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Delete NOW

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  1. This is her main pop girl era (Ben needed the money). She’s been dropping hints already. No more sad family drama in her songs. She said what needed to be said on Ocean Blvd. The Weeknd collab is already a very positive sign in that direction. We know for sure this song will have a proper beat and tempo. The Weeknd is NOT going to sing on a piano snooze or an acoustic folk song. We WON already . Also, she posted a similar tease about “Midnights” back in October 2022 right before Taylor made it official. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWrGfzLCFi/
  2. Mind you, critics are not Grammy voters. Jon was crickets on lists and WON AOTY. Beyoncé was #1 everywhere and LOST.
  3. More simple light hearted songs ala Venice Bitch less word vomit like Fingerclits and Kawasaki. OH WE WON. I mean she ended the album with VB. So that was a tease .
  4. Let’s be honest, she probably thought the fan was talking about the shelved cover album than an actual album of her unreleased songs because that’s how her mind works.
  5. Lana’s performance kind of remind me of this: I was initially worried that was going to head to that direction. Tbh, it was almost like this in some parts (doing a lil’ too much with the vocals), but she pulled it together.
  6. That’s not my point. The original version is already light hearted and “boppy”. She didn’t add anything to it. In fact, she took away from it. The great vocal layering from the original are all gone. The production is very barebones. She made it sound like a demo. She’s singing off beat/melody most of the song too . The production sounds half a second late or some sh*t. It’s not following her voice and complementing her AT ALL. It sounds like barely audible random noises in the background. The whole thing is just flat, basic, and uninspired. I was hoping she would enhance the song in some way like she usually does with covers (“Doin’ Time” added more vocal layering and harmonies, beats, catchiness, etc.). But this is about as listenable as that god awful You'll Never Walk Alone cover and Summertime Gershwin cover she did . And 90s or 70s that’s irrelevant. “Season Of The Witch” and “Blue Velvet” both covers made the song slower but still very good (better than the original even depending on your preferences). This is just not a great cover. And that’s on THAT. If her cover album is this level of quality , she can keep it.
  7. Compare “Doin’ Time” original to the hit cover. You can see why her cover was a hit and the original wasn’t. Lana cover has additional beats and it’s actually even faster and groovier than the original. Andrew Watt is a great producer. This is a boring flop. It’s the reverse of “Doin’ Time”. She took a hit and made a flop out of it.
  8. The letter that Lana got. The fan meant her unreleased album. Like her actual unreleased album. Knowing Lana she most likely thought the fan wanted her unreleased shelved “cover” album to be released . This will bomb harder than ChemTANKs and Blue TANKisters put together . Zach Dawes is a good “additional” producer. He and that Eric dude CAN NOT solo produce a song. They sound BORING.
  9. Stop trying to make every song acoustic challenge. I was hoping for a “Doin’ Time” type of serve instead I got another Piss Lesson and Suburban Tank. Can’t even make it pass the half way mark and the song is only 2 minutes long .
  10. She ate, and her voice sounds so BTD/2012 - 2013 here. Just beautiful and very pleasant. Clear annunciation and deep voice. Why can’t she record her music singing like this anymore? Her voice started to shift higher, starting with Lust For Life. With NFR, it was 90% head voice aside from a few tracks (“The Greatest”, “Bartender”, etc). It got real bad and unpleasant with Blue Banisters. Ocean Blvd is still mostly head voice, but this time the songs complement it such as “Paris, Texas” which made use of the high voice very well. But overall, she doesn’t really sing low anymore. I just wish she would use her lower register more on albums. It could be an uncomfortable range for her, but she sounds best singing most of the songs low and sprinkled with higher notes. Instead of a full song being just her whispering.
  11. “music industry award” It’s a popularity contest based on Billboard chart points. And it’s completely irrelevant now. The Grammys is the “music industry award” as it’s peer-voted by singers, songwriters, and producers currently working in the industry based on quality and disregarding sales. At least that’s what it's supposed to be based on its guidelines. Obv the voters themselves can be biased and swayed towards high-charting songs and albums. It’s not perfect, but at least the rules say quality over charts.
