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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. Woah - this is big news. There are actual promo CDs going around at the moment?!
  2. Holy shit - Sanity still exists?! Well, I've learned something today. No offence to anyone living in the far outer suburbs or large towns, but the fact there don't seem to be any Sanity stores in Melbourne or the inner suburbs doesn't give me too much confidence in their power to influence the charts. And the chain stores are more about selling underwear and cheap shirts than CDs, in general. And I can't see too many independent places caring about Lana.
  3. MTWBT is killing me in HQ - I love that it sounds nothing like what we expected, but is still amazing. On the other hand, I was just in a large JB-HiFi Store here (aka the only company in Australia that still sells CDs), and there was zero promotion anywhere in the store. In fact, there was still some sort of diorama of records that had been featured, and UV was among them, but if I was just a person walking in from the street, I would have no idea that a new record was coming.
  4. This is a really great thread! I wish I knew another language poetically so that I could contribute. The saying makes more sense when you understand 'have' as meaning 'keep' rather than 'eat'. So it's saying that you can either choose to keep the cake or you can eat it.
  5. A store is a strange place to hold one - I went to one at a nighclub, and it was just like seeing a DJ play a set, but instead of playing different music, they just played the record straight through.
  6. The West Coast outtakes/UV trailer footage has still never been used anywhere else
  7. Why don't the people who make these learn something about music
  8. Actual footage of Naomi Elizabeth recording her first record No longer relevant
  9. Ah well, sometimes it takes 3 posts, sometimes 64, but it always comes out in the wash.
  10. Right on, brother! Who cares what she writes or how she sings! If she's fat*, nobody should love her! * By fat, of course, I mean slightly larger than an emaciated ten year old boy, who should always be the standard of beauty for us to judge women against
  11. They're all pretty different and worth listening to if you're interested. There are some mislabelled ones which are the same version under different names.
  12. David Gilmour from Pink Floyd is also putting out his first record in about ten years. It doesn't matter what pop fans think of the old guys, people like Gilmour and Richards have a big advantage because their fans overwhelmingly buy the physical copies of their records rather than waiting for leaks.
  13. Surely after the situation with the last video leaking, it won't be uploaded until the last moment.
  14. Just to be safe, I'm never going to listen to any artists with either 'Naomi' or 'Elizabeth' as part of their names (aside from Ms Grant, of course, who predates the ugly mayhem).
  15. I know time to call in some favours from our Polish friends ...
  16. It's just of the song, which is still interesting, but not earthshattering.
  17. I agree, and although I obviously don't know how this became public, it's also possible that the printed non-audio parts of the CD are being less guarded than the audio CD. Of course, I could be wrong and someone has a CD they're about to leak, but as the old song goes, it aint necessarily so.
  18. For those who are interested: http://www.briangriffindrums.com/discography/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusty_Anderson http://www.discogs.com/artist/2735866-Trevor-Yasuda http://www.discogs.com/artist/251634-Patrick-Warren?filter_anv=0&subtype=Instruments-Performance&type=Credits https://www.facebook.com/RogerJosephManningJr http://www.discogs.com/artist/339637-David-Levita?filter_anv=0&subtype=Instruments-Performance&type=Credits There are some heavy hitters (pardon the pun) on here.
  19. Sourced from someone who has been wrong about every single thing they've said so far.
  20. Like all of the other 'leak blogs', every single verifiable thing they've posted has been wrong. You're better off trusting your dreams.
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