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About BettySpaghetti

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  1. You're a hypocrite. Weren't you asking me on PHF for deleted Ayesha songs?
  2. Exactly, she acts like we're animals trying to hunt her down.
  3. someone: hi ayesha i love your music! ayesha: OMG STOP INVADING MY PRIVACY!
  4. I love Ayesha her music so much, but explain to me how discussing her music would affect her. We're only sharing the enjoyment of listening to her music and nothing else. Sorry, but I just don't see how we are wrong.
  5. Does someone have the Anarchy snippet? I forgot to download it.
  6. BettySpaghetti


    Could you still send it to me?
  7. I love the album so much...
  8. Thanks! And I think I forgot the song
  9. BettySpaghetti

    Charli XCX

    There's a difference between a great song and a song that has single potiental. CTMP is a great song, but won't do good as a single tbh.
  10. BettySpaghetti

    Azealia Banks

    LMAO, she made a design of a survival kit for yeezy. She sent the design to him and he ghosted her after that. And I thought she posted the design too, but I'm not sure. "This is the YEEZY MODULAR SURVIVAL KIT. It contains an electric generator, a hot plate, a convection oven, a small cloth washer, and a mini fridge. I came up with this idea as a disaster kit or for camping. I designed it with Vadik Marmaledov for “YEEZY INDUSTRIES” https://www.streetstalkin.com/azealia-banks-reveals-yeezy-modular-survival-kit-in-case-kanye-west-tries-to-steal-it/ Here is a picture: https://twitter.com/search?f=images&vertical=default&q=yeezy%20survival%20kit&src=typd
  11. BettySpaghetti

    Azealia Banks

    She said that Kanye ghosted her because Kim didn't want him to work with her. And he ghosted her after she made a design of a Yeezy surival kit for him.
  12. BettySpaghetti

    Azealia Banks

    This has the same instrumental as Icy Colors Change https://soundcloud.com/amalaofficial/dizzy-lone-x-doja-cat And this is the instrumental
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