  12. If that weren’t the case then nobody would do awards campaign. I don’t need to sit here and explain how things work. If people can just win, no one would campaign. Campaigning isn’t even a bad thing. Stop trying to spin it into something else. Getting your art out and making a statement about it is not a bad thing. Championing and loving your art and showing voters that they should vote for you is NOT A BAD THING. This is the same weirdo mentality some of her stans think that promo is bad and she should stay indie and that TikTok is bad. Touch some grass. You’re giving people way too much credit. People don’t go out and listen to albums the way you think. Even voters. Alphabetical advantage on lists is a real thing. People ARE LAZY, so most of the time they just vote for what’s at the top of the lists. People need to be shoved down their throats. Need to be told what to listen to and what’s good. The collective mind is LAZY. Awards campaign are made to address these issues.
  13. Also, she’s campaigning for Taylor’s MIDnights more than her own album in that video interview. “Perfect song” . She should be out there singing A&W in these videos. Not Snow On The Tank. She should be singing and explaining the songs and the process of the Ocean Blvd album. She should be creating a compelling narrative with the album and get it out there. - What’s the concept of Ocean Blvd? - How did she get her collaborators? And why those people? - What’s the meaning of the songs? Some of these already existed in printed form, but she should out there. Blaring it out. She can literally pick one song for each video interviews. - For Genius: Paris, Texas - For Variety: A&W - For Vogue: Let The Light In Where are her managers???? I blame the interviewer and Harper Bazzar as well for making it about T4ylor and that song. Even titling their video around it . Her managers should have stepped in and provided guidelines on what’s relevant and what to focus on. That’s literally their job.
  14. Morgan has zero Grammy noms for a reason, despite having the biggest song and album this year. The Grammys purposely shut him out. They don’t like him. If this is her Grammy campaign, she’s not doing a great job by being associated with that man. She needs to tone down that Morgan Wallen thing.
  15. First collab this era (outside of Ocean Blvd album) that I can confidently say is legitimately good. Jack’s voice is a jump scare, and it’s obvious he can’t sing. Like someone said, he sounds better than usual. Some of the lyrics are awkward, but this song is still gorg. It’s euphoric. Kinda giving me Venice Bitch vibes. The sax is amazing. Lana should adopt this sound for her next album. Also, I’m not mad about it not having much Lana because there’s no “feat”. My expectations were met. They did the right thing. There’s no reason to credit everyone on the title if the contribution is small. It’ll just create a mismatch expectation. Although, he kinda used Lana for hype and promo. They (the journalist and Jack himself) hyped it up as if she had a bigger part in the song 💀.
  16. It’s been at the back of my mind, but I’m now fully convinced after seeing that recent singing video that Lana started hissing, lisping, and slurring in her songs post-2021 because of her new front teeth. That dentist… when I catch u. She needs to get her chipped tooth back NEEOWW. I even look back at this similarly self shot singing video (before the new teeth), and it’s very clear her new teeth are too long. There’s a legitimate difference in how she sings now. You can see how the teeth is affecting her enunciation. It kind of reminds me of this: I mean it’s not as bad or maybe… it is. Hilary did her whole front row teeth too big. Lana only did one or two teeth? But that was enough to affect her enunciation. And it’s worse because Lana is a singer. There are more importance on her voice. A recording artist that will be recording music with this lisp. The lisp will be immortalized on records forever unless Lana does something about this before recording many more new music with it. Hilary did managed to get it fixed…YEARS later 💀.
  17. She should have just sat there and ate her food. Like be quiet. Between the random “I’m poor” videos and this, we’re inching back closer to the 2020 period. We need another yeehaw flop album like ChemTANKS/Blue TANKisters to complete the trifecta. Her mind, it amazes me sometimes. She said I can’t be loved too much, gotta do something stvpid to tarnish myself quick. The Grammys are also coming. Hopefully Ben takes her Instagram away during awards season so she won’t do something stvpid on social media. Honestly, the best time was when she deactivated her Instagram. She is so painfully uninformed, and it SHOWS. It’s better for her to not engage and just stay quiet.
