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love deluxe

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Everything posted by love deluxe

  1. another day another argument about genre… can we please get some news so we don’t have to have the same fight we’ve been having for about a decade.
  2. venice bitch will always be the craziest song to me… i love it so much
  3. “that stevie nicks singer” if you don’t sit down and learn some music history…
  4. do u guys think there’s a chance she’ll restock one more time 🥲
  5. anything from paradise or honeymoon would fit to be honest. would love yayo, american, lucky ones demo, honeymoon title track, terrence loves you, or art deco
  6. does anyone know where i can find this video in higher quality/ not pitched up? also i would love to know where it originated from.
  7. and i have NO MONEY TO BUY IT literally so upset rn cause i don’t get paid till friday
  8. the way i was the first to post about this
  9. happy birthday to the album that changed my life. it had just came out when i first started listening to lana. ultraviolence, forever <3
  10. fishtail is so underrated actually the buildup of that song is kinda insane.
  11. he’s kinda a freak on social media 😭
  12. this deserves its own thread im genuinely curious about what this user is talking about
  13. i smell transphobia and delusional conspiracy theorists in a certain post on here
  14. what are you talking about
  15. that i do not really engage with cause i think its lowkey weird. but also to each their own shes a celeb and ppl are bound to speculate and that’s their choice. i just choose not to cause its not for me.
  16. maybe ur right.. but maybe she just got in one of those “i wanna purge all my socials” moods that i sometimes get in myself. idk there could be so many different reasons why she decided to do this
  17. no we don’t. it’s literally none of our business
  18. well stop being scared of the inevitable!!! i hate to break it to y’all but it will eventually happen and there will be nothing we can do about it. let’s just enjoy the fact that she’s still making music right now!
  19. fr y’all are a bit dramatic and i get it bc i am too but she is NOT retiring… idk why this is the conclusion everyone jumps to at the end of every album era. we need to stay focused on the real questions y’all… like where is zodiac?
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