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Everything posted by cranekiss

  1. cranekiss

    Taylor Swift

    me calling her music bland and being confused at how people are going insane over bland music isnt me calling fans of taylor swift stupid. its me being confused at what people see in taylor. if you take it that way that is simply not my problem but yours.
  2. now this i agree with. i will give literally all of my vital organs for it and i am very healthy (aside from my brain) so they are very valuable
  3. flipside unmixed would probably be hurting your ears cause i know damn well before mixing they recorded that guitar extra loud
  4. i saw a bug outside while walking my dogs and i thought of this thread
  5. cum attack sounds terrifying like i can imagine hearing it in the news. On tuesday april 10th at 9:02 pm a cum attack ensued in anaheim california, leaving 9 dead and 20 injured.
  6. no offense id rather much see shit because im desensitized to it (i poop sometimes i know its hard to believe) than c*m on lanaboards
  7. when track 16 starts and we hear "disco go go dancer so rare" and global warming is reversed and everyone is automatically gifted 2 billion dollars and world hunger is ended and world peace is created and
  8. american whore & jimmy pulls up in his blue chevy nova i give him strawberry ice cream i have been dying for him to come over we're gonna listen to the beach boys we're gonna ride in the rollercoaster when we get high jimmy propose jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola jimmy gonna buy me a coca cola i am the new jersey dance quee
  9. you didnt offend me, dont worry. i think ethel did feel honored at one point but yeah the comparison is VERY VERY tired as its been going on since she released golden age ep iirc... and its just getting worse now that shes getting more fame and more attention and more fans who agree with the comparisons and think its okay to enforce them when it really isnt.
  10. they legit took 1 picture together we have no idea what their relationship (or potential lack thereof) was like still is about ethel and not miley
  11. well this is about ethel. not miley. and in ethel's case she fucking hates it
  12. ...that has absolutely nothing to do with it. when you are an artist you HATE getting compared to other artists even if you're inspired by them. when people say "youre the next madonna" theyre stripping you of your own unique identity. a parallel could be when you aren't the only child and you have siblings. and your parents compare you to said siblings. or when your parents compare you to the kids you go to school with. it really fucks with your head. "why cant you be like xyz" well its because im not xyz. a similar experience of artists getting compared to others is when natalia kills and nicki minaj were being heavily compared to lady gaga for the sole fact that they all made dance pop music and had eclectic fashion sense. its frustrating because usually the person making said comparisons only sees things on surface level; much like those who compare ethel and lana for being "sad girls who sing with reverb and guitars" ethel is not similar to lana. lana is not similar to ethel. they are two different artists. ethel is not jealous over lana pursuing jack, ethel is just annoyed to have her artistic identity stripped from her constantly because people always compare other artists.
  13. i want to punch chad michael murray in the face
  14. im not talking about vocal range im talking about how sky sounds stupid
  15. i mainly meant pre-release for all the things i talked about, but yeah she DID perform how to disappear that one time and perform a bit but outside of that nothing really about the album was revealed from memory. NFR era was the last time she really gave us anything outside of the album
  16. more like st Patty day do you want burger
  17. forgot to mention before doin' time she released hope as a single but im sure we all forgot that song was a single no offense
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