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About maxthehitman

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  • Birthday 01/01/1921

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  1. All concerts in Portugal, and most of Europe , have been cancelled and postponed for next year. ALL concert tickets bought for this years shows, can be used for next year. So save them. The virus Pandemic is not over. Be safe everyone.
  2. David Bowie was a chameleon singer, and so are 1000 other artists/singers throughout history. Lana Del Rey is also one. What is wrong with that ? It is their persona (their alter ego) which makes it more fun to watch and listen to. We all KNOW its all fake acting and an illusion. It´s entertainment ! If they were just common lounge singers, life would be soooo boring. Is that what people want ? Go listen to this 1922 record
  3. Thanks for the info I just got home and was looking at the news on TV. I have changed my post.
  4. It´s about time ! the 4 ex-police officers are now charged .... One with 2nd degree murder and the other 3 were arrested under charges of aiding and abetting murder I do hope they get ALOT of years behind bars in jail ! No one is above the law. Now we need the rest of the world to WAKE UP ! Equal Justice and Equal Rights for everyone ! - no matter what is the color of your skin , we ALL bleed the same red-colored blood ! We are ALL humans. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Olympics_Black_Power_salute
  5. That is what I have been saying for the past couple of days, but no one is listening to me, so I just drink my wine
  6. Lana Del Rey and her sister Caroline "Chuck" ??'
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