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  1. Haha wow, I saw a lot of Tom Waits on the previous page! Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. His was the first name to come to mind. I think their voices would sound so interesting together and their music styles would blend very well.
  2. I've found James Franco to be pretty obnoxious lately, but this was a surprisingly great read. He seems to be pretty spot-on about Lana. I feel like this explains a lot about her and it gives me a much better understanding of her. This part in particular is really beautiful:
  3. Just listened to it for the first time. It's nice, but doesn't really stand out to me. It sounds like a song that was recorded for BTD, but was ultimately shelved. Like it didn't quite make the cut for the bonus tracks. I feel pretty indifferent to it right now and don't really see it as a song I would listen to often. Maybe it will grow on me? Who knows.
  4. Wow, I didn't know there was such a divide amongst fans about which album is better. I seriously adore BTD, Paradise, and Ultraviolence pretty much equally. I love the sound on each album. So a blend of all of those would be perfect for me. But I would still love it if it were more BTD or more Ultraviolence or whatever. I feel so easy to please!
  5. Wow, apparently she's been busy! I can't believe she's already getting ready for another album! I'm a little sad that she didn't do much with Ultraviolence. I feel like we hardly even got to hear her play the songs live. I hope she doesn't ignore them during upcoming tours. It was too good of an album to just forget about. But I am super excited for new music from her!
  6. Do we still not know if more NA dates will be added? If not, I'm really tempted to try to go to the Illinois show. Since it's on a Saturday, I could probably arrange for someone to babysit my son overnight. Like, I have $0 until next Friday, but I'd probably be irresponsible and buy tickets with the credit card if this is my only chance to see her.
  7. Sorry for bringing a topic back from the dead, but I couldn't really find anywhere else to post this. I did a search, but didn't see anyone around here mention that they have a clip of the video in rotation in the music section at Target. For the longest time, I kept thinking I heard the song in the distance but thought I might just be imagining things. I even tried hanging out in that area for a while to confirm, but eventually gave up. But just the other week, I finally caught it playing! I thought it was pretty cool that they still have it in rotation. Good promo for Lana! I wasn't crazy about this video at first, but it's totally grown on me over time. The effects used are really interesting and unique. Perfect casting with Mark. I've realized that the video suits the song really well. I can honestly say I love it now.
  8. Oh fun! I love doing stuff like this. I'm gonna sit myself down with a glass of whiskey and get to work.
  9. Unnngh, please please please add a St. Louis show. I doubt I could make a trip to the Illinois show.
  10. Flipside really is fantastic. It's why I bought the Target edition of Ultraviolence. Is it not a generally well-liked song amongst fans?
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