "Alice" played before or after that PAPER Livestream last year, and then we got ENIGMA snippet last week or so. The Remix\BTW:TR don't have every song remixed, but they do have some songs havig more than one option (mainly the singles, but yeah).


  2. 10 hours ago, wahyun said:

    Isn't Shygirl remixing SC? Or it's a Mura Masa remix w/ Shy's vocals too? 


    Mura Masa with Shy's vocals I believe.  Mura quoted both Gaga and Shy's tweet with emojis, at least that's the hint we're getting.

  3. 2 hours ago, monsterdino said:


    Other confirmed artists that are included:

    • Planningtorock

    • Mura Masa

    Unconfirmed/rumored list:

    • SOPHIE

    • Danny L Harle

    • Perfume Genius

    • Lil Nas X

    • Cardi B (?)



    Mura Masa will be remixing Sour Candy and Sophie (and probably everyone else on the rumored\uncofirmed list) isn't happening since there are no new songs :(

  4. It's crazy. For sure she'd *never* get anything like a Hit of sorts, but it's just clear that she does have a "cult following". I have no ideia if her ideas are too expensive for Capitol to pay knowing there will be no return and then they can't get a deal, or what the fuck goes on, but it feels like there's no agreement between both parties.


    The way she always tries to paint it as "I'm a perfectionist" "not releasing til it's right" and also knowing that she's pretty much a visual artist... I can't imagine any other reason.

  5. 57 minutes ago, TheBoss said:

    The Now That I Found demo you finally leaked in HQ and I don't want to be that gay, buuuuut the demo pre-chorus >>> final



    GOD is GREAT gays!!! Finally.


    I truly love the pre-chorus here. Of course I got accustomed to the final version but this one is sooooooo good.

  6. Yeah I truly believe she'll keep the title because it doesn't feel like the project really... changed a lot. She just didn't produce it (? lol) all at once. It's probably a concept that's been hanging around her head since 2014. NTMT took many changed because it felt like restarting from scratch most of the time (as you can hear from As If -> Ghost -> Final album). 

  7. Listening to some songs on shuffle and she really got some career highlights.


    Highly Emotional People, Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land, Flowers, Goodbye, Venus Fly Trap... she won. I haven't listened to the album a lot since the release week but every time I play something, I'll keep it on repeat for some time. And there's really nothing that I'd skip or dislike apart from purge the poison which is garbage. Truly happy.

  8. 5 hours ago, Bones Are Blue said:

    I noticed that most of her pitching attempts are usually unsuccessful for some reason, like people rarely pick up her tracks. I don't get it because she has so many amazing unreleased songs. She had pitched stuff to Madonna, Zara Larsson, Rihanna, Demi Lovato, etc but nothing was released by them.




    The vinyl rerelease was such a mess. Those tracklists clearly had no thought put into them :smh: the only good thing we got out of that was Glam final



    Tbh I think most of her "pitch songs" aren't really her best. Amazing unreleaseds, yeah, but stuff like "Champagne & Saint German", "Desconstruct Your Heart" and others (?) which I believe were officially "pitched songs" were just... bland and basic. Even True Love is Violent that somehow managed to be officially  released... it's weak.


    I also think a lot of stuff probably get chopped by last minute. I think it's been mentioned that Oh My God was supposed to be part of Clx II and then the "early demo" leaked (the original version) and she just gave up.



  9. I do believe that The Fame doesn't feel like something that needed\could be expanded. She kept a very specific vision for every album til ARTPOP and outtakes really don't fit most of the time. I really love stuff like Panty Party and Oh Baby, but I don't think they fit along "The Fame" level or needed them all tacked along, especially since it was all leaked. I also believe the "making" of the fame wasn't a very nice experience before the RedOne days.


    They mentioned how secure they were with Born This Way, creating 3398498 versions of every song just to pick up a "best version" out there, and they probably just don't vibe with the rest. I don't think there's like full unkown songs thought. She probably recorded Living On The Radio and "Charlotte Nights" on her piano or over a beat like some sort of concept demo, but it's just rough stuff like Stuck on Fucking You and it feels... useless? 


    I do wish they would pick some of these "alternative versions" like Bad Kids extended or Americano Mariachi.


