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Everything posted by Mer

  1. “Unknown student [me] begins relationship with newly divorced Melania Trump. She has moved him into Mar-a-Lago after winning it in the divorce”
  2. oh fun fact i just read in a golfing magazine. Joe Biden has the best handicap (6.3) of any president since Kennedy. Trump can’t even get a small W today (good).
  3. Trump has just left the White House (to go golfing). thank you!! that honestly means a lot <3
  4. true. this is also the last excuse networks have to milk their ULTIMATE cash cow before he disappears...Donald Trump (that they claim to hate so much).
  5. not to derail the thread but the star wars saga ends with Return of the Jedi. Disney’s fanfic is cute but not canon.
  6. apparently news agencies are waiting for biden’s lead to be safely above 0.5 in PA (the maximum for an automatic recount) before calling the election. Biden’s lead is currently at 0.4.
  7. maybe i'm just cynical, but i honestly think ratings are playing a big role. the amount of advertising dollars any website/tv show displaying a map has made is ludicrous. why not milk this cash cow for every penny they can.
  8. Explaining what's actually happened: Sec of State issued an order those ballots received after Nov. 3rd have to be counted separately GOP CLAIMED not all counties confirmed to have been following the Sec of State order. Alito is just saying all counties should follow the Sec of State orders. This is just for show, so the GOP can claim "this will go to SCOTUS". All ballots received after Nov. 3rd will be temporarily segregated but still counted. It will then mostly likely be up to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to decide if those votes are to be added to the final count or not. Important: Joe Biden's current lead of 21,000 votes is not dependent on these segregated ballots. There are a tiny fraction of ballots that came in after election day (reportedly under 2,000; but that number is not definitive). This ruling does nothing except to keep these going exactly as they have been thus far. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-07/alito-temporarily-orders-late-arriving-penn-ballots-segregated
  9. Supreme Court Justice Alito has written an order refusing the request by the GOP to stop counting votes received after election day in PA. He was appointed by George W. Bush.
  10. they’re also currently encouraging PA voters to send mail-in-ballots after the election. So “stop voting after election night, except if your a trump supporter in PA, in which case please vote today and tomorrow”.
  11. best thing to come out of 2020. also biden giving victory speech some point between 6-9ET tonight
  12. lololol i went to boarding school in Switzerland for 2 years, so i guess there was no denny’s there . i’ve missed so much of american teenage culture...
  13. Mer

    Kylie Minogue

    i like it! i discovered Kylie via her duet with Jack Savoretti, so i’m sad she’s not gonna keep going down the country route...but it’s a feel good album. Shorter than i realized (i was surprised when it ended), but cohesive and light hearted. I like Monday Blues, Last Chance, Say Something, and Supernova
  14. i’ve never been to a denny’s but now i kinda want to go...aren’t they a breakfast place tho?
  15. i honestly don’t know. the last time an incoming president was from a different party than the senate was 1988 when HW won but senate went blue overwhelmingly. my MOTHER was 13 years old then so i have no clue how the cabinet confirmations went—but the country was very different then.
  16. the democrats did take it to court. the republicans refused to let the ballots be processed and tabulated as they come in.
  17. with a republican senate.......maybe if Susan Collins sides with us and we win one of the Georgia run-offs...but unlikely unfortunately with McConnell running the show.
  18. Trump nor Biden are winning Georgia. Stacey Abrahams is winning Georgia. She singlehandedly registered 800,000 voters, mainly young and black. She turned down running for senate so she could see her message through. That’s what democracy is, not the BS the former President is claiming about “voter fraud” that is being laughed out of courts across our country. Democracy is putting in the work to spread the message. Not whining after you lost.
  19. i fully believe we would’ve had another 4 years of Trump had it not been for the pandemic he mishandled so badly. 49% of voters labeled it as their “main issue” (47% said the economy). and honestly, i think 8 years of Trump would lead to more long term casualties and destruction than a 12-18 month epidemic.
  20. The Biden Campaign has said the first order of business is “escorting Trump out of the White House, if he refuses to concede”.
  21. The US just elected its first female Vice President. And she is a woman of color.
  22. or in jail. Biden’s transition website has gone live. buildbackbetter.com
  23. i’ll be going to bed soon but will update any major events thru the night to the best i can so ppl waking up tomorrow have a clear picture of what happened while they slept (sorry for double posting). GA: Trump leads by 665 votes. PA: Trumps lead has shrunk by 5,000 votes in the past 2 hours. Next batch to be released at 4am ET.
  24. Give it up for night 3 of not knowing who’s gonna be president. Night 3 guys.
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