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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    The Other Woman vs. Smile
  2. Mer

    Rate The Avatar Above You

    def a 10/10. the plastic Hawaiian flowers, the sash, the hair, the expression. perfection.
  3. I want the blanket so bad but i’m allergic to synthetic fabrics and i doubt it’s 100% cotton/wool
  4. this. i always tell my family members: “we can disagree on the path to get there, but we cannot disagree on the end goal”
  5. 10 days after polls closed, all the states have finally been called. President-Elect Joe Biden won 306 electoral votes (the same number Trump won in 2016, which he claimed was the "biggest landslide since Reagan" [it was not]). No blue states from 2016 flipped red, but 5 red states flipped blue: Arizona (first time blue since 1996), Georgia (first time blue since 1992), Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. A hand recount is currently underway in Georgia, but because Biden leads by 14,000 votes, it is unlikely to change. States have until December to certify their results. Today, Trump lost a lawsuit in Michigan, and withdrew a lawsuit in Arizona. Sources close to the outgoing-President state that he "will do the right thing" (hopefully meaning he will concede). This is the 2020 Electoral Map. It is the sixth biggest Democratic Victory since World War 2 (1. Johnson '64, 2. Clinton '96, 3. Clinton '92, 4. Obama '08, 5. Obama '12, 6. Biden '20, 7. Tie: JFK '60 and Truman '48, 8. Carter '76.
  6. Mer

    Billie Eilish

    its a little cringe ngl but the beat and melody slap. I feel like the whole thing will SLAP so HARD if u listen to it when ur angry
  7. Mer

    Paradise Survivor

    Ride - 21 Cola - 14 Body Electric - 20 (-) Gods and Monsters - 17 Bel Air - 14 (+) Burning Desire - 5
  8. Mer

    Last thing you bought

    a copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude that i’ve been meaning to read for a longgggg time
  9. i think the intent is when you see the question, you answer in character as your profile pic. I'm thinking of which will make me more money, my divorce or a tell-all book... who has been the love of your life (so far)?
  10. Mer

    Katy Perry

    i wonder what's next for Katy? The radio/public really did her dirty with NRO, easily one of the best songs of 2019.
  11. don't worry, if protest size could undermine our peaceful transition of power, the Women's March in 2017 would've ended Trump's chances of being sworn in right then and there. People are hyped up right now because of the election, by January most people will shrug and move on--regardless of which side they're on right now. You overestimate the American's people ability to be enraged at just one thing for more than a couple days lol.
  12. I agree with you, I don't think NK is a threat. But not addressing the non-threat allows political opponents to use it as a weakness unfortunately, especially in a divide America. I think China is a direct threat to its own people (especially its journalists, activists, and women), but not to the US--and as such we should have minimal involvement. We are not likely to have a shooting war with China anytime soon. A prosperous rich China is much better for the world than a weakened poorer China. Obviously it is the job of the UN to ensure that a member is properly addressing human rights in their country, not the job of the US solely or majorly. However, we cannot begin removing ourselves from our occupations of foreign nations until China vows and upkeeps a promise to do the same. After we left the Nuclear Treaty with Iran, China swooped in and is now not only investing in Iran, but also buying off large pieces of their land to have large bases in already unstable Middle-Eastern regions (e.g. the purported wishes of China to purchase from Iran the Persian Gulf island of Kish). Our best course of action with dealing with China is to go to each of our adversaries first and offer them a peace treaty so they can rely on us as an ally, instead of allowing them to team up with China with the intent on creating further conflict for the Chinese to capitalize on. On the topic of NK, if we can negotiate a peace treaty with them, we no longer need presence in the South China Sea, as we can be assured that they will not accept military help from China. China's goal is not only to become an economic superpower (no problem with that), its that they want to become the only economic superpower--and are willing to send the world into turmoil with proxy wars in the South China Sea and the Middle East to do so. In that regards, we need to have good diplomacy with all the countries in the world (especially our current adversaries) and make sure China cannot propagate a conflict anywhere. But, I do not believe Biden (or any political figure in our current climate) to be able to do that. It is an almost impossible task, and requires the entire world to set aside religion, machoism, and nationalism for a greater good that many refuse to believe can even exist in an altruistic way. omg sorry for the rambling!
  13. yes. I always found Trump to be refreshingly un-militaristic. But center-liberals are hardly ever as such. HRC wrote an essay in Foreign Affairs Magazine this month about how the next administration needs to re-think the military, getting rid of antiquated technology and investing in cheaper operation costs. I actually agree with her. Our military is stuck in the cold war period of the 80s, and China has been advancing ahead of us because what they lack in manpower they make up for in technology. I really hope a Biden Administration will both scale down our military, while modernizing it to be more efficient and technologically advanced. I think threats like NK are better treated with reduced physical military presence in the South China Sea, but increased protection technology in Alaska and small remote-operated drone bases in S. Korea (to keep the threat alive in NK's eyes). I know Trump tried diplomacy, but I honestly don't think that works with these regimes (as evidenced by NK constantly expanding its arsenal).
  14. on any other election i would’ve bet (but never more than a grand). but this election was too risky/unpredictable to drop money on tbh.
  15. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    9k lana fans were Trump supporters? Jesus, that’s more than i expected.
  16. we’ll probably have a stronger relationship with S. Korea under Biden, signalling a stronger presence of allied troops in the South China Sea. NK was excited over Trump’s refusal to back the SK govt, something i think Biden would quickly change. I think the best course of action is to invest in our military in expanding and building upon the anti-missile system (that is currently shoddy at best). if we can get that technology to have a 99% success rate in shooting down missiles over the pacific ocean when they’re headed to the US, NK loses a lot of credibility.
  17. is it confirmed she’s only doing American classics? Damn, i would’ve killed for some Beatles songs...(Dear Prudence, While My Guitar Gently Weeps).
  18. tbh I say we play dirty and appoint the republican senators of LA, NC, and MT to cabinet positions; and have the democrat state governors of those states appoint a democratic senator to replace that seat hehehe
  19. thank u thank u thank u! also, i want to pick your polisci brain on an idea i had, and wether its a possibility for Biden: Should the Democrats lose control of the Senate, could Biden appoint Republican senators from states with Democratic governors into his cabinet and then have the governors of those states appoint a democratic senator in their place, ensuring an interim Dem majority to pass some progressive legislation through?
  20. 7 Stages of grief: 1. Shock and Denial (“voter fraud”) 2. Anger (Donald slamming his golf equipment against the ground) 3. Being removed from the White House by. Secret Service 4. Escorted to trial by SDNY 5. Cellmates with Ghislaine Maxwell 6. Framing your children for your crimes 7. Dying in jail
  21. “Unknown student [me] begins relationship with newly divorced Melania Trump. She has moved him into Mar-a-Lago after winning it in the divorce”
  22. oh fun fact i just read in a golfing magazine. Joe Biden has the best handicap (6.3) of any president since Kennedy. Trump can’t even get a small W today (good).
  23. Trump has just left the White House (to go golfing). thank you!! that honestly means a lot <3
  24. true. this is also the last excuse networks have to milk their ULTIMATE cash cow before he disappears...Donald Trump (that they claim to hate so much).
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