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Everything posted by AnarKissed
@longtimeman The video is the title track from Iron Maiden's 1982 album The Number of the Beast.
For whatever reason, the very first time I heard WestCoast, I immediately associated it with The Soft Parade by the Doors, circa late 1960s. sYXz3vZvtL8
Once again to ponder the mysteries of Lana Del Rey, literally, Money, Cash, Moolah, Bucks of the King. I really do think, in my opinion, that the Beatles-influence on L.D.R 's albums is rampant, in what I might call her album artwork, some of the lyrics, and philosophy; specifically as a response to what she has described as something like a mis-characterization of her words by the Guardian [the Lana wishes she was dead fiasco]. I really don't know if this could instead be mere synchronicity. If Elizabeth Grant really did get her foot in the Music Industry door as she hinted about at the beginning of the Chemtrails album.....sometimes I wonder when the official L.D.R. biography or documentary will emerge....until the sunset of my life or civilization?.....I sometimes wonder if this authorized account of L.D.R.'s emergence is being prevented or hindered in some form. Or perhaps the true reason is entirely mundane.....God only knows and God knows I tried.....
Sad Girl versus Because of You
"...channeling angels in the New Age now..."--- L.D.R., Young and Beautiful [2013] A few weeks ago, through total random coincidence, or perhaps through Divine intervention, I found the following passage in a book called Living With Joy: Keys to Personal Power & Spiritual Transformation [1986]: "You came to earth to be a part of a system of energy that deals with emotions, personality, and thoughts, that involves seeing what is inside of you reflected back to you in the outside world." [Source: https://archive.org/details/livingwithjoykey00orin/page/175/mode/1up?view=theater] On October 22, 2021 during an Instagram livestream with fans, L.D.R. made the following remark: "I do believe that whatever's going on in your inner world reflects in your outer life" [Source: https://youtu.be/m14UV7tKuwY @ 21:38] On December 4, 2021 during a speech given at the Variety Hitmakers event where she was given the Decade Award, L.D.R. made the following statement regarding criticism she has received: "What's good about it is like I really believe that what's reflected back to you is in some way a mirror to what's going on in your inner life" [Source: https://variety.com/2021/music/news/lana-del-rey-speech-variety-decade-award-1235126375/ @ 1:48] Could the Living With Joy book be the source of L.D.R.'s philosophy regarding the inner life being reflected in the outer world? God only knows.
^XIII beaches, 13 is the Death card in Tarot. ^The connection is the lyrics in both songs:....honey I'm dying....I'm Dying....
When L.D.R. sings "the poetry inside of me is warm like a gun" it immediately reminded me of George Harrison's Happiness is a Warm Gun from the Beatles' 1968 White album. But upon further reflection, I am reminded of a passage in one of Richard Huelsenbeck's early essays[1920] in which he expresses his desire to "write literature with a gun in hand." Also, recently I have been revisiting L.D.R.'s Cinnamon Girl because its one of my favourite tunes from the NFR album; and I noticed something I never had before: you can hear a 1-2 second sound sample, somewhat buried in the mix but still audible, of the sound of machine gun rapid fire. It occurs at 1:24, 2:33, and 2:47. It may be that I am misinterpreting this sound because I have only ever heard a machine gun in movies and such. I am aware of L.D.R.'s use of gun imagery throughout her discography since at least her Lizzy Grant days. These are merely observations. I have no definitive interpretation of L.D.R.'s use of gun symbolism at this time.
Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
AnarKissed replied to Elle's topic in Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
https://archive.org/details/ChemtrailsManualChemistry131ManualUSAFAcademyFall1990_201810/page/n200/mode/2up Quote: "The "Chemtrails Manual" is an Air Force Academy chemistry manual published by the Department of Defense for 1990 Air Force cadet training. The word "chemtrails" became a popular name applied to aircraft contrails that appeared unnatural." -
LA Who Am I To Love You
AnarKissed replied to Dominikx4's topic in Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
Excellent poem. Alas, only L.D.R. holds the key to deciphering its mysteries; but that won't stop us from trying...to de-code the enigmas... -
Lana with a fan at Society on Cherry Street in Tulsa, OK - July 20th, 2020
AnarKissed replied to Elle's topic in Sightings
[song starts at 0:56] -
Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
AnarKissed replied to Monicker's topic in Lana Thoughts
In my most royal of Humble opinions, I perceive L.D.R. as a person who comes from some money. But who did, for the first major time when L.D.R. was sent away to boarding school, and subsequent times as well; a person who more than dipped her toes into the dark underbelly of the Amerikan dream...and God only knows what she truly found there, she only hints at what she experienced here and there in her Lizzy and L.D.R. song writing capability and talent. And this direct expression of a haunted Amerikan backdrop, makes the work at times irrelevant, at other times: Timeless, Classic, and Esoteric... -
Would it be more than hyperbole to call one of L.D.R.'s shows Her Vengeance because, according to one source, it became a re-enactment of a rite performed akin to or in accordance with ancient mystery religions. And Something strange I saw one night after a show on one of the White trailers; a Symbol, of an old arcane club, and a logo for a tour-hauling business venture.