  18. Why are people complaining about the same dress? A lot of artists actually wear the same outfit every date. Taylor literally wore the exact same outfits every date on tour, as did Beyonce. I know Lana doesn’t do costume changes (she’s kind of leaning towards that with the A&W/Y&B and Bartender segments), but Lana has literally wore more DIFFERENT dresses on THIS tour than Beyonce and Taylor did at the Eras tour PUT TOGETHER . On top of that, a different hairstyle AND make-up look EVERY date. Most artists don’t do this. They have a set of the same outfits and the same looks (hair and make-up) for all the dates for the rest of their tour. Taylor’s hair is literally the same bangs every single date, and her make-up has no change from the first to the final date . Dua, for example, doesn’t change her hair and make-up at all. And her outfit is basically the same every night (the same cat suit), just different colors . Tbh, I wish Lana took that approach instead of having the stylists literally do a different look every date. That’s expensive and time-consuming. Taylor’s and Beyoncé’s methods are much more economical. When you do the same look and outfits every night, things move a lot faster. The styling itself becomes faster because people get more efficient doing the same thing. It’s also cheaper because you don’t need to look for new outfits every night. With Lana, you have to look for a new outfit/dress every night, make-up, plus hairstyles, and accessories. And you have to make sure it's different and not repeated from the previous dates. That's a lot of work for the stylists and make-up artists. And top of this, I noticed her dancers and backup singers also have different outfits for most dates, which is honestly a lot. Most dancers usually wear the same thing the rest of the tour. Like you all can go look at other people’s tours. It’s the same looks every date, including the background people (for that specific tour, obv if it's a different tour, I’ll have a different theme/outfit. Most artists stick to the same outfits, including their dancers, FOR ALL the dates of that one specific tour).
  19. I watched videos from the show, and her voice sounds great here. Much improved from the Brazil shows. She was consistently shaky and out of breath in Brazil. She sounded so strained and constricted. She’s actually singing somewhat normally again at Glastonbury.
  20. 85 people out of the literal millions that love BTD. Be serious. When I said “no one in their right minds”, I was exaggerating for effects. It’s common sense to know no songs will be loved by everyone. People have their preferences but the majority absolutely prefer the released version. See I don’t have to be typing all of that until now. You were making a generalization of how people always like unreleased music better which is simply not true.
  21. No one in their right minds would think these are better than the released versions. There is no syndrome. Expectation for released music is different. A song might be good as a demo, but it wouldn’t as an official release. Some demos can go toe to toe or even better than her released work that is also true. Cheery Blossom, Nector, Living Legend all fall into the good as a demo category (that needed more polish, more and better production). Thunder is perfectly fine as is. They didn’t need to make it worse. Dealer was left untouched and people loved it. In short, there is no syndrome. It’s all circumstantial depending on the songs.
  22. There are still unreleased because SYTH was the first one. We don’t know when the set list was planned. They probably didn’t expect SYTH to blow up the way it did. Let’s be honest here. And her performance has nothing to do with whether she wants things released or not. There’s nothing odd about not performing STYH when the same set list contains White MuSTANK and Arcadia. Half of the set lists are songs that no cares about and the other half are the same songs she’s been performing since 2012. The fact that she seemed surprised when the fans asked her to perform "Cinnamon Girl" shows how clueless she and her team are about what’s popular and what are fan favorites right now. They don’t have a fucking clue. She seriously need to let go most of the songs that she performed the most and add some fresher picks.
  23. *Insert that video of Lana saying she wanted to release Tv in Black & White, Hollywood, Hollywood’s Dead and SYTH. No, she’s always wanted to release an unreleased project/songs judging by that video.
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