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Everything posted by DeadSeaOfMercury

  1. Quickly removing all tennis equipment from the area…
  2. Lana, I got you something… They’re my favorite & I’m sure you’ll love it!
  3. Idk either, I think it’s the part where Lana is starting to fall for the camera guy & we’re chopped liver…
  4. I think after we win, Me & Lana will go to Machu Picchu…
  5. Yes. Puts away the eagles & Puts a tie on…
  6. Hey, I think I can see my house from up here!
  7. I was thinking her Sky Full Of Song was a surprise release for record store day, Hoping a similar situation this year!
  8. Just got this, Unsure if legit.
  9. They’re updating the store!!!!!!!!!
  10. DeadSeaOfMercury


    https://www.vinylmeplease.com/products/grimes-art-angels-2022 IM NOT A MEMBER NOW!!! But I think I’ll be fine, I’ll wait for a 2LP 45rpm with Realiti…
  11. Behold, The One True Supreme BOSS ASS BITCH!!!
  12. I love the song and video! as I knew I would
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