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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Just west of the border of Monaco and France, where my grandmother lived at the end of her life (and where her summer house, now in disrepair, still stands) What is a totally irrational pet peeve of yours?
  2. Updates: Katy Perry, Octavia Spencer, and Jay Leno (lmao) have publicly supported Ellen, while others (including ex-DJ tWitch have come out against her). She has vowed to keep her show going thru 2022/23. Advertisers are not expected to boycott her show over the allegations--however if her viewing numbers dramatically decrease, they will leave Personally: if Jay Leno ever vouches for you, that pretty much proves you're a pretty scummy person lol
  3. As someone of partial Jewish and Middle Eastern descent, this makes me extremely happy—and I hope that he Middle East Will once again look like the secular modern states that my grandparents told me about in the 60s and 70s in my lifetime.
  4. Israel and the UAE have entered a diplomatic agreement—in which Israel will no longer annex (read: colonize) the West Bank, and both countries will have peaceful relations. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/us/politics/trump-israel-united-arab-emirates-uae.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage A move in the right direction for ME peace (imo)...sadly Trump supporters will see it as a Trump Admin win tho
  5. Mer

    Zella Day

    I heard someone say something about contact negotiations or something? I hope it worked out for her in the end, and she's getting paid what she deserves
  6. Mer

    Do you own a...

    yes we have a giant globe that doubles as a bar cart in my parents house hehe do you own an heirloom that has been in your family for multiple generations?
  7. Does anyone think Biden can take Florida? I’ve heard Florida is lovely to have in Nov. It’ll give us an early night.
  8. Srsly drop it. This back and forth is not civil nor is either party learning anything from this. I know it’s frustrating when someone has a “holier-than-thou” attitude, but let’s remember this is LanaBoards, not the Treaty of Versailles.
  9. Let’s try and get back on topic. Debating the benefits of capitalism vs. communism is not what this election is about (and a change so drastic in America will not happen in our lifetimes most likely—better or worse). Historically a VP has not had much effect on a presidential candidates electability, and it likely won’t change this election. But 538 released their 2020 electoral predictions and Biden has 71 paths to the WH, whereas Trump has 29. For reference, I believe Clinton had 63 paths in 2016.
  10. Can we go 24hrs without conspiracy theories of ppl “playing” other ppl this week?
  11. @@AlexParliament I agree with everything you say, but I also think it's important not to drown out the voices of those how are hurt, wrongly imprisoned, and marginalized by our current political system by shouting "IT'LL BE BETTER THAN TRUMP" whenever they chose to voice their very real and important concerns (not that you are the one doing that, or I'm trying to scold you, just as a kind of general PSA )
  12. I agree. Altho I do support the current Democratic Party for the most part (and the "establishment dems"), I do think that the two party system is failing us greatly. The two parties we have now were never meant to be "right-wing and left-wing". The Republican platform was on preserving and strengthening the republic, and thus the individual will flourish; and the Democratic platform was on preserving and strengthening each individual, and the society will flourish. These parties not only no longer represent what they used to, we've evolved past the need for them. The US needs a system more like Canada's, in which there are four parties--left, centre-left, centre-right, and right-wing. It's gonna take a lifetime to get there though :/
  13. Violet Bent Backwards Over Grass
  14. Mer

    Rate The Avatar Above You

    10 an iconic photo! and such a kind user too
  15. Trump is already saying Kamala is "known as one of the most liberal people in the senate"...lmaooo what? Who's gonna believe that? Bernie?! Warren?! tons of senators much more liberal than Kamala. His only other gripe about her is that she "treated Justice Kavanaugh horribly"... Right, Trump, God forbid we put a woman who holds r*pists accountable in charge of our country right? Smh
  16. I meant that Trump is the conservative, whereas Biden would be the progressive candidate in relation.
  17. Kamala is a genius choice tbh. She’s a tough as nails prosecutor, which makes it hard for Trump to play the “law and order” card now. The Biden ticket is now the peace candidate, the progressive candidate, the economy candidate, the virus response candidate, and the law and order candidate. More so, no one can accuse either biden or Harris as being “socialists”. Checkmate. What’s trump gonna run on now?
  18. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Wow okay I would’ve never know the context behind that pic if it weren’t for this thread? Why wouldn’t she caption it?!
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53739323 It’s kamala
  20. As the NYT reports, Biden has chosen the VP. He will announce tomorrow or Thursday.
  21. Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris tbh are my first choices. I will be excited to vote for either of them, but anyone else I’ll vote for Biden reluctantly. However, Trump probably has a lot of dirt on anyone Biden may pick at this point. Well have to see if Biden can ride out his “do nothing” strategy until November. Trump isn’t gaining in the polls yet, but he’s stabilized.
  22. One of the only movies from my generation that I think will be regarded as a "classic", they way we see Breakfast at Tiffany's or To Catch a Thief today
  23. Oop this is controversial. (I agree on LFL tho)
  24. Lots of Andy Williams and Shirley Bassey!!! Where Do I Begin, Yesterday When I Was Young, Abraham Martin and John
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