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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Prom Song (Gone Wrong) vs Get Free
  2. idk if this is unpopular but i really do miss lana's dark fucked up lyrics
  3. every day i worry more and more that there will be no MAC, CG or even SOC at my show
  4. RIGHT LMAOOOOOO like i'm not even against covers but..... the same cover every single night???? i like For Free, but it's really not an exciting song that i'd be particularly thrilled to hear live. yaaaaawwwwnnnnnnn i also don't think that cover is gonna translate well at all when she comes to the UK for example - we don't do american folk music much over here so i think people will be very confused don't burn yourself on that tea you spilled
  5. as an alc*holic (ewww gross) myself who started drinking at 15, age limits didn't matter to me either but it's still an exciting thing to go and order your first legal drink like a real adult lmao! as for the rest idk about that X
  6. how tf did i find this thread??? either way it's super interesting
  7. have fun guys soooo jealous of yall seeing lana in these 2000 capacity places!! my show is 21000 capacity
  8. true also!!! i mean, of course, she might just be lazy... which is typical lana
  9. this is such a tough one. not saying our feelings are lana's responsibility bc, of course, they're not!! but even if she feels differently now to how she felt when she wrote and recorded those songs, a lot of us love those songs so much because we connect to them on a deep, personal and emotional level. even if we no longer feel how we did when we first connected to them in the same way lana probably doesn't (i mean many of us were just babiesssss when born to die was released!) it's still cathartic to relive or even bury those emotions thru the music. that's why live shows are so awesome when you have a deep connection to the artist. i can sing "I HAVE NOOOOTTTHHHIIIIIINNNGGGG WITHOUT YOUUUUU" while actually laughing at the fact that i once felt that way towards someone, now that my mentality's changed. lana clearly has a very different mindset. she seems SO determined to distance herself HARD from her past work, as if she's embarrassed she ever felt or wrote those things. i get it, in a way, but i also find it to be such a shame. we love the music, we connect to it, why won't she embrace that? let us have our melodramatic i looooooost myself when iiiii loooost yooooooou moment while singing along to TLY lana, dammit!!
  10. it's a gorgeous song!! agreed on TNBAR, very shallow song [insert "why not both?" gif here] i'm with you! if people are enjoying the discussion then who cares. it's what the thread is for, surely?
  11. i'd be fine with an ariana collab, so long as she doesn't compromise her lana del rey sound for the sake of her feature. i actually think their voices would work pretty well together.
  12. so... which songs have aged the best and worst for you?? which songs do you guys feel differently about now??? for me personally, cinnamon girl aged terribly. looking at the above poll i can't believe i voted it as one of my NFR favs now i usually forget it exists. i think once the initial gut-punch of those lyrics (which personally i relate to so deeply) and the surprise of the outro has worn off, it's very very very forgettable and just repeats itself. needed something a little more to it to give it longevity. the greatest has aged like fine wine, i can't get bored of it. bartender has really grown on me too, because the initial jarringness of "bar-t-t-tender" isn't as bad for me anymore. fuck it i love you i still really like but i find the chorus really annoying lmao her vocals and lack of enunciation really bug me
  13. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Children of the Bad Revolution vs Driving in Cars with Boys
  14. any way of reviving this as a kind of general NFR tour discussion/speculation thread?? there's things i want to talk about but better not to give but i don't want to clutter up the individual show threads, y'know?? what was really on my mind wassssss.... do we think there'll be any special guests for the UK leg of the tour?? lana doesn't seem massively close to many UK musicians, however i know she's on good terms with alex turner and miles kane and i don't wanna get myself excited but frankly i'd fucking DIE
  15. agree with most but LFL is clearly season 7 of teletubbies, not 5. S7 aired in 2016 in the wake of president trump's elect, but the episodes themselves focus on being carefree, having fun and holding out hope even in the face of fascist turmoil - episodes like "silly sausages" see children having fun in the park, "sing song" sees laa laa make up a pretty little song that she then shares with the other teletubbies, "ballet" features dipsy and the tiddlytubbies dancing all episode long. when the world was at war we kept dancing indeed. however, it was not a season that completely ignored the cultural climate surrounding it - much like LFL as an album, it had moments of reflection and personal introspection. take the episode "reflections", for example - the teletubbies notice their reflection in a puddle (a statement on our ever-shifting climates, when you consider that towards the end of the episode the sun comes back out, shining bright as if its a hot summer day) then as dipsy bends down to further inspect his reflection in a way he hasn't before, his hat falls off and gets wet, emphasising the idea that now our titular characters are beginning to understand these personal investigations into their mind, their mirrored images and their entire state of being not only have an existential and philosophical value, but a real world one, too. while dipsy is undoubtedly disappointed to have gotten his hat wet, it urges him to consider how he can apply these internal ideas into external life, because these personal reflections of ours not only exist in the real world but can impact it too. change is a powerful thing, people are powerful beings.
  16. after some thinking and some time i really do feel like NFR is an autumn album (contrary to most people's opinions ) NFR - this is pretty seasonally neutral i guess, but i interpret it as an autumnal or even winter song; the horn (?) sound gives me december vibes for some reason, and the lack of percussion in the song makes it feel like a kinda "stay at home and cosy up" track as opposed to a "get dressed get ready and go out into the world to have fun" track MAC - sometimes this feels like a summer song, but sometimes it gives me "sailing the stormy seas in cold weather" vibes VB - okay now THIS is a summer song FIILY - another obvious summer jam DT - okay this is another summer song obviously LS - kinda neutral, but the minimalism and emptiness of the track - particularly in the reverb on the piano notes during the verses - makes something about this song feel cold. but then the strings, for some reason, give me kind of a summer vibe.... so idk about this one CG - during summer the song gives me warm vibes, during winter it gives me cold vibes so idk HTD - straight up sounds like a christmas song California - this song defffff gives me sad, empty autumn feelings, nothing about it screams summertime to me, maybe it's something to do with the vocal style on the chorus? TNBAR - despite the lyrics ("topanga's haaaaawt tonighttttt"), this song doesn't feel like summer at all; the windy echoing sounds at the start of the song lay down a chilly vibe that the minimal, spaced-out guitar then emphasises, the sounds that kick in during the pre-chorus sound almost like the beginning of a storm and the chorus (which i love btw) feels kind of... strangely empty and cold?? this a song i can only really listen to in the colder months TG - this is another one that could kind of go either way, kinda neutral but right now it's feeling really appropriate for the more melancholic cold months. to me it doesn't really sound like summer, it sounds like missing summer.... if that makes sense Bartender - this song sounds like the audible version of snowfall HIAB - i do get slightly summery vibes from this track because of the subtle guitar and strings, but nothing major - piano ballads tend to remind me of fall in general Hope - a sad, cosy autumn song no doubt idk i mean i'm british so our summer is over pretty quickly and i vividly remember the day the album came out it rained heavily so that's bound to colour my opinion somewhat, but yeah, idk i just can't view this a summer album like say HM or UV
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