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Rockwell Firefly

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About Rockwell Firefly

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  1. you're the goat! thank u, i didn't see they had this
  2. also i forgot to post this... someone posted on Reddit recently, this is some sort of director's cut https://youtu.be/vEZ6zVEOCrw?si=My5zeRzaJTz0E46W
  3. omg... let's all say thank you viv... i'm v skeptical about dbree so i don't bother to check there anymore good to know people are giving it actual use rather than setting up fake stuff and brainrot fights
  4. i looked into this then and i'm looking into this now with no avail of L+F ogs leaking recently another user reached out to me for this and still can't find anything. where did you learn about these leaking? maybe that could help me looking into it even further also the snippets that came from soundcloud last week or so are available on karma's mp, one is under electra heart and the other two under froot and @viv i'm looking into what you ask for yet i can only find tracks with these lengths registered on the wiki... i didn't know there was another simplify version that was known about tbh. i'll get back if i get anything...
  5. https://mega.nz/file/3tUzhaxa#sNQnTjZUToYBAkouH5iv0NPLpM10XOCzvpA3idg-bls believe this is it, tell me when you download it so i take it down x
  6. Rockwell Firefly


    i deleted diddy zone from my library early this year after the creepy news kleopatra is amazing and i love the alt verse for a little work it includes <3
  7. Happy - 45 + I'm a Ruin - 74 - Savages - 33 Immortal - 18 (also what the fuck have y'all done to THE goddess solitaire?!?!)
  8. witch being their best song ever release that damn scrapped album!
  9. i actually thought the same, everytime they post something they are hating, not only lana but on other artists topics iirc... if you're so bitter then it's time to stop paying the internet bill and start paying some therapy instead
  10. i thought the same... just literally flipped my phone
  11. sure! just that i'm for latam so my ping might differ from yours but i play with people from across the world so i'm pretty used dealing with ping and get to manage it most of the time, i'll dm u my steam fc
  12. oh, just rumours from people who seemingly shared information previously that ended up being true. but i'm manifesting... i play both! mostly surv, wbu?
  13. the way i opened the thread thinking about dbd and this is the last post... i do! i picked it up last friday after months without playing and did the rift to level 70 already lol i'm excited for lara croft to come into the game! it was a dream of mine back during quarantine days
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