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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. I feel like the title's gonna be either a "wham line" at the end of the chorus (which she seems to have cut off right before the end) or somewhere in the bridge.
  2. It is incredibly easy to put censorship labels on jewel cases with explicit album covers, which allows them to be sold in any record store with no issue, so that "insider" is spewing complete bullshit.
  3. She followed a professional mermaid on social media and people are trying to make something out of it.
  4. Yes, but it's entirely possible that things have been delayed by the creation of new material. She said a while ago that she was working specifically on the album, rather than the next EP, and earlier this year, she was posting tons of snippets from songs she was literally in the middle of recording. I think we're getting a full-length LP rather than an EP, like she'd originally planned.
  5. Probably coming late summer or autumn. I think she’s too wrapped up in Mark Ronson promo to begin her own solo era just yet.
  6. Nah, you've got your info wrong. The stuff that FKA twigs did in 2016 was standalone, not part of an album. Also, her new album is supposedly titled Magdalene and she's performed a bunch of the new songs from it already; even more than we've heard from NFR, if I'm not mistaken.
  7. Literally nowhere has she said that this is the lead single. Can you all stop parroting that like it's gospel?
  8. You forgot about Cinnamon, but that's the only thing you're missing, as far as I can tell.
  9. Dude, parody is considered protected free speech. Trademarks do not apply. This is NOT the issue. We have been over this.
  10. I can all but guarantee that 99.99% of the public won't even know she released a poetry book and nothing will be "ruined" whatsoever in that regard. Books are even harder to promote than music these days and she's barely promoting her music, so I expect literally nothing in terms of promotion beyond like...an Instagram post or two. That's not gonna reach the GP at all.
  11. https://twitter.com/iHeartRadio/status/1104241958271168513
  12. No song under that title was ever registered, that I know of. The most recent titles attributed to her on GEMA are "Nonchalant" and "Tell the World".
  13. She first talked about Bartender on January 28th, 2018, so yeah, right around that time.
  14. Frankly, you and all the other whiny pissants in this thread are literally just shitting on everything and spreading ridiculous negativity. What fucking purpose does all this OTT speculation serve? Nothing except to entrench ideas that never existed in your mind, leading to your expectations being impossibly high, causing even more negativity when the final product doesn't meet your idea of what it should be and never was going to be. Btw, that condescending tone just makes you look foolish, "sweetie". That's the recourse of people who don't have an actual argument.
  15. Ya'll genuinely need to shut the fuck up. The album is turned in. This session with Jack is not for the album. Once an album is turned in, it cannot be changed. Period.
  16. She does not. The Grammy for Best Remixed Recording only goes to the person who produced the remix. The original artist does not receive the award, unless they're the one who made the remix, like David Guetta, who won in 2010 by remixing his own song.
  17. It's not unprecedented. We only knew Honeymoon's release date about a month before release. She still has like two and a half weeks to announce it if the album truly does drop in March.
  18. Didn't BB&S still exist in early 2013? I thought it wasn't scrapped for Eleutheromaniac until mid-year.
  19. There's no such thing as a modern Catholic church. All "new age" churches are Protestant.
  20. All 100% on the album. There is literally no chance she has scrapped any of them. People need to stop trying to claim this.
  21. Stitched together four snippets she posted today. She posted a snippet of this same song on the 22nd, but this new one is much longer.
  22. Not necessarily. It might just be a cover or some noodling that she did for shits and giggles at soundcheck.
  23. Honeymoon outtakes definitely exist. In an interview from the Honeymoon era, she said she wrote about sixteen tracks and pared down to fourteen for the final tracklist.
  24. Nnn, my confidence in her has been, shall we say..."eroded", since then.
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