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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. claiming jim jones at botany bay and my garden will be green again tbh
  2. rightofjupiter


    Perfect song, perfect era, when will the girls start to acknowledge Tori’s influence. Lorde’s voice would be v cool on any number of her songs.
  3. rightofjupiter


    to echo what @Alison by Slowdive said above, I think Lorde is very much critical of the mood ring persona while also authentically subscribing to so many of those ideas- as is clear from the whole premise of the album, which is about a genuine love of the pleasures of nature, freedom and other big ideas that have been subsumed into the “wellness” world. I also think this persona is specific to this song- today was the first time she openly discussed such an idea so I imagine the record will provide a balance of perspectives from a spectrum of personas (both Lorde’s and others).
  4. rightofjupiter


    same, by a wide margin- and listened to the path once and know that’s gonna be a fav too
  5. rightofjupiter


    mood ring didn't hit for me on the first listen (which was via the MV), def hear the early 2000s pop influence loud and clear. also why was that blonde wig so bad? still excited for the album!
  6. rightofjupiter


    she just said (on YT livestream) oceanic feeling was her fav on the album, pisces hive rise up
  7. Without you, off to the races, dark paradise, million dollar man, carmen
  8. The final page of the worlds most tragic book IS the moment
  9. just thinking about how her looks for the HM UO signings/listening parties are my absolute fav...the dark curls, the navy/red/white color scheme
  10. rightofjupiter


    ok listened to the path and it is EXCELLENT, love how much she's using her higher register on the songs ive heard so far
  11. god i hope not...but i agree, it seems like there are some demons there that as outside observers/strangers we only have a vague sense of. i do hope whatever's going on that she's able to move through it and share her talent w the world again.
  12. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Hope is a dangerous thing vs. color blue
  13. Do you think it’s possible that she will just…never release another album?
  14. rightofjupiter


    This would be exactly that s club 7 stuff she said inspired a lot of the records sound- which I was never a fan of at the time it came out and still don’t like. BUT I trust lorde and look fwd to her take on it all.
  15. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    maybe that date marks the end of her major label contract?
  16. rightofjupiter


    Listened to California once when it first leaked but otherwise am abstaining from the leaks, can’t wait to hear it all Fri! And wondering when my vinyl will ship…also feel like maybe I’m a dumb bitch for not getting tour tix for Nashville but I guess I can always run up my cc for resale tix if I change my mind
  17. The way I still have no idea what’s she’s saying at the end of the “most men want a woman who’s legacy is ??????”
  18. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Honeymoon vs Carmen
  19. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    brooklyn baby vs. wild one
  20. she will prob write one eventually imo, just not til she's quite a bit older
  21. lizzy grant self-help book vibes (why does she like the corniest shit lmao)
  22. yes totally, like the sounds are breaking into a million pieces and sprinkling In the air
  23. to chime in on WW: it's excellent, i just don't care for the tone of the piano in the recording– even if it's a real piano, it sounds like a shitty keyboard pre-set to "piano," when it could sound much richer. the song itself is killer and tbh i love the static-y beat drop at the end.
  24. lately so much lizzy g, esp live stuff on YT
  25. rightofjupiter


    remember how everyone was talking about what a flop the new billie record was and then it came out and they were like "oh it's actually good"... obviously idk how i'll feel about the album– i think SP is good (not great) but looooved stoned at the nail salon– but it seems at LEAST as likely as not that it won't be a "flop."
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