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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. Giving more information about a football game than her new music
  2. It should work just by copying the url of the video straight into your post, so that posting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE6wxDqdOV0 will show it as a video:
  3. Flashing back to 1989, when the Grammas awarded the first ever 'Best Hard Rock album' to Jethro Tull, when not only are JT not hard rock, by 1989 they were completely irrelevant (I'd be surprised if even Tull fans could name the record they won with), and snubbed the biggest hard rock band in the world then, Metallica. My point - they've always missed the point, and they will give her a lifetime achievement award in 2042 and claim they were always behind her.
  4. There's this terrible article - I couldn't find the full interview, but this is from around the time of BTD's release. https://www.ellecanada.com/culture/music/lana-del-ray-would-die-to-buckley-s-music
  5. I've been listening to Guts a lot the past couple of weeks, and I've been enjoying it a lot, but it's not even in the same league as Ocean Blvd, when it comes to lyrics, music, vocals, creativity, conceptual continuity (to steal a phrase from Frank Zappa), and overall presentation. I have a feeling, though, that Guts will win, based on how the Grammy tries to be relevant.
  6. I think it is 'called up one drunk', but not 100% sure. However, I am 100% sure the charlatan line is completely wrong, mostly because it makes no sense.
  7. It's so sad to hear that Mary Weiss, the lead singer of legendary girl group The Shangri Las, has passed away. One of the greats, and undeniably an influence on Lana and a million other singers of tragic songs. https://bestclassicbands.com/mary-weiss-shangri-las-obituary-1-19-24/
  8. I'm trying to limit my excitement/delusions, but a Bratz doll might be the one piece of gratuitous merch I think I really need.
  9. It's pretty hard to sum up everything wrong with stan culture in one tweet, but they really did give it a red hot go.
  10. It's reminding me of this that happened almost ten years ago, which amounted to not that much, but was still something she (and we) got excited over. "Vice Now Running Shit"
  11. Dogs in hats are going to be the new Flower Crowns.
  12. She's been here twice more than a lot of artists I love, but yeah, it would be good if she came back soon.
  13. This makes no real difference at all to us as fans. Maybe there will be more songs of hers in movies/ads, maybe there will be less. (I know there have been a couple of her songs over the years in ads in Australia eg Change on some insurance ads, and Video Games on a winery ad, but don't know if this is because she is published by someone different here). I presume she's getting a better deal for herself, though, as her last deal was probably signed when she had a lower status as an artist, so she might be getting a higher percentage, or better control over how it's all used.
  14. Six foot five I mean, that is pretty tall - I looked it up, and it's about the tallest 0.5% of men in America, but that means there are almost half a million men in the USA who could be mistaken for aliens.
  15. I'm not even seeing what is alien about it? It's gait, proportions and posture (about all you can really see) are 100% human.
  16. Same. I don't think I can remember another song being so hyped up by 100% of people who had heard it, and the song itself surpassing the hype.
  17. I'm standing at the back, holding an orange juice and trying not to look awkward.
  18. I saw her on the tour for her second album, after obsessing over Want the Truth, and she didn't play a single song from the debut. I kind of lost interest in her after that. It didn't help that I discovered Lana around the same time. The debut is still a masterpiece, though.
  19. Do you mean the Apple event? The lyrics are basically the same, not counting a couple of inconsequential words like 'And', aside from one apparent difference - the fighter is 'Jim', not 'Joe'. https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/How_to_Disappear_(song)
  20. Paloma Faith - Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful.
  21. I wish I didn't have to know that such a tragic story had been made into some fucking camp meme.
  22. Happy birthday AKA aka LDR! I'd be happy with a straight reissue with the original cover, maybe some nice liner notes written by one of our resident Lizzy experts, and some vintage photos.
  23. It will have its day ... Can anyone let me know which parts of the Let The Light In have gone viral? It feels like more of a story song, and less of a 'three seconds taken out of context for fun' type of song.
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