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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. banned because ive never seen you either
  2. they tasted like pillsbury birthday cake (gross) and obvious faux vanilly.. they were also hard af? Idk if it had to do with the oreos but me and a good bunch of people have reported that
  3. banned for making the thread screwed up and confusing asf
  4. banned for not paying attention to the overshadowed brother @Terrence Loves Me oop @LemonadeHeavens messing the thread up nnnn
  5. I never was a huge fan, and yes I did too call her music pots and pans and shit, but it's truly a devastating loss. May she rest in peace.
  6. banned for discussing the furries
  7. THE 1950S AND 60'S WERE A TIME LIKE NO OTHER banned for supporting cry baby cancers by banning their critics
  8. HELP??? THATS NOT ME??? Banned for that over exposed rlly lime green gif
  9. Banned because you're still shopping at K-Mart when its 2021
  10. bye i thought she was related to Till Lindemann
  11. Since there seems to be some misconception, The chicken closet happened in 2016 when Azealia was cleaning out her NYC apartment (?) before moving to LA. However this should not excuse her horrid behavior.
  12. cultural appreciation omg.. wait we might be onto something
  13. Take your advice That doesn't seem to stop you here
  14. damn I didn't ask for you to degrade yourself like that
  15. Baby.. who are you to speculate about her health and well being? That's none of your business and to be honest thats really disrespectful to insinuate that she's got something wrong with her. Quite embarrassing too. Bold of you to defame her while using her pic.
  16. Well, I've come to defend Lana.
  17. How long has this shitstorm been going on?
  18. She predicted her own future on 212 “They'll forget your name soon and won't nobody be to blame but yourself, yeah” exactly like she did it SO wrong O:UISDHD and the fucking stench too.. jesus christ
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