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Delete NOW

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Everything posted by Delete NOW

  1. She deactivated her social media. That did not happen with NFR.
  2. Silence? Her manger has been whoring out the album says it’s coming soon months/years in advance. It seems a lot of people are excited.
  3. People expecting album cover and track list when we haven’t heard a single song from the album. I’m expecting a single release date announcement.
  4. A lot people call NFR boring, sleepy, etc. BTD remains her most mainstream album.
  5. Her magnum opussy re-peak mainstream alternative indie critical darling commercial success awards magnet chart topper is here .
  6. I was expecting it to sound like nothing else out there. Now you’re saying HMxUV, what is the truth?
  7. I’ll reserve judgement until I hear it myself. These insiders have offered us interesting song’s descriptions and a variety of taste. I don’t know what they consider good or even a masterpiece .
  8. The coconut song is great. It reminds me of Florida Kilos. Just fun and slightly odd. I’m here for that type of sound from her . I also like the lyrical content. It’s not some deep song. It’s not a love song. It’s very silly on purpose. Lana writing something like that would be amazing. It would be very different from the rest of her discography.
  9. I think calling them “insiders” is kinda wrong . I’m reading the posts, and it seems that our “insiders” aren’t really insiders (as in someone who works or has connections to the music industry leaking stuff) but rather actual hackers. Nerds behind a computer. In this case, homosexuel nerds. A lot of hackers like to hack big corporations (Microsoft, etc) and are into crypto shite. The homosexual ones hack pop girls computers. It’s starting to make sense I think .
  10. Who’s we? The dolls are. Let them be .
  11. Is there a source for this information? I know Taylor’s took 5 months because of BOZ. He said her album was sent to the plants in May (album came out in October). Again her is a special case because they had to produce a lot, hence the 5 months lead before release.
  12. It DOES NOT take 5 months to produce vinyls be serious. I’m assuming you got the info from Taylor? Taylor’s album is a special case because she’s selling 400K vinyls first week.
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