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Lavender Sunshine

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Everything posted by Lavender Sunshine

  1. How do I change my member title? Do I need to reach a certain number of posts in order to be able to do it? I can't see the option once I click on "Edit my profile" or something, but maybe I just need to log in to LB on my laptop since rn I'm using the desktop version on mobile
  2. So I bought the audiobook on Google books and all the tracks are listed with just numbers like 1, 2 etc. Is there a way to rename them so that I know wtf I'm listening to when I play it?? It's so annoying
  3. I believe one is an audiobook and the other is an e-book, but I can't remember which is which though someone discussed it on one of these threads not too long ago Alright thank you although it's weird that it says it's 39 min long on both of the links... I guess the audiobook is the cheaper one Edit: I'm on my phone and I don't know how to quote a post pls bear with me
  4. Hi! Maybe I'm just dumb but like... what's the difference between this https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Lana_Del_Rey_Violet_Bent_Backwards_Over_the_Grass?id=AQAAAEDsozDjzM and this https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Lana_Del_Rey_Violet_Bent_Backwards_Over_the_Grass?id=AQAAAEDsYxEj7M ??
  5. Hollywood glamorous trailer park feelings
  6. FUCK I WAS ABOUT TO GO TO BED Edit: oops I meant to post this in the ig updates thread
  7. Lavender Sunshine

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry blossom vs Brooklyn baby
  8. I just finished Persuasion by Jane Austen and I loved it omg
  9. Lavender Sunshine

    Song vs. Song

    Afraid vs Summer of Sam
  10. Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 63 (+) California - 66 (-)
  11. Indiana Jones and the temple of doom lmao
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