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Everything posted by Ebola

  1. on top of this it looks like a lot of work has been done on the website between may and now. i'm digging for something good
  2. i don't know if this has been shared yet but the source code on her store webpage now says "Shop official Lana Del Rey merchandise, including apparel and media from 2019's Norman Fucking Rockwell and her upcoming 2020 album Chemtrails Over the Country Club."
  3. i've said this before and i'll say it again i am terrified of the queen of hearts snippet it makes me want to cry its so LOUD and STARTLING and the out of key musicmafia tag it's just hell on audio let's never leak that one
  4. i feel like the lyrics in cocc will be bitter, but not outwardly angry. some lyrics that are sharp and to the point, but i don't expect any full song to be about her frustration that she tried (and failed) to convey in her instagram post. definitely some satire in there, i think lyrically we'll get something somewhat similar to paradise. but one thing i don't expect is for this album to be sad. i also think it's going to be very confident yet painfully honest. it's no secret that recently she's been more open with her personal life, which is something we rarely ever have seen from her. just within the past few months she's made countless allusions to her poor relationship with her mother, posted a picture of her reading the alcoholic's anonymous big book, and of course her god awful instagram post. it seems like she's ready to talk about areas of her life she wasn't comfortable sharing before; areas of her life we maybe already have made assumptions about, but now she's owning them as a part of her instead of suppressing them. i have a lot of faith in jack antonoff for creating the perfect soundscape for this album. whether you liked nfr or not, his work with other artists is very versatile and he's also very talented. something like a more stripped back "fetch the bolt cutters" by fiona apple. definitely more keys (like in the intro to heroin!!!!!!), percussion, and guitar-only tracks (i'm looking at you flipside) than previous records. not really feeling surfy/tropical/los angeles vibes or influence for this one. for the album cover i think it'll be like a more polished version of the mac single cover, i get really strong green vibes from the title??? idk why but maybe her in a pink dress in front of some trees??
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm2N2nHqITY
  6. Ebola

    Song vs. Song

    black beauty vs body electric
  7. so far my state (connecticut) is i think doing the best in the country with low number of cases, but still it's dreadful. i went to the mall for the first time since january today and all store inventories were cut practically in half, fitting rooms were closed, only 30 out of 150 stores were open and you had to wait outside the store in a long ugly line before you could go in. it was so depressing i left like 20 minutes after i got there, and all i ended up doing was walking around. schools are supposed to open full time in the fall but i felt like death even today with my mask on in the heat outside. i can't imagine sitting in a stuffy classroom in summer heat with no air conditioning for 6 hours WHILE wearing a mask. i think i might pass out
  8. Ebola

    Song vs. Song

    terrence loves you vs fine china
  9. Ebola

    Boarding School

    i giggle when she says "everyone from town says that you're so cool" like girl who said that all the rich white conservative grannies in kent???
  10. Ebola

    Song vs. Song

    she's not me vs. my best days
  11. Ebola

    Lady Gaga

    played chromatica front to back in a long car ride with my mom today and by sine from above she said "is it almost over"
  12. sorry to bump but has anyone else noticed this ad has been playing on tv a LOT lately? ngl i fangirl whenever it comes on
  13. Ebola


    i personally hear "have cut" and i thought it was that up until i heard the half-cut theory. they both make sense to me idk, but i kinda like half-cut better
  14. also the lighting in the pics is horrible. obviously she's gonna look tons different in a grocery store under fluorescent lighting, no makeup, relaxed outfit, and air dried hair than she did ten years ago with her hair professionally done, her makeup professionally done, a designer dress, and lighting MADE for taking the best photos. i don't get how that's so hard to understand? same way how any of us would look worlds different if we were dolled up for a red carpet than running errands i know this might sound shocking but...guys.....i think she might be human too......
  15. Ebola


    anyways i think these lyrics are really witchy
  16. Ebola


    lanaboards is the only website where you will witness a three page argument about british sayings
  17. i think she's bleaching her eyebrows to try and match her hair, i have the same exact hair color and my brows are naturally not that dark but baby they're darker than that....
  18. going through the missdaytona account and there's so many tweets of what look like lyrics (not that they make any sense i don't know what the hell she's trying to say in half of them), makes me wonder how many fucking songs we don't have yet and probably never will have... my personal favorite
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