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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Twitter Updates

    This BBC interview drama is a mirror of her interview in The Guardian in 2014 and her subsequent Twitter break down about it. I think the interviewers response in 2014 is still applicable in 2021: "Ultimately, the problem with Lana's complaint is that she doesn't seem to know what she's actually complaining about. She's not alleging that I made up her quotes, nor is she claiming that they've been “twisted” or that we've printed them out of context. Instead she seems annoyed by the fact I wanted her to say interesting things and asked questions that caused her to do so. Well sorry, Lana, but that's just me doing my job." I thought this was new with her (as I certainly didn't read The Guardian/go on Twitter in 2014), but I guess it's just part of being a hardcore fan haha.
  2. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    i think that’s how everyone hears it tbh. Or at least that’s how I do. Especially in the context of my work. Let’s not forget Lana has been through some serious shit, as she’s openly spoken and sung about in the past. For anyone to write her off as “privileged” negates what she’s been through. Yes, her battles have been different than others in her industry, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had to claw her way up and out—privilege is objective. While some may see her privilege from the outside looking in, she sees her own troubles and turmoils and everything she had to do to get where she is. But that’s also true vice-versa: she is doing to others what has been done to her by complaining that Beyoncé/Ariana/Doja are privileged enough to be allowed to sing about female fragility. They’ve had to fight for their place at the table equally but differently than she has, and she can’t overlook that. Everyone is privileged in their own unique way, and the best thing we can do is move forward with our own lives without wanting to label and point out other peoples privileges compared to our own. And that goes for both LDR and the rest of the world around her.
  3. Mer

    Twitter Updates

    All of us right now:
  4. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry vs. In My Feelings
  5. ordered the HMV to my old house in the UK. Can’t wait to pick it up in like 2023
  6. is there anyway to listen to this still? I can't find it on the BBC website/youtube edit: nvrmnd it was behind my ad block lol
  7. "Here's the album cover, I hope you like it because I put my beautiful diverse friends on it and we abstained from raiding the capitol xoxoxo, Lana"
  8. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    of fucking course she snuck a foot pic in there lmaooooo
  9. clueless >>>>>>>> i just find Cher so much more relatable
  10. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    i can’t recommend the book enough. i read it when i was 17 and have reread it at least once a year. it must be lighting, cuz i have the iphone 11 pro and my picture quality is DEF nothing like that in my selfies RIP lol
  11. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    i love tolerate it bc she was inspired by my favorite novel of all time, Rebecca (which i have not shut up about on this site since the day i joined—can’t recommend the book enough. also i don’t understand what kind of camera/phone taylor uses to take such high quality selfies? https://www.instagram.com/p/B_f6_O9jIU7/?igshid=f54jhe4gdtvb
  12. true. what was that quote form the 1700s? something along the lines of “you can not reason someone out of a belief they didn’t reason into”
  13. ive currently been arguing with the republican side of my family about that—just bring up the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple that they applauded a while ago...it’s the same thing. You enter someone’s business, you must obey their rules according to the same republicans. It’s not about free speech, no one has a right to use someone else’s services. Use their words against them.
  14. 1. White Hot Forever (3:31) 2. Tulsa Jesus Freak (4:45) 3. Chemtrails Over the Country Club (5:25) 4. Let Me Love You Like A Woman (3:21) 5. Wild At Heart (3:12) 6. White Dress (6:17) 7. Yosemite (4:01) 8. Dealer (3:26) 9. Dance Till We Die (4:14) 10. Dark But Just A Game (3:16) 11. For Free (4:56) 12. Breaking Up Slowly (3:12) 13. Not All Who Wander Are Lost (5:28)
  15. Trump has access to these mainstream social media sites....*checks list*...Yelp.
  16. Twitter as permanently banned Donald Trump. His account is still up, but all his tweets have been removed.
  17. “thats radical liberal SENATOR warnock, to you Kelly”
  18. oh i wasn’t directing that at you lol i was just speaking in general about the reaction to his statement. Kelly Loeffler finally conceded and called to congratulate Raphael Warnock, without objecting to the vote as she had hinted she would on Tuesday night. Looks like the tide is finally (slowly) turning for the GOP.
  19. and maybe something to do with Kanye calling his mother-in-law “Kris Jong Un” (which, for the record, would make Kim “Kim Jong Un”)
  20. https://pagesix.com/2021/01/05/kim-kardashian-kanye-west-getting-a-divorce-shes-done/ “The source said, “Kim is trying to get Kanye to turn over the Calabasas house to her, because that’s where the kids are based and growing up. That is their home.” Explaining, “She owns all the land and adjoining lots around the house but Kanye owns the actual house. They’ve both put a lot of money into renovating it.” [60 million in total] “the power LA divorce lawyer [Wasser, who represented Angelina Jolie and Kim K in previous divorces] is well known to advocate for her clients to negotiate and agree on a confidential settlement before any divorce papers are filed in court. Because LA divorces are more public than in New York, this ensures that more of the proceedings remain secret.” Kanye and Jeffree Star (most likely false so i won’t waste space actually copying quotes in here): https://www.insider.com/kanye-west-jeffree-star-tiktok-rumor-dating-cheated-kim-2021-1 edit: i just remembered Lana sang at their wedding (7 years ago). So sad. Another Lana promise that fell thru.
  21. i really hope he does lol he’ll split the party right in half and whoever gets the nomination will head into the generals damaged and with only 1/2 of the republicans turning out for him (basically Clinton/Bernie for the right, but wayyyy more severe).
  22. this was not a concession. do not normalize this. a concession in every single american election in history as began with (something along the lines of) “i congratulate president-elect ____ for his hard fought victory”. Never has an actual concession speech not included the name of the president-elect. He also did not mention the word “peaceful” anywhere when discussing “transition”. I don’t mean to nitpick, but I worry for our future if we normalize this; or worse, applaud it. On a lighter note: who do you think tranquilized him first, Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence?
  23. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Lust For Life (D1) vs. Love (Demo)
  24. im hoping the ring leaders of this clown show also back down (Hawley and Cruz). The slight silver lining in this terrible situation is the GOP just nuked all their 2024 presidential hopefuls. Cruz, Hawley, Trump, and Pence now will have very little respect in the eyes of the majority of Americans across the political spectrum. And any point they try to make in a potential debate can be ended with “dude you’re one to talk, you encouraged a coup”.
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