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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. I've reported everyone in this thread who made a "don't send me a link" style post; I suggest everyone else do the same. Her album release is already looking pretty fucked, so let's not fuck it up even more, eh?
  2. Do you guys genuinely think this "don't send me a link" bullshit is anything but transparently obvious?
  3. 0%. The listing is already out and the only exclusive it includes is the poster.
  4. No new snippets, but we did get a more clear version of the same title track snippet she previously shared, via its inclusion in the album trailer.
  5. MGK collab was confirmed to be for his album, not hers. Also, the song is dead at this point, because he completely scrapped the album it was going to be on and released a different project instead.
  6. Nope, she referred to the song as "The Next Best American Record" during one of her livestreams in late 2017.
  7. The album is 13 tracks, so we're pretty likely to be missing at least one more new title.
  8. The cover? No. It was made by someone on the Lana subreddit. Sites that don't know better have been using it as a placeholder graphic.
  9. It's a track titled "Jaguars in the Snow" that she registered at the same time as "Baby Doves", "Neon" and the other remixes.
  10. For a jewel case or digipack CD, it's usually about 4-6 weeks for a production run on the scale of what a major label would want to have available.
  11. Usually either on the cellophane or the outside of the jewel case. The actual image remains untouched beneath it.
  12. If there's text on the cover, there would have to be a sticker covering the explicit parts.
  13. "For K, Pt. 2" isn't a fan title, though. Only the Sirens song that had been referred to as "For K" was titled that way by fans. I don't disagree with your general premise that she'll never acknowledge the concept again, but your evidence is only half right.
  14. She did that of her own accord, dear. Interscope had nothing to do with her capricious decision to go back and change things. And no, she really would not be better served by an indie label. She's said many times that her relationship with Interscope's executives is great and she understands their expectations of her. Her switching to a tiny label without any promotional power is simply a bad move.
  15. I don't think there's truly a "Natalia Kills version", because she basically began the process of privately wrapping up the Natalia Kills brand as soon as she got married and changed her name in May 2014. There are definitely older demos of those two tracks, though, because she performed "Hatefuck" and what was then titled "Diamond Days are Gone" at a party she organized in August 2015, almost a year before the songs were released.
  16. She owns a one-third share of Yola Mezcal, which is a pretty successful distillery. She also models and acts, not to mention she's a multi-millionaire already. She could probably do almost no work for the rest of her life and be just fine.
  17. It was confirmed to be an album, actually. It was about half-finished around the time she released the final two singles and the plan was for her to take about a month in early 2017 to bang out the last few tracks. Around that same time, she started writing heavily for other artists. It's presumed that the album fell by the wayside and some of the tracks may have been cannibalized or sold off, but we don't know for sure because she never talked about other songs that would be on the album beyond the two singles.
  18. The two singles are pretty much definite. I would hazard a guess that it will also include at least a few of the songs she shared snippets of during the livestream and on Instagram, early this year (including "Broken", "Childish", "No One Cries Forever" and about two more that didn't have easily discernible titles). The ones registered prior to all of that (the batch with "White Dior", "Heartbreak on Pause", etc.) is apparently comprised mostly of work she wrote for other people, such as the recently released "Unholy", for The Dawn of May, so we can't rely on that to be accurate. Release date...god only knows!
  19. The production team for Bond gives major favor to British artists when they pick from the pool to record a theme song. They've had more than a few themes done by Americans in the past, but in all honesty, most of those themes have been less well-received when compared with the ones by Brits. Lana's just had the misfortune to live in a period where there are a lot of British artists doing the kind of "soulful" music that the Bond team looks for.
  20. Any purported Holy Water "demos" with her vocals were not real, as far as I'm aware. I'm pretty sure it was a similar situation to what happened with Kiss It Better, where she only recorded backing vocals and when people got ahold of the stems, they boosted those backing vocals and made fake demos.
  21. She didn't record any of the Rebel Heart songs other than Nothing Lasts Forever. They were mostly written collaboratively with Madonna, who recorded the demo vocals on her own.
  22. She never said she was going to remake them. The whole point of the release was to put out the songs as we know them, with their original vocal takes from 2011 or whenever. She'd only be changing the instrumentals slightly and having all the tracks mixed and mastered for release.
  23. It’s not really a rumor at this point. Too many reliable sources have corroborated the info, including two of the artists involved.
  24. Nah, read that account's bio. They don't claim to have any actual facts. They're just making wild guesses.
  25. I feel like the title's gonna be either a "wham line" at the end of the chorus (which she seems to have cut off right before the end) or somewhere in the bridge.
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