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Everything posted by Mer

  1. the democrats did take it to court. the republicans refused to let the ballots be processed and tabulated as they come in.
  2. with a republican senate.......maybe if Susan Collins sides with us and we win one of the Georgia run-offs...but unlikely unfortunately with McConnell running the show.
  3. Trump nor Biden are winning Georgia. Stacey Abrahams is winning Georgia. She singlehandedly registered 800,000 voters, mainly young and black. She turned down running for senate so she could see her message through. That’s what democracy is, not the BS the former President is claiming about “voter fraud” that is being laughed out of courts across our country. Democracy is putting in the work to spread the message. Not whining after you lost.
  4. i fully believe we would’ve had another 4 years of Trump had it not been for the pandemic he mishandled so badly. 49% of voters labeled it as their “main issue” (47% said the economy). and honestly, i think 8 years of Trump would lead to more long term casualties and destruction than a 12-18 month epidemic.
  5. The Biden Campaign has said the first order of business is “escorting Trump out of the White House, if he refuses to concede”.
  6. The US just elected its first female Vice President. And she is a woman of color.
  7. or in jail. Biden’s transition website has gone live. buildbackbetter.com
  8. i’ll be going to bed soon but will update any major events thru the night to the best i can so ppl waking up tomorrow have a clear picture of what happened while they slept (sorry for double posting). GA: Trump leads by 665 votes. PA: Trumps lead has shrunk by 5,000 votes in the past 2 hours. Next batch to be released at 4am ET.
  9. Give it up for night 3 of not knowing who’s gonna be president. Night 3 guys.
  10. Okay SECOND Georgia update: The Secretary of States website is not being updated. This happened last night, and it turned out the guy who updated the website had gone to bed for the night and he’s the only one with access to it. I’m not joking
  11. ohhhhh lolol i didn’t realize we had beef w him he seems chill
  12. Also Clayton County was John Lewis’s old district—how poetic.
  13. okay Georgia update for you @The Greatest: - 5726 ballots from Clayton County have been counted and coming in shortly. - Clayton County is currently 85% Biden. If that margin holds (and likely it will be higher), Biden nets 4,008 votes. He takes the lead in Georgia by 2,108 votes.
  14. oh sorry i had read midnight and assumed it was my time (PT) lololol. cmon Georgia
  15. 20,000 difference in PA right now. Projections it will be blue by sometime early in the morning (4-5AM ET). Hopefully they can just call this whole thing shortly after and we can have Trump give som half-assed concession speech (the latter isn’t gonna happen ik, but let me dream) hopefully before 3am.
  16. the senates fate lies in the hand of Georgia it looks like. If Democrats grab both run off elections, they control the Senate (as Vice President Harris can cast the tie-breaking 51st vote)
  17. If Biden wins everything left except North Carolina, he gets 306 Electoral Votes. The EXACT same amount of ECs Donald Trump got in 2016 and claimed was "the biggest electoral landslide since Ronald Reagan" (it wasn't). The irony.
  18. hmmmm yes there was something fishy going on with the votes in Florida...............in 2000 when Gore won but Bush claimed the electoral votes. Maybe the AG is using Internet Explorer?
  19. they’re trying to give the ballot counters covid!!!
  20. Just heard NV's Secretary of State. I think Carole Radziwill was right: they're scared of being seen as being the state to give the election to Biden. Probably worried about armed riots by MAGA supporters
  21. i have a lot of friends worried about the Supreme Court...but i don’t think it should be cause of great concern. So far the Trump Campaigns lawsuits are being dismissed with prejudice, which means he cannot appeal the ruling (as there is no ruling) in a higher court. To be clear: Trump isn’t ranting and raving because he actually has a case or a legal path to winning. He’s ranting and raving because he knows all paths lead to defeat.
  22. This clown is doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. It’s gonna look super bad for him when judges keep tossing his cases out and PA is announced for Biden sometime early next morning. all major networks have cut away from Trumps speech. MSNBC refused to air it at all.
  23. important to note that Biden is leading mail-in-ballots (which are what are left to be counted) by 80% now. He is on track to flip PA blue.
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