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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. Well they did ask how it ties to the poetry (not that she had an answer for them, Violet connects with Norman more than COTCC as far as we can tell so far) and they did say the album is out in this fall, so it should be out before December
  2. I commented this on the Violet thread, but I’m very surprised she didn’t connect Violet to NFR, with what we have so far, it seems those two connect more than Violet and COTCC
  3. I love this!!! im surprised she didn’t take the chance to mention that Violets more closely relates to NFR (At least that how it seems with what we have so far)
  4. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I’m mad she ‘fixed’ her Instagram trio of posts with just the single cover..I get it..but I was hoping for a third, glam post
  5. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    it just came out today, this is early for her standards she looks so good! I wonder if this was just a casual makeup look for today or if what she was doing yesterday is spilling into today
  6. That could be, because I’m US! i just checked the Lana.lnk.to’s again and found nothing new even did keywords like Chemtrail and Woman
  7. Hmm just tired it again and took me to the right place and I even clicked on one of the links and it took me to Amazon I don’t understand why it would open up Spotify, unless it’s trying to route you to LA Who Am I To Love You It wouldn’t make sense for the /hardback to take you to Spotify :/
  8. that’s interesting.. I just tired the hardcover link again just to be sure and it sent me to the right place
  9. which link are you clicking? I just went to her website and clicked every available option for the book and they all directed me to the lnk.to site
  10. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I love love love this look but if it’s album cover or anything like thay does that mean we still have a long time to go?
  11. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    I hope this wasn’t today :/
  12. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    How long ago do we think that was
  13. Wow Ben says Saturday, she says Monday (which doesn’t work with any release dates we have) a whole mess she looks super good though, I definitely think she was shooting something before/while taking this
  14. LANA WHAT is she DOING videoing herself driving, with her leg on the dash I just....omg on a side note she looks sooo good! That blonde, her idgaf attitude, her singing along Queen asf
  15. I can kind of agree with you, I think we were expecting a whole lot more (snippets, LMLYLAW, album trailer) which does seem kinda mega hype for it being what it was (a BTS of an interview) I think the overall reception would have been a lot better if we had gotten any kind of music either before, or announced. That said, I really do love this..I’m really hoping this sets the tone for this era and with the video out maybe the album rollout can start (??? Maybe???)
  16. I’m still shocked ya’ll I’ve had a Niko for 3 years and to know that she also has a Niko is wild
  17. Also her Facebook is a mess the link.to directs to L4L and her bio says to preorder Norman
  18. I mean she kind of had to..the magazine was being sold early and everyone else around her posted about it, she was the last one to post it I do like that she added ‘more to come’ that gives me hope
  19. Her hair seems a lot darker in the first selfie and the video of her in the car. So hopefully it’s older
  20. We had the source code but this is the first time actually seeing it online ( as far as I know )
  21. How sure are we that anyone actually has this? I’m not trying to be smart but I’ve never heard of anyone having it, and nobody has as much as posted an LQ snippet or anything of it. I’m waiting for the day when a snippet of what we already have without the voices is posted, that’s when I’ll believe it
  22. I 100% want justice for Life Is Beautiful. My forever favorite unleaked. A small part of me hoped it would leak during this leaking season, but at this point I don’t want the illusion of the song to be ruined because I still to this day sing the parts we have..why ruin that
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