    There's a lot of stuff on Born This Way that was actually made last minute, like Heavy Metal Lover & Black Jesus. Bad Kids was also completed in early 2011. It's kinda crazy to imagine BTW was almost released in 2010 and it wouldn't have like... HML and BK. A Nightmare.


    From ARTPOP onwards it does feel like she was just doing thousand songs to finally settle what she actually wanted.

  10. Ugh when she plays a tiny snippet of Don't Forget + Descending and gives a interview saying "This winter!" next year... it will be over for you bitches.



    Sky, sky is bitches. And we. We are bitches.

  11. 55 minutes ago, untilsunrise said:

    I actually disagree with this, I think the whole filming in Hungary thing is what ruined the movie


    Theres no way to know if the script "was ruined from the start" because taking like two thirds of a script out and trying to work with that completely changes the storyline and direction. The script was doomed the minute she decided to spend the budget on filming in hungary. She shouldve gone for some sort of artsy indie movie style or sumn, she was shooting too high for someone who's only started getting into film-making

    I think the movie had alot of potential to be some sort of rlly cool twisted pastel tim burton-ish matilda type of story.



    You estimate how much you actually need for the movie while writing the script. Just the idea of "oh yeah let's make it 3 hours!" is out of reality. She didn't have the practice for long-film writing (because well... it IS different of writing a cute treatment for your music video without dialogue, sequences or anything at all). That's what I meant with "doomed from the start", she could have the greatest ideas for the whole concept, it needed the right hands to trimmer it.


    She always aimed higher with the "aesthetic" side than the "story", so it's great she managed to produce something in such a huge escale in Hungary. It's actually cheaper to shoot on location in some "smaller" countries in Europe than actually doing it in studio\location in US. 6 Million budgets is still crazy but she probably owned that after Cry Baby having its own success and touring endlessy to have the money plus saving with these cheap songs from K12 but that's another topic.

  12. Reading about the K12 movie over the last pages and I think she was actually smart for spending these 6M to shoot the whole thing on location. I had no clue it was actually done in Hungary.


    The script was doomed from the start because the storyline is just bad. Reading that she learned how to do it on YouTube and also had to cut it because it was meant to be 3 hours (?!) doesn't help either.


    The acting is bad but well that's what happens when you bring your friends instead of real actors and so on.


    So at the end of the day at least she can say... it was beautifully shoot\done (which yes, it's a great achievement). Things could have been better if she had other people to write and direct, but It's also clear that the whole thing was much more of a passion project\vanity than anything else. 


    There's no denying that she has a great eye for art direction.

  13. The problem with Orange Trees is that stupid hook of "OoOoOrange" but the whole thing is just fine. It's actually well produced and the middle8\bridge is pure bliss. You can actually feel she's serene and happy.



    3 hours ago, Party Favor said:

    there is absolutely nothing good about orange trees :bebe: why ya'll defend THAT song out of everything else on L+F boggles my mind. 


    anyways, does anyone think she's gonna release another single before the album drops? 


    Eclipse said Venus Fly Trap would be coming as the third one and Amazon (or some other store whatever) hinted at the title track with their description I think.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Venus Fly Trap said:

    I wouldn't say so. The lyrics of this album seem to be cringe-worthy or fake woke but I'd rather them to be like that than mediocre and uninspired like L+F. I prefer Marina to be cringey and extra but honest and fearless than... again, mediocre and uninspired. Yes, PTP's lyrics are just what they are, but they're something that Marina would truly write and express, that's why I appreciate these lyrics, she's being unafraid, authentic and totally honest



    Fair too. I don't think it makes it any better for me but you've got a point tbh nn. 


    1 hour ago, vrtvie said:

    How is this album ever going to be worse lyrically than L+F? Nothing can beat enjoy ur life luv, idk how to be human, yew!!! yeah yew break me down!!! no more suckers!!! yeah you mess up all my towels, life is strange ohhh all we know is life is strange aaah (oooorange).


    I'm a Millionaire You're just a Venus FlyTrap, I'm queen Bee or whatever she's singing and putting "witch" in there


    Followed by


    Capitalism made us poor




    Mother nature is dying


    but also


    she's on her phone!!



    Everything you mentioned from L+F is inoffensive while compared to Marina-Musk-Marx is trying here.


    Sonically... it bops and it sounds ~so quirky~ ... that's a win.

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