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About Aquemini

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  • Birthday January 22

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    Cookin’ up a (culinary) dream, astrology and philosophy.
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    My baby went away, it's been the blackest day.

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  1. https://linktr.ee/Justiceforelijahmcclain https://www.change.org/p/racine-city-council-and-police-department-justice-for-tyrese-west/psf/promote_or_share https://www.change.org/p/jonesboro-arkansas-city-council-500000?utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=custom_url&recruited_by_id=3c476300-9056-11ea-b67d-a5ea7858c1be Please sign the petition + fill out the email template or call if you can update: added some additional petitions I haven't seen being that widely circulated
  2. http://chng.it/ghJh7hYn8b http://chng.it/qZbghdVWNY http://chng.it/tdgqZz2xJx All of these stories are extremely disturbing, please take a step towards advocating justice by signing/sharing these petitions.
  3. another really useful resource: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16CFLrMySyQR8cLTmACUKtHfc-UQ9PUA0ktLAfApydS8/htmlview?usp=sharing&pru=AAABcqEnXy8*w7G7WGfOlnuZngVjcVoh0g#
  4. Some resources I bookmarked that might be useful to someone- (very simple but a place to start) Advice for how to support as a non PoC: https://www.instagra.../p/CAvVzxEDe4X/ Another summary of actions to work towards being actively antiracist: https://www.instagra.../p/CAvbZyVh1xc/ Some insta lives to provide food for thought: https://www.instagra...ch5YgMtB/?hl=en (more advice for what you can do as a white person) A longer live (40 mins) but very insightful esp regarding the topic of what white privilege is: https://www.instagra.../p/CA3OB9fByeN/
  5. Some resources I bookmarked that might be useful to someone- Simple advice for how to support as a non PoC: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvVzxEDe4X/ Another summary of actions to work towards being actively antiracist: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvbZyVh1xc/ Some insta lives to provide food for thought: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvch5YgMtB/?hl=en (more advice for what you can do as a white person) A longer live (40 mins) but very insightful esp regarding the topic of what white priveldge is: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3OB9fByeN/7 EDIT: wrong thread sorry, but I'll leave it here in case anyone is looking for ways to respond proactively
  6. I do see the truth in what you're saying and agree that too many people are all talk and when it comes down to making changes or doing something difficult they won't change until they are forced too. Conversation/ petitions/ money are only responding, not addressing the root of the problem. What they can do, however, is spread awareness/allow different perspectives to be considered/act as an impetus. And then we can only hope that awareness leads to actions that force the institutions of power to respond.
  7. I don't disagree with any of the points you made, and also I wasn't really referring to politics. Although politics has a massive impact, it's easy to assume that so long as it is corrupted there's no point in trying to exercise our personal power. Personal power isn't your privilege, but freedom of thought. The minute you let that be taken from you is the minute you give in to complacency. And as for history, that is set in stone. The current generation cannot go back and change it. But if we give in to history as a cycle we can't influence that is destined to repeat itself, then you're right. Nothing will change.
  8. As people have already said, this isn't even about Lana for me. It's about acknowledging your platform and using your influence to encourage your followers to look into the situation and not just accept it or choose to opt-out. Racism isn't only an issue for PoC, but everyone, and simply having the choice to stay silent is a luxury. How would it feel to live in a supposedly free country where your brother, son, partner etc might go to the grocery store only to never return? How would it feel to know that because of something they were born with, they are not allowed to simply exist without having suspicion and accusation directed their way? And the ironic thing is, people are accepting of the culture they just aren't accepting of the people behind it which is the most painful part of all for me. It's like exoticism, enjoying the positives from afar but never being driven enough to go further in acknowledging the deep pain and struggles rooted in the fabric of this country that is the foundation of every part of the culture. I respect Lana has her own issues to handle, but there comes a point when you have to demonstrate the kindness of your heart through your responses and not only your personal assertions. I have to disagree that celebrities (and everyone for that matter) being vocal doesn't change anything or will be forgotten. This is exactly the kind of response that feeds suppression even though I know you're not intending to be dismissive.
  9. Aquemini


    The taste jumped out
  10. Aquemini


    Hmmm so hard, each album is its' own distinct universe, yet they all feel connected, kind of like planets in the Björk solar system lol. But top 3: 1.) Vespertine- stunning. nothing else needs to be said. 2.) Homogenic- as others have already mentioned, this encapsulates quintessential elements such orchestral, trip-hop influences, passionate and soaring vocals as well as beautiful and not at all hackneyed metaphors/ conversational storytelling tone to the lyrics. 3.) Post- Just because it is very diverse and shows hoe Björk can take so many different genres and twist them to sound cohesive in one album. Also hyperballad is an absolute classic. And I love the creative use of Locrian mode (usually only used in metal, very uncommon in other genres) in Army Of Me. Also, Army Of Me is the ultimate anthem to sing when people won't stop complaining lol.
  11. Aquemini


    I think O Chad is one of her best unreleased tbh. Tounge tied, Debut and Oh Chad are probably top 3 unreleased for me.
  12. lol my brother really just walked in and told me to turn it down bcos I do b blasting Lana's voice recording to Patent leather do-over doe In all seriousness, I am not overlooking the mess of this all but... I love this so much. It feels so natural but also nuanced and is not basic or cliched at all. Also her voice
  13. Aquemini

    Doja Cat

    Yeah... I know sometimes it's a case of separating the art from the artist but she really has repeatedly said and done a lot of offensive stuff. Maybe her music's catchy, but she definitely doesn't deserve to be worshipped as some kind of queen like I see some young fans doing. Also, I know Anthony Fantano is annoying, but her response to his (actually quite reasonable in this case) criticism was very immature and really reflected badly on her.
  14. Aquemini


    Stonemilker appreciation post: sublime lyrics, heartfelt vocals, emotionally wrought. My favourite Björk song to cry to yet feel uplifted